31/5/2015 Little Tern 2Lossie estuary David Main
31/5/2015Barnacle Goose 1,Pink-footed Goose 1 Findhorn Bay (at river mouth) Roy Dennis
31/5/2015(07:00-08:00)Great Skua 1,Manx Shearwater 5,Gannet 111,Fulmar 15,Razorbill 580,Guillemot 65,Puffin 1,Common Scoter 39,Red-throated Diver 2 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
30/5/2015Peregrine 1Grangegreen (Forres) Andy Smith
30/5/2015Black-tailed Godwit 1 Findhorn Bay (at Mosset Burn NJ0461) Roy Dennis
30/5/2015Knot 1Lossie estuary David Main
Knot at the Lossie estuary, 30 May 2015 (David Main)
30/5/2015Canada Goose 11 Findhorn Bay David Main, Jimmy Mair
30/5/2015Gadwall 4,Wigeon 4,White Wagtail 1 Spey estuary Martin Cook
29/5/2015White Wagtail 1 Spey estuary Martin Cook
29/5/2015(19:00)Broad-billed Sandpiper 1 Findhorn Bay Andy Smith
29/5/2015 (17:00)Broad-billed Sandpiper 1,Ringed Plover 845,Dunlin 274,Knot 9,Sanderling 3,Turnstone 1 Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
29/5/2015(12:30)Broad-billed Sandpiper1,Ringed Plover 770, Findhorn Bay Martin Cook, Andy Williams, Richard Rafe
29/5/2015Wheatear 2 (females) Findhorn dunes Martin Cook
29/5/2015 (early morning)Broad-billed Sandpiper 1,Ringed Plover 1200, Dunlin 600,Sanderling 6 Findhorn Bay (with large flock of Ringed Plovers and Dunlin) Roy Dennis
28/5/2015(17:15-18:15)Razorbill 93,Kittiwake 705,Gannet 396,Fulmar 18 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Bob Proctor
28/5/2015Ringed Plover 63,Little Tern 1Lossiemouth east beach Margaret Sharpe
27/5/2015Ringed Plover 1017,Dunlin 472,Sanderling 8,Whimbrel 2,Turnstone 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
27/5/2015Little Tern 1,Ringed Plover 48Lossie estuary David Main
Little Tern and Ringed Plover, Lossie estuary 27 May 2015 (David Main)
27/5/2015Goosander 41,Ringed Plover 23 Spey estuary Martin Cook
27/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 flew over Broadley (Clochan) Martin Cook
27/5/2015Peregrine 1Lossie estuary Robert Carberry
27/5/2015Little Tern 7Lossiemouth east beach Robert Carberry
26/5/2015Gannet 320Burghead Bay (viewed from Findhorn) Richard Somers Cocks
26/5/2015 (17:15-18:15)Manx Shearwater 5,Great Skua 3 past Lossiemouth in 1 hour Duncan Gibson
26/5/2015Glaucous Gull 1(2nd summer)Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson, Jimmy Mair
26/5/2015Ringed Plover 51,Sanderling 2Lossiemouth west beach Margaret Sharpe
25/5/2015Corn Bunting 2 singing Troves (NJ2459) Karen Guthrie
25/5/2015Little Tern 1Lossie estuary Tony Backx
25/5/2015Ringed Plover 112,Dunlin 87,Teal 1,White Wagtail 1 Spey estuary Martin Cook
24/5/2015Garden Warbler 1 (near Crofts Farm),Blackcap 6 singing along River Spey between Aikenway Castle and Arndilly David Law
24/5/2015Tree Pipit 1Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
24/5/2015Little Stint 1,Sanderling 10,Ringed Plover 450+,Dunlin 270+,Turnstone 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Ringed Plovers with Dunlin, and Little Stint with Dunlin, roosting at Findhorn 24 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
24/5/2015Turnstone 1Lossie estuary David Main
Turnstone at the Lossie estuary, 24 May 2015 (David Main)
23/5/2015Grasshopper Warbler 1,Garden Warbler 1 Loch Spynie Margaret & Chris Sharpe, Alison & Frank Ritchie
23/5/2015Sanderling 17Lossiemouth west beach Margaret & Chris Sharp, Alison & Frank Ritchie
23/5/2015Great Northern Diver 2,Red-throated Diver 3 off Findhorn Richard Somers Cocks
23/5/2015 Curlew Sandpiper 1 Findhorn Bay Carol Armour & Neil Sutherland
23/5/2015Greylag Goose 7 Loch Spynie Carol Armour & Neil Sutherland, Sue & Brian Sheldon
23/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 (1st year) Urquhart Bob Johnson, Sheena Nicolson, Martin & Jenny Cook
23/5/2015Iceland Gull 1Balormie pig farm David Main et al.
