Welcome to Algebra! Algebra is the first mathematics course in the high school. The fundamental purpose of this course is to formalize and extend the mathematics that students learned in the middle grades.

The following details classroom procedures, required materials, and grading policy for this year’s course:


3 ring binder with 4 tab sections

Notebook paper

Graph paper


TI-84+ or TI-83+ graphing calculator (required on Regents)

Students are expected to bring their agenda, binder, calculator, and writing utensils to class everyday. You will not be allowed to go back to your locker to get materials.


Each student is to keep an organized 3 ring binder throughout the school year.

Divide the notebook into the following four sections, in the order listed:

  1. Class Notes. The first item in this section will be this sheet, your syllabus.
  2. Daily Homework. Should be in order and completed.
  3. Tests and Quizzes. The corrected test and/or quizzes for each unit in order.
  4. Loose-leaf paper and graph paper.

Classroom Procedures and Policies

  • When the bell rings, students should be in their assigned seats ready to start class.
  • Completed homework should be on your desk and the new assignment written in your agenda.
  • Students will remain in their seats until dismissed by the teacher.

Classroom Rules

  1. Be Respectful.
  2. Be Responsible.
  3. Be Resourceful.

Class Discipline

  1. Warning and discussion with student.
  2. Assign ELT and/or call home.
  3. Assign Detention and call home.
  4. Behavior Referral sent to Main Office.

Grading Policy

Averages are based on the following:

Cumulative Chapter Tests: 50%

Daily Homework: 20%

Quizzes and Graded Assignments: 30%

This course will conclude with a NYS Common Core Regents examination in June. This exam is a high school graduation requirement and counts as 20% of the overall course grade.

Homework Policy

Homework will be given daily.

Homework is expected to be complete at the beginning of the period, not the end of the day.

Homework may be checked for completion.

In this case, the student will earn 0, 1, or 2 points.

  • 2 pts: Homework is completed and legible
  • 1 pt: Homework is incomplete (at least half of the assignment is done)
  • 0 pts: Homework is not done, is illegible, or no work is shown.

Homework that is collected will be graded on accuracy. Students will know in advance if an assignment is to be collected.

I do NOT accept late assignments!

Homework Passes

Every quarter, each student will be given 2 homework extension passes. These passes will entitle the student to hand in a homework assignment the following day. Homework passes expire at the end of each quarter.

Extra Credit – Test Corrections

Test corrections are the ONLY form of extra credit

Test corrections may be completed ONCE per quarter

Written corrections explaining how to do the entire problem correctly in complete sentences.

You can earn up to ½ your points back depending on how good the corrections are.


Absence from class, for any reason, DOES NOT excuse you from material and work covered.

Ifyou are absent from class, obtain copies of the Notes and HW missed as SOON as you enter the classroom. It is YOUR responsibility to turn in all homework owed.

If you missed a test or quiz, you will make it up the next day.

If you are absent during review for a test, you will still be required to take the test on the scheduled day.

If you are absent due to a music lesson, field trip, or situation that you are aware of in advance, please notify your teacher a day ahead.

Extra Help

Do NOT wait until the day before a test to ask for extra help. Ask as soon as you are having difficulty.

Questions are important. Take advantage of homework time during class to get your questions clarified.

I am available for extra help during study hall and ELT every day. To come during study hall, get a signed pass during class.

Contact Information

Mrs. Jamesson

Room 333


MS Office Phone: (716) 687-2452

Voicemail: (716) 687-2490 mailbox #1173

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I would like to take this time to introduce myself to you as your child’s math teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. I am looking forward to working with your child this year and working cooperatively with you to make it a successful and enjoyable year!

In order for your child to be successful, he/she must:

Attend class every day

Complete daily homework

Keep a neat and organized notebook

Purchase a TI-84+ or TI-83+ graphing calculator as soon as possible. If this is not possible, please contact me as soon as possible. Students may be able to borrow one from the school.

As a parent/guardian, you can monitor your child’s progress by:

Verifying completion of daily homework assignments

Helping to ensure organization of notebook

Contacting us if any questions/problems should arise

Reviewing the attached sheet carefully with your child, signing the bottom of this sheet, and having your child return it to me tomorrow.

As your child’s teacher, I will:

Keep grades updated in the Parent Portal

Monitor completion of daily homework assignments

Offer extra help during study hall and ELT.

Maintain close contact with you should any concerns arise

Answer any questions you may have

Thank you for your support in taking an active role in your child’s education.


Erin Jamesson


I have read the attached information and understand the classroom policies and grading policies.

Student’s Name (print) ______Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Name (print) ______Signature ______

Contact Information

Parent’s Email: ______

Home Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______

Work Number: ______Best Time to Call: ______

Describe any important information that might be needed when calling home or work.


Algebra 1