CM-333 Mechanical, Electrical & Plumbing Systems

South DakotaStateUniversity

Instructor: Pat Pannell

Engineering Technology & Management Department

Office:Solberg HallSSO 202, Box 2223, Brookings, SD 57007

Phone:(970) 214-5167


Conference Hours: Schedule posted in D2L

below “Syllabus” as

“Course Activity Schedule”

Summer 2010 Syllabus


The study of mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems, design considerations, and system components in a modern building. P, junior standing, CM 232, CM 216


Mechanical-Electrical Academic Consortium. Mechanical and Electrical Systems for Construction Managers, American Technical Publishers, [ISBN: 978-0-8269-9360-1]


Class will be conducted entirely using Desire to Learn (D2L) courseware. An internet connection will be required to access course materials, research assignments, produce and upload reports, and take quizzes and exams. If you are unfamiliar with D2L, please contact SDSU Instructional Technologies Support Desk at (605) 688-6776. You can also register for D2L 101 by following the links from the SDSU home page or at The student is required to login to the course at least once per week.


You need to be able to send email, post messages, upload attached documents, and have some capability in internet search. There are links on the SDSU WebCT site that can assist you in assessing your readiness for this course format.

Course Goals & Objectives:

Students will understand the fundamentals of the mechanical, electrical and plumbing installations of a building project and how they relate to the remainder of the building process. The student will master the fundamentals of design to achieve a level of understanding of the function of these scopes of work.


Course grades will be based on the following system (approximate):


Written Assignments33%


See the “Course Activities Schedule” in D2L, under the syllabus, for course requirements to determine the subject of the lecture, the assignments for future class, the assignments due on each class date, and the breakdown of the total points for the course. The dates of the quizzes will be noted in the “Course Activities Schedule” also. All assignments are to be downloaded to D2L by the assigned date and all quizzes are to be taken on D2L on the assigned date.


Information gathering course activities:

There are a series of reading assignments, written assignments, and quizzesevaluated for points toward your final grade. Accuracy in meeting assignment requirements and timely submission will be the primary criteria used for evaluation.

The basic responsibility parameters of the course are as follows:

  1. All assignments, as detailed in the course activity schedule, must be submitted or the student will fail the course.
  2. All assignments are to be submitted to the drop-box on D2L or the student will fail the course.
  3. Assignments must be submitted on time as detailed by the course activity schedule or they will be penalized 10% of their value for every day they are late.
  4. All examinations or quizzes will be taken on D2L on the date detailed in the course activity schedule. The student will have approximately 24 hours to take the exam within the set time period. If the student does not take the exam, a retake will be totally up to the discretion of the instructor.

IMPORTANT: This course has a set schedule, students must place their assignments in the drop box in accordance with the schedule or earlier, and take the quizzes on the scheduled day.

ACADEMIC Dishonesty:

You have an obligation to yourself and a responsibility to your current or future employer to take full advantage of this learning opportunity. An important part of learning is to actively and positively participate in the class. Chronic problems with timely assignment submission, threaded discussion postings, or aberrant behavior will have a detrimental effect on your grade.

Academic dishonesty means submitting other people’s work as your own, failing to give attribution to a source, and/or otherwise deliberately deceiving the instructor. Any problems will be dealt with under the guidelines established by the University in the Student Policy Manual.

Note: It is the policy of South DakotaStateUniversity to enable all persons to participate in the academic environment on an equal basis. If you have any special needs with regards to access to media or any other part of the course, please contact the Office of Disability Services. The Office of Disability Services is located in 110 West Hall. To schedule an appointment, call (605) 688-4504 and ask to speak with Nancy Hartenhof-Crooks, Coordinator of Disability Services.