23/5/2015Whimbrel 1,Peregrine 1 Findhorn Bay David Main, Duncan Gibson, Jimmy Mair
23/5/2015Redstart 1Blacksboat (NJ1838) David Main, Duncan Gibson, Jimmy Mair
23/5/2015Short-eared Owl 1,Black-tailed Godwit 4,Pintail 1 Findhorn Bay Bob Johnson, Sheena Nicolson, Martin & Jenny Cook
23/5/2015Great Northern Diver 1 off Findhorn Bob Johnson, Sheena Nicolson, Martin & Jenny Cook
23/5/2015Black-throated Diver 1 Spey Bay Bob Johnson, Sheena Nicolson, Martin & Jenny Cook
22/5/2015Tree Sparrow 11 (including 1st fledged juvenile) South Darkland David Law
22/5/2015Little Tern 1,Ringed Plover 43,Dunlin 55,Goosander 49 Spey estuary Martin Cook
21/5/2015Spotted Flycatcher 2Lossie Forest David Main
21/5/2015Corn Bunting 3Garmouth (near water tower) Margaret Sharpe
20/5/2015Iceland Gull 1Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) David Main
20/5/2015Little Stint 2, Curlew Sandpiper 1,Ringed Plover c.650,Sanderling 31,Knot 22 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Curlew Sandpiper, and Little Stint with Ringed Plover, Findhorn Bay 20 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
19/5/2015Stonechat 1Daless-Drynachan Gordon Biggs
Stonechat between Daless and Drynachan, 19 May 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
19/5/2015Little Stint 2 Findhorn Bay(early morning) Roy Dennis
19/5/2015Grey Wagtail1 Randolph's Leap Gordon Biggs
Grey Wagtail at Randolph's Leap, 19 May 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
18/5/2015Grey Wagtail 4 (2 adult, 2 juvenile)Gallowhill (Grange) Valerie Sheach Leith
Grey Wagtail juvenile, Gallowhill 18 May 2015 (Valerie Sheach Leith)
18/5/2015Little Stint 1,Ringed Plover 649,Dunlin 631,Knot 151,Sanderling 12,Black-tailed Godwit 9,Bar-tailed Godwit 1 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Little Stint, Findhorn Bay 18 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
18/5/2015Great Northern Diver 1,Velvet Scoter 9Burghead Bay (off Findhorn village) Richard Somers Cocks
Great Northern Diver off Findhorn, 18 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
17/5/2015Spotted Flycatcher 2 pairsBlacksboat-Knockando (along River Spey) Carol Armour & Neil Sutherland
17/5/2015Great Northern Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 7,Gannet 58,Guillemot13,Razorbill 45,Fulmar 7,Shelduck 3 passed Lossiemouth (08:45-09:45) Bob Proctor
16/5/2015Blackcap 1Gallowhill (Grange) Valerie Sheach Leith
16/5/2015Garden Warbler 1,Blackcap 1,Whitethroat 1 River Findhorn (A96 roadbridge area) Mike Crutch
16/5/2015Spotted Flycatcher 2 Loch Spynie David Main
16/5/2015Manx Shearwater 14,Gannet 164,Kittiwake 82,Great Northern Diver 1,Red-throated Diver 2,Razorbill 41,Guillemot 14 passed Lossiemouth (07:05-08:05) Bob Proctor
15/5/2015Cuckoo 1Whiteash Wood (NJ390575) Steve Murkin
15/5/2015Whimbrel 1Lossie estuary David Main
Whimbrel, Lossie estuary 15 May 2015 (David Main)
15/5/2015Gannet 82,Kittiwake 54,Fulmar 13 passed Lossiemouth (30 minutes evening) Bob Proctor
