Text for Reading and Listening and Tests for Them 5 – 7 Forms Text for Reading and Listening and Tests for Them 5 – 7 Forms

3.Try to guess what situation is closely connected with the text:

a) We have many pets at home. We take care of them: walk and feed them; wash and treat hem wten they are ill. All of us are glad to have them at home.

b) I have a parrot at home. I like it very much. I speak with it, spend all my free time at the cage with my pet. But my mother doesn't like it very much because of dirt and noise of my parrot.

c) I want to have a pet at home. But I don't know what it is. I go to the pet-shop every week and try to choose the animal. I have cnogh money but I haven't decided what to buy.

4. Try to answer these guestions:

a) If you have a pet at home and your parentsare against it.

- Where in the flat/house does your pet live?

- How do you calm your parents when your pet has done something wrong?

- Do you take care of your pet your self?

b) If your parents agree to have a pet at home.

- Who takes the pet home?

- Does the pet miss the members of your family if you aren’t in?

- Who takes care of the pet more in your family?

5. Put down the negative and interrogative forms of these sentences?

a) We have white mice, a hedgehog in the house.

b) My sister is a house-wife.

c) He wants to have a rabbit.

6. Imagine, you are Benny’s mother or father. What would you do when your son wants to have many pets at home.

a)They boy sat down on the ______. (door, floor)

b)The viewers sat very ______. (still, hill)

c)Pete put his ______clown shoe on his ______foot. (write, right)

  1. Make up your own situation, use the words above.


  1. Unknown words:

to have a bite – перехопити;

to hurry up –поспішити;

to wonder –дивуватись;

chop – відбивна з телятини;

mustard – гірчиця.

  1. Read (Listen to) the dialogue and try to understand the main idea of it.

- I think, it`s high time to have a bite. I`m hungry.

- So am I. I see you are ready to go down to the canteen. I`m just finishing this article. Will you wait a minute, please?

- Yes, hurry up, then.

- I wanted, if there is anything to your taste on the menu.

- Oh, yes, all kinds of things. Let`s have some soup.

- I don`t think, I`ll have any soup today. I`d like some salad to begin with.

- Will you have mixed salad, chops and mashed potatoes?

- Yes, of course. What do you say to a glass of lemonade?

- No, lemonade, thanks. I prefer a glass of soda-water or just a cup of tea.

- All right. Tea then. Will you pass me the mustard, please?

- Here you are. As for me, I never take mustard or pepper.