Two political science courses count toward the major but do not count toward any area requirements. Both of these courses DO satisfy Core Curriculum requirements. These are as follows:
300 Political Science Research Method. Satisfies QQ Quantitative Reasoning and ITR Information Technology
395 Political Science Seminar. Satisfies WcD Writing in the Discipline
The remaining upper level political science courses count toward the area requirements as follows:
Theoretical Approaches to Politics / American Institutions and Politics / Foreign and International Politics316 / Politics, Literature, and the Arts / 301 / Political Campaigning / 309 / The Politics of Puerto Rican Development
365 / Gender and Political Theory / 302 / American Party Politics / 310 / UK Politics
370 / Topics in Political Theory / 303 / Elections and Participation / 311 / European Politics
371 / Western Tradition: Plato to Machiavelli / 304 / Congressional Politics / 312 / Change in Latin America
372 / Western Tradition: Hobbes to Mill / 305 / Public Policy Formation / 313 / Comparative Political Development of the Far East
373 / Legal Philosophy, Rights, and Justice / 306 / American Presidency / 314 / Sub-Sahara African Policies
374 / Democratic Political Philosophy / 307 / Survey Research / 315 / Politics and Culture
375 / American Political Thought to 1865 / 308 / New Jersey Politics / 317 / Globalization and the Non-Western World
376 / American Political Theory / 326 / American Politics: Executive and Legislative Decision Making / 318 / Comparative Public Policy
377 / Marx and Marxist Thought from 1865 / 329 / Latino Politics in the United States* / 319 / Issues of American Foreign Policy
378 / Theories of the Labor Movement* / 330 / Interest Groups / 320 / Politics and Social Policy: Lessons from Europe21C, SCL
380 / Russian and Central European Political Thought* / 331 / Urban Politics / 321 / Theories of World Politics
388 / Ideologies of the Right* / 332 / Money and Modern America / 322 / Strategy in International Relations
390 / Choice and Strategy in Politics / 333 / Race, Ethnicity and Politics / 323 / Defense Policy
423 / Contemporary Feminist Theory / 334 / Politics of Black America / 324 / Causes of War
471 / Machiavelli and the Renaissance* / 335 / Women and American Politics / 327 / International Political Economy
472 / Religion and Politics / 336 / American Political Movements* / 328 / Caribbean Politics and Development*
473 / Critics of Modernity / 337 / American Political Economy* / 350 / Environmental Politics – United States and International
477 / Critical Theory and Society / 338 / Government and Business / 351 / Contemporary Politics in the Middle East
The following courses WILL NOT COUNT toward the major or minor for students declaring the major or minor after May 2015. / 340 / Law and Society / 352 / Israeli Politics
Classics 190:322 / Greek Political Philosophy / 341 / Public Administration: American Bureaucracy / 353 / Government and Politics of Southeast Asia
History 510:304 / The Rise of the Roman Republic / 342 / Public Administration: Policymaking* / 354 / Southeast Asia in World Affairs
Religion 840:343 / Religion and Politics / 344 / Public Opinion / 356 / Mexican Politics
Religion 840:347 / War, Peace, and Violence in Western Religious Thought / 345 / Mass Media and U.S. Democracy / 357 / Comparative Political Economy
346 / Political Socialization* / 359 / Women & Politics in the Middle East
348 / Psychology and Politics / 361 / International Organizations
349 / Topics in American Politics / 362 / International Law
355 / Women and Public Policy / 363 / Conflict Resolution in World Politics
398 / Washington Summer Internship and Research / 366 / Formulation of American Foreign Policy*
401 / American Constitutional Law I / 368 / Comparative Political Institutions*
402 / American Constitutional Law II / 369 / Topics in World Politics
404 / Politics of Criminal Justice / 381 / Post-Communist Europe
406 / Civil Liberties and Civil Rights / 382 / Foreign Policy of Russia and the East European States
409 / Courts and Public Policy / 383 / Politics of Post-Communist Economic Reforms
410 / Advanced Studies in Law I / 384 / Jewish Politics, Jewish Power
411 / Advanced Studies in Law II / 385 / Arab Politics and Society
412 / Advanced Studies in Law III / 386 / Political Change in China
426 / Gender, Public Policy, and Law / 387 / Politics and Culture in Greece and the Balkans
428 / The Practice of Politics / 389 / Topics in Comparative Politics
429 / Processes of Politics / 418 / Democracy and Markets in Latin America*
437 / Politics of American Capitalism* / 419 / Research Seminar on Causes of War*
438 / Labor and American Politics* / 424 / Gender and Political Economy*
440 / Advanced Studies in American Politics / 450 / Advanced Studies in Comparative Politics*
442 / Political Leadership* / 451 / Critical Perspectives on the Middle East*
494 / Washington Research / 453 / Comparative Political Anthropology*
The following courses WILL NOT COUNT toward the major or minor for students declaring the major or minor after May 2015. / 454 / Political Development of Asia
History 512:400 / History of American Politics / 455 / Culture and Revolution in the Middle East
595:309 / The Politics of Puerto Rican Development / 457 / Islamic Law and Jurisprudence
595:329 / Latino Politics in the United States
The following courses WILL NOT COUNT toward the major or minor for students declaring the major or minor after May 2015.
Geography 450:334 / Western Europe
Religion 840:347 / Western Europe
Several courses count only as electives, including 250-254 (each of 1.5 credits), 481/482 and 488 (internship), and 400 (one credit)
* Course not currently being offered.