3-D ArtI Course Syllabus: 2015-2016

Instructor: Jennifer Tonkins

Room: 3029B


Planning: 2ndblock

Supply list:

sketchbook: 8 ½” x 11” spiral with at least 50 pages

pocket folder to store hand-outs in

Course description:

3-D Art is an art class where student will explore and create functional and decorative works of art in a wide range of materials with an emphasis on design skills and craftsmanship. Metal, fiber, clay, paper, glass, jewelry, and assemblage are some of the areas that will be explored. Students will also be introduced to the basic techniques needed to create sculptures and ceramics in a studio environment. The study of three-dimensional design, as seen through history and world cultures, will be included.

Honorable Efforts

Students are expected to do work that reflects honest effort and personal, independent thinking. Incidents of cheating will result in notification of parents, assistant principal, and guidance counselor.

Make-up Work

It is the responsibility of the student to find out what assignments were missed and to make arrangements to make up the missed work. All make-up must be completed in an appropriate amount of time. I (the teacher) stay late most days. Students can use this opportunity to stay after school to make up missing work, to get ahead, or to receive more individualized instruction. The student must arrange for an appointment with the teacher ahead of time and arrange for transportation home.

Tentative Schedule

-Tape Sculptures: clear packing tape

-Art Literacy and Visual Theory (Part I): Elements of Design, Presentation and Test

-Shape to Form sculpture: cardboard, tag board, papier mache, acrylic paint

-Basic Ceramics Presentation and Test

-Coil Pots: clay

-Anthropomorphic Pots: clay

-Art Literacy and Visual Theory (Part II): Principles of Design, Presentation and Test

-Self-portrait busts: plaster gauze, burlap

-Egg Baskets: wooden hoops and reeds

-Slab Boxes: clay

-Stabiles: foam core, spray paint


Sketchbooks will be worked on both in and outside of class, and they will be graded per entry. Entries will include class exercises, specific assignments, art history research, and design plans for projects.


The grading scale for assignments will be the same grading scale used by BCPS.

Except for tests and other written assignments, I do not assess by using percentages or points. Art projects/visual assignments will be given letter grades: A+, A, A-, B+,B, B-, etc.

“A” grade: excellent work – excellent skill, design, or concept.

“B” grade: good work – good skill, design, or concept.

“C” grade: average work – average skill, design, or concept.

“D” grade: below average work – below average skill, design, or concept.

“F” grade: incomplete or un-attempted work.

The three “C”s of Grading Art – general rubric

Craftsmanship – skill, accuracy, attention to detail, neatness, proper construction.

Composition – design, visual arrangement of parts within a picture.

Creativity – concept, originality of idea, depth of meaning, ambition.

A “0” grade will be given for any assignment that is not turned in, or for an assignment that does not have the student’s name on it. As soon as the assignment is turned in, the “0” grade will be replaced with the new grade.

Grade appropriation:

Formative (40%) – participation, clean-up, sketchbook, tests/quizzes, activities.

Summative (60%) – projects, some lengthy activities.

Behavioral Expectations

Readiness – as you enter class, store backpacks on wooden shelf or under tables, get your materials out, sit in your assigned seat and get working. Look at the screen or board for specific instructions.

Preparation – bring required materials and sketchbook to class every day. Keep hand-outs in your folder. Be prepared for quizzes, when given. Have assignments at a level of completion so that they can be turned in on time.

Effort – come to class with a positive attitude and an open mind. Be willing to learn new information and new skills. Be willing to try something new, even if it’s a little scary at first. Be willing to ask for help, accept help, and be willing to offer help to fellow classmates. Take the initiative to stay after school to make up missing work or to receive individual help from the teacher.

Care – Act responsibly with materials, tools, equipment, and others’ art work. Clean up work area and contribute to the order of the classroom. No food or drinks are allowed in class, as they can potentially damage art work. Eating and drinking can also serve as a distraction toward focusing your energy and attention on your work. All food and drink must be stored in your backpack or otherwise you’ll have to throw it away.

Safety – Understand that all art materials, tools, and equipment, when used incorrectly, can pose danger to your health and to the health of others. Use art materials only for their intended purposes. There is to be no running, playing, or “scuffling around” in class. This is not only very distracting but could cause someone to get hurt. If you spill water or paint on the floor, please clean it up so that no one slips and falls.

Respect – Treat others the way you would like to be treated. Exercise good manners toward teacher and fellow classmates.

Expectations for the teacher

To treat all students fairly and equally.

To treat students with patience and kindness.

To respect each student as a unique individual.

To push students so that they may reach their highest potential.

To be helpful/to find ways to help you succeed in class.

To provide a positive and environment that promotes inspiration and creativity.

To maintain an environment that is safe and functional.

To attend class.


It is expected that students should try to visit the restroom between classes, and as little as possible during class time. If a student truly needs to use the restroom, they must ask for permission to go and take a pass. Only one student is allowed to use the restroom at a time. If I suspect that a student is abusing his/her restroom visit, then I reserve the right to refuse or delay the student from going.

Disciplinary Consequences and Procedures


Students will only be permitted to use cell phones in class for taking pictures and researching information on the internet. If a student is caught talking or texting on their cellphone, the cellphone will be confiscated and given to an administrator.

IPODS/MP3 Players

Students will not be permitted to use IPODS or MP3 players in class. IPODS and MP3 players should be kept invisible and inaudible, or they will be confiscated and given to the student at the end of class, or to an administrator if this is a recurring problem.


Students will not be permitted to wear hats and backpacks during class. Backpacks should be placed on the wooden shelves or under the tables, and hats should not be visible. Students can store their hats in their backpacks. Hats will be confiscated and given to the student at the end of class, or to an administrator if this is a recurring problem.


A discipline referral will be issued for every fourth unexcused tardy.

A student who is tardy to 1st period class, must first report to the Attendance Office to receive a tardy slip. The student will present the 1st period teacher with the slip, containing the correct date and time.


Afternoon detention will be issued to a student who is consistently unprepared, who doesn’t follow directions, shows little effort, is off-task, socializes too much, talks too much or too loudly, talks or makes noise while the teacher is talking/instructing, distracts other students from learning and performing, refuses to clean up or clean up properly, or leaves class without permission. Detention will be served from 3:45 – 4:45 with Ms. Tonkins in the art room (3029). During detention, the student will perform cleaning tasks, which may include: washing tools and equipment; scrubbing sinks, counters, cabinets, tables, and chairs; and, sorting and organizing papers and materials. The parent will be contacted when the detention is issued to discuss the student’s behavior and to arrange for the detention appointment. A discipline referral will be issued for any student who skips detention.


A student will be sent to the Office when his or her behavior in class is argumentative, rude, or intolerable. A student may also be sent to the Office if the student has been told in class that they have earned a detention for their behavior, but he/she continues to misbehave. If the student refuses to walk to the Office on his/her own, security will be contacted to the escort the student.


-Refusing to give cell phone to teacher when asked