3 Written Assessment
Assessment Title / Individual Written TaskTask Description
Assignment Task
Camel Milk Victoria ( has recently expanded its capacity to market its products in Australia and overseas. As a part of this, you are to prepare
a five-year marketing plan.
- Similar examples are available in your textbook and unit Moodle site, where you will find some guidelines about how to prepare a marketing plan. You will also be guided by
- your lecturer and/or tutor.
- Each assessment should be uploaded as a .doc or .docx file (word file).
- The word count between executive summary and conclusion should not exceed 3000 words.
- The "turnitin" matching ratemust not exceed 30%otherwise, there will be a penalty. The unit coordinator will decide about the nature of this penalty.
- Please familiarize yourself with the policies, such as assessment extension, late submission penalty and the like.
- If you have any difficulty, please discuss this with your lecturer/tutor and unit coordinator.
Assessment Due Date / Week 12 Friday (07-Oct-2016) 05:00 PM AEST
Return Date to Students / Exam Week Friday (21-Oct-2016)
Weighting / 40%
Assessment Criteria
Marking Criteria
- Title pages: {Page 1 - completed marking criteria sheet as the top sheet. Page 2 - your name, student ID, names of the lecturer and tutor, unit code and title,
- date of submission and word count. Page 3 - table of contents} --- 01 marks.
- Executive summary (four paragraphs or one page - summarizing the whole report) --- 02 marks.
- Background (briefly write about the company, products, visions and mission, and current marketing objectives) --- 02 marks.
- Situation analysis (market summary including market demography and demand analysis, marketing environment/SWOT analysis, current competition, competitors' marketing
- promotional budget and sales analysis for similar and competing products, target market and market positioning analysis) --- 15 marks.
- Marketing promotion objectives and strategies --- 10 marks.
- Media and budget allocation --- 05 marks.
- Conclusion, correct writing style & format, expression & language, citations & references etc. --- 05 marks.
- Please cite and reference relevant data and information, where applicable. We expect authentic citations/references for GDP data, per capita income, sales data, demographic data,
- For media and budget allocation related data and information, data relevant to developing BCG matrix, industry sales - competitors' sales/market share, PLC related data,
you simply write “source: hypothetically prepared for this assignment task only”. Please remember that the data/info that is readily available on the Web or in other published
resources cannot be hypothetically developed/assumed for the purpose of this assessment.
Referencing Style / American Psychological Association (APA)