14/5/2015Stonechat 2 (a pair)Cummingston Bob Johnson
Stonechat pair, Cummingston 14 May 2015 (Bob Johnson)
14/5/2015Swift numerous,Sedge Warbler several singingDufftown (Balvenie Distillery) Dave Wheeler
14/5/2015Ringed Plover 900 (Arctic race),Dunlin 600,Black-tailed Godwit 3,Sanderling 2 Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
13/5/2015Sanderling 7Burghead Bob Johnson
Sanderling, Dunlin, Ringed Plover and Turnstone, Burghead 13 May 2015 (Bob Johnson)
13/5/2015Redstart 2 (pair)Elchies Forest David Main
Redstart, Elchies Forest 13 May 2015 (David Main)
13/5/2015GlaucousGull 1 (immature)Kinloss pig farm Roy Dennis
12/5/2015Spotted Flycatcher 1Auchanhandoch (Dufftown NJ3338) Fiona McHugh
12/5/2015Wheatear 5,Whinchat 1 Findhorn Bay (Netherton) Roy Dennis
12/5/2015Black-tailed Godwit 24 Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
12/5/2015Little Tern 2Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
12/5/2015 Black-tailed Godwit8Lossie estuary David Main
Black-tailed Godwits, Lossie estuary 12 May 2015 (David Main)
12/5/2015Cuckoo 1Findrassie Bob Johnson
11/5/2015Wheatear 1, Swift 2Tugnet Keith Paterson
11/5/2015Tree Pipit 2Darnaway Forest (NH9952) Mike Crutch
11/5/2015Spotted Redshank 1 Findhorn Bay (Mosset Burn area) Roy Dennis
11/5/2015Swift 2Burghead Bob Johnson
11/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) David Main
Iceland Gull, Balormie pig farm 11 May 2015 (David Main)
11/5/2015Whitethroat 2Lossie estuary David Main
11/5/2015 (evening)Spotted Redshank 1, Pink-footed Goose 300 Findhorn Bay (Mosset Burn area) David Law
11/5/2015Crossbill 10,Tree Pipit 1 Deer Park woods, Fochabers David Law
11/5/2015Whitethroat 3 (males) Nairn east beach Mike Crutch
10/5/2015 (afternoon)Spotted Redshank 1,Pink-footed Goose 315 Findhorn Bay (Mosset Burn area) Richard Somers Cocks
Spotted Redshank and Pink-footed Geese, Findhorn Bay 10 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
10/5/2015 (morning)Black-tailed Godwit 37,Dunlin 600+,Ringed Plover 300+,Sanderling 11,Knot 25 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
10/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 (1st year)Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Bob Proctor
10/5/2015(morning)Great Northern Diver 6,Gannet 77,Kittiwake 63,Razorbill 34past Lossiemouth in 30 minutes Bob Proctor
9/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 (1st year, perhaps same as Balormie bird)Lossie estuary Henry Farquhar
9/5/2015 Iceland Gull 1 (1st year),Wheatear 1,Shelduck 4Balormie pig farm(NJ2168) Henry Farquhar
9/5/2015Whimbrel 1 Cullen (heard from Caravan Park) David Law
9/5/2015 (11:15)Rough-legged Buzzard 1Cabrach (flew WSW) per Birdguides
9/5/2015Wheatear 1Scarffbanks Gordon Biggs
Wheatear at Scarffbanks, 9 May 2015 (Gordon Biggs)
8/5/2015Cuckoo 2 (males)Beachans (NJ0346) Mike Crutch
