Bayou Health Reporting

Report Information

Document ID:351

Document Name:Behavioral Health Member Satisfaction Survey

Version Date: 11/09/2017

Reporting Frequency:Annual

Deliverable Type: Text Document

Report Due Date:June 30th

Subject Matter:OBH Quality

Document Type: Free FormTemplate

Information to be completed by the Health Plan

Health Plan ID:[Health Plan ID]

Health Plan Name:[Health Plan Name]

Health Plan Contact:[Contact Person's Name]

Health Plan Contact Email:[Contact Email]

Report Period Start Date:[Start Date]

Report Period End Date: [End Date]

Date Completed: [Today's Date]

(This document can be submitted in any format. However, the document must contain the required information in the definition section of this document, if applicable).

Definitions and Instructions:

The health plans’ vendor shall perform a LDH-approved behavioral health survey to be standardized across health plans.

Target Population:

For adults, the target population includes members age 18 or older with a behavioral health diagnosis that have been enrolled with the health plan for 6 consecutive months or longer, with no more than one 30-day break in enrollment, and who have received 1 or more specialized behavioral health services in the past 6 months.

For children the target population includes members age 17 or younger with a mental health diagnosis that have been enrolled with the health plan for 6 consecutive months or longer, with no more than one 30-day break in enrollment, and who have received 1 or more mental health services in the past 6 months; children who received any substance use services shall be excluded from the target population.

For the purpose of this survey, an “adult” is defined as an individual age 18 years or older as of January 1 of the current year and a “child” is defined as an individual age 17 or younger; the health plan shall distribute the appropriate version of the survey to members based on this definition.

Sample Size: The sample size must be between 1,650 and 2,000 members for each survey in order to attain a response set of 411 for each distinct survey (child and adult).

Survey Methodology: The survey method to be employed consists of a mixed mode strategy, using a three mail phase administration. The health plans’ vendor shall administer the survey beginning the 3rd week in January. The 2nd mail administration to non-responders shall occur within 4-5 weeks of the initial administration, with the 3rd mail administration to non-responders occurring within 3-4 weeks of the 2nd mail administration.The survey must be made available in alternate languages to non-English speaking members, based on contract requirements.

The health plan shall stratify survey data by age, gender, race, and ethnicity, upon request from LDH.

The health plan shall not modify the survey questions as reflected in the LDH-issued survey tool without prior written approval from LDH.

RFP Reference: Quality Management (