
Outline for Theme Essay

I. Introduction

I. Attention-getter: (This can be an anecdote, or a quotation)

2. General Fillers: (Name the title of the story, author of the story, and a brief summary/gist of the story (TAG). Discuss the conflict(s) in the story and how they affect the characters.)

3. Thesis: (What is your theme? How will you prove it?)

II. Body Par. #1 Topic Sentence: (What is the paragraph going to discuss? Introduce the topic of the entire paragraph.)

1. First detail:

2. Quote you will use: (Do not forget to cite this source parenthetically!)

3. Significance of the quote:

4. Second detail:

5. Quote to be used: (Do not forget to introduce your quote!) (Do not forget to cite this quote parenthetically!)

6. Significance of the quote:

7. Concluding Sentence

III. Body Par. #2 Topic Sentence: (What is the paragraph going to discuss? Discuss another topic that will support your theme.)

1. First detail:

2. Quote you will use: (Do not forget to cite this source parenthetically!)

3. Significance of the quote:

4. Second detail:

5. Quote to be used: (Do not forget to introduce your quote!) (Do not forget to cite this quote parenthetically!)

6. Significance of the quote:

7. Concluding Sentence

IV. Body Par. #3 Topic Sentence: (What is the paragraph going to discuss?)

1. First detail:

2. Quote you will use: (Do not forget to cite this source parenthetically!)

3. Significance of the quote:

4. Second detail:

5. Quote to be used: (Do not forget to introduce your quote!) (Do not forget to cite this quote parenthetically!)

6. Significance of the quote:

7. Concluding Sentence

V. Conclusion Paragraph

Sentence One: Restate your thesis in other words:

Sentences Two and Three: Summarize what your reader should have learned and why it is important.

Sentence Four: Write a Clincher: For example, Patrick Henry used "Give me liberty or give me death!" Now write your own.

NOW PRINT YOUR OUTLINE AND TURN IT IN TO ME!!! I must preview your outline before you continue writing your paper.

Do not forget to write a Works Cited page.