8/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 (1st year),White Wagtail 12,Meadow Pipit 6,Shelduck 2Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Bob Proctor
8/5/2015Swift 5 Elgin (west end) David Main
8/5/2015White Wagtail 4Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Robert Carberry
8/5/2015 Cuckoo 1,Wheatear 1Gallowhill (Grange) Valerie Sheach Leith
8/5/2015Yellow Wagtail (flavissima female) 1Garmouth golf course (NJ345648) Martin Cook
8/5/2015White-billed Diver 1 (in breeding plumage) Cullen (off the cliff top Caravan Park NJ517678) Martin Cook
7/5/2015Kingfisher 1 near Kirkhill (Elgin) Ian Green
7/5/2015Barnacle Goose 4,Pink-footed Goose 2500 (Binsnesssaltmarsh),Gadwall 1 (Mosset Burn) Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
7/5/2015Glaucous Gull 1 (1st winter)Kinloss airfield Allan Lawrence
Glaucous Gull at Kinloss, 7 May 2015 (Allan Lawrence)
7/5/2015Glaucous Gull 1 (adult) Spey estuary per Birdguides
7/5/2015Pied Flycatcher 1Tugnet (beside footpath c. 700m south of Dolphin Centre NJ350647) Martin Cook
7/5/2015Shelduck 28Cloddach quarry Mike Murray
7/5/2015White Wagtail 3,Dunlin 8Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Bob Proctor
6/5/2015Goosander 54 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner NJ0262) Gordon McMullins
6/5/2015Whimbrel 3 Findhorn Bay (south end NJ0361) Gordon McMullins
6/5/2015Black-tailed Godwit 45,Goosander 61 Findhorn Bay Roy Dennis
Black-tailed Godwits, Findhorn Bay 6 May 2015 (Gordon McMullins)
6/5/2015Arctic Skua 1 off Findhorn Roy Dennis
6/5/2015Spotted Redshank 1 Findhorn Bay (near Mosset Burn) Richard Somers Cocks
Spotted Redshank in Findhorn Bay, 6 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
6/5/2015Black-tailed Godwit 46,Dunlin 531, Ringed Plover 286,Sanderling 3,Pintail 2 Findhorn Bay (south-east corner) Richard Somers Cocks
Pintail in Findhorn Bay, 6 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
6/5/2015Grey Partridge 2 Findhorn Bay (track at Seafield) Mike Crutch
6/5/2015Goosander 57,Pink-footed Goose 1500 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Mike Crutch
6/5/2015 Little Ringed Plover 2,Dunlin 3,Whooper Swan 1,Shelduck 2,White Wagtail 1Speyslaw (NJ2866) Martin Cook
6/5/2015Black-throated Diver 32,Great Northern Diver 27,Red-throated Diver 12 (and 20-30 other divers too distant to identify with certainty) Spey Bay (west of Boar's Head Rock NJ2768 & 2868) Martin Cook
6/5/2015Iceland Gull 1,Barnacle Goose 1, White Wagtail 7Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Henry Farquhar
6/5/2015 Swift 1 Loch Spynie Gordon Biggs
5/5/2015Shoveler 2 (a pair) Findhorn Bay (on Mosset Burn) Richard Somers Cocks
5/5/2015Cuckoo 1,Tree Pipit 1,crossbill 8Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
5/5/2015Swift 1 Nairn east beach car park Geoff Smith
5/5/2015Black-tailed Godwit 40 Findhorn Bay (south-east corner) Andy Smith
5/5/2015Lesser Black-backed Gull 34 Loch Oire Martin Cook
5/5/2015Long-tailed Duck 1230,Common Scoter 670,Great Northern Diver 6 Spey Bay (off Tugnet NJ3565) Martin Cook
