Course Orientation

If you registered for BIOL2306, you MUST complete an online course orientation. For Summer 2007, orientation begins on July 7th and ends on July 14th. If you do not complete the orientation by July 14, you will be dropped from the class.Please note that your orientation is NOT considered complete until you have sent me a completed “Student Information Form” (found in the course syllabus) and have received an email confirmation from Dr. Phelps.

To complete the orientation, carefully read the course syllabus available in Blackboard or under “The Living Planet” at my website: After you have read the syllabus, follow these directions for getting started in this distance learning course:

1) You will need a user ID and password to access Blackboard. Blackboard is an online course management system used to deliver content and services for ACC courses. You are automatically signed up at the beginning of the semester. You can sign in from the ACC main web page ( the link is in the lower right corner of the screen. Click on the “Login” button, then read the instructions “Students – How to log in” and use the link on the same page to read about the new ACCeID. If you cannot access Blackboard after doing this, please email me.

Check your email address in Blackboard under Personal Information during the first week of class and use the process described above to change it if necessary. I send out several emails each semester through Blackboard to correct errors or change deadlines. If you miss course information or announcements because your email address is not correct in Blackboard I will not make any allowances for whatever problem ensues.

Distance Learning courses require good time management skills and self-motivation for successful completion. There is a whole section of ACC’s web site devoted to Distance Learning. You can find this information at

PCM courses require students to have Internet access and email to complete coursework online. Students may use their own computers or the Computer Labs on campus. This course uses Blackboard to access most of the course materials including streamed videos.

If this is your first distance learning course you should read the information posted at

and also complete the technical skills checklist at

Complete the learning style assessment at

and complete DL 101 Passport to Success at

2. Fill out the Student Information Form at the end of the syllabus and email it to me at:

AND at . Make sure that the email address that you give on this form matches that listed in Blackboard, and make sure that you let me know on this form at which ACC testing center you want to take the six unit exams.

3. Purchase the BIOL2306 Study Manual at an ACC Bookstore

OR download it from the ACC Biology website: under “Lab Manuals and Study Guides”.

4. Follow the online tutorials for the use of Blackboard:

Getting Started

  • How to log into Blackboard
  • Can't login?
  • Where are all my courses?

Using Blackboard

  • Posting to a Discussion Board

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I log into Blackboard?
  • How do I change my password?
  • I forgot my password; what do I do?
  • What if I have problems logging in?
  • Why don't I see all of my courses?
  • How do I change my e-mail?
  • How do I get my e-mail to display?
  • What if I'm locked out of a quiz?
  • How do I check my grades?
  • Where can I download programs?
  • Can I get a virus from Blackboard?
  • I'm using Windows Vista and I don't see a text box to type in.