5/5/2015Garden Warbler 1Garmouth viaduct Martin Cook
5/5/2015 Swift 1 Elgin Bob Proctor
4/5/2015 Ptarmigan 2 Ben Rinnes Ian Bailey
4/5/2015 Little Ringed Plover 1,White Wagtail 1 Findhorn Bay (south-west corner) Andy Smith
4/5/2015Swift 1,Wheatear 6Seafield (Findhorn Bay) Andy Smith
4/5/2015 (afternoon)Spotted Redshank 1,Whimbrel 4,Black-tailed Godwit 53,Pink-footed Goose 2000,White Wagtail 5,Wheatear 5 Findhorn Bay (south end) Richard Somers Cocks, Gordon McMullins
Wheatear and Whimbrel, Findhorn Bay 4 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
4/5/2015Blackcap 2Mundole Mike Crutch
4/5/2015Spotted Redshank 1 Findhorn Bay (south end) Allan Lawrence
4/5/2015Osprey 5Lossie estuary Duncan Gibson
4/5/2015 (morning)Black-tailed Godwit 31,Pink-footed Goose c.1200 Findhorn Bay Richard Somers Cocks
Black-tailed Godwits in Findhorn Bay, 4 May 2015 (Richard Somers Cocks)
3/5/2015Cuckoo 1Archiestown Sheena Nicolson
3/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 (juvenile) Loch Oire per Birdguides
3/5/2015 Blackcap 1LogieSteading (NJ0050) Mike Crutch
3/5/2015Iceland Gull 1 (1st winter),Dunlin 7,Ringed Plover 1Balormie pig farm (NJ2168) Bob Proctor
2/5/2015Black-tailed Godwit31 (NJ0561), Greenshank 1 (NJ0462) Findhorn Bay Gordon McMullins
2/5/2015Great Northern Diver 1,Long-tailed Duck c.150,House Martin 6Burghead Alan & Dean MacAskill
2/5/2015Spotted Redshank 1,Black-tailed Godwit 12,Pink-footed Goose c.2000,Pintail 2,Ringed Plover 110,Dunlin 150 Findhorn Bay Alan & Dean MacAskill
2/5/2015White Wagtail2 near Knockando (NJ199411 and NJ191417) Duncan Gibson
2/5/2015Redstart 1 singingKnockando Duncan Gibson
2/5/2015Great Northern Diver 2 Cullen (off Caravan Park) Martin Cook
2/5/2015Grasshopper Warbler 1Spynie canal (NJ233664) Alastair Young
2/5/2015White Wagtail 1Tomnamoon (NJ0449) Mike Crutch
2/5/2015Glaucous Gull 1Lossie estuary David & Carol Shaw
2/5/2015 Iceland Gull 1 (1st winter) Loch Oire David & Carol Shaw
Iceland Gull, Loch Oire 2 May 2015 (David Shaw)
2/5/2015Iceland Gull 2 (adult, 1st winter)Lossie estuary Charlie Gervaise
1/5/2015Corn Bunting 36 Easter Bauds (Mosstodloch) Alastair Young
1/5/2015Glaucous Gull 1 (1st winter),Ringed Plover 41,Goosander 9Lossie estuary Mike Crutch
Glaucous Gull, Lossie estuary 1 May 2015 (Mike Crutch)
1/5/2015Whimbrel 1,Osprey 4 (at the same time),Goosander 14,Red-breasted Merganser 6 Spey estuary Martin Cook
1/5/2015Shelduck 30Cloddach quarry Mike Murray
1/5/2015Cuckoo 1,Sand Martin 15,Snipe 1 Black Loch (Dava) Alison Ritchie
Snipe in the snow at Dava, 1 May 2015 (Alison Ritchie)
1/5/2015Linnet 32Towie Hill wind farm Alex Gordon
1/5/2015Common Tern 8 Spey estuary Keith Paterson
1/5/2015Whimbrel 2 Spey Bay (in field NJ3564) Keith Paterson
1/5/2015Red-legged Partridge 2 Nether Dallachy (by B9104 at cycle track entrance NJ353642) Keith Paterson
31/5/2015 Little Tern 2Lossie Estuary David Main 31/5/2015Barnacle Goose 1,Pink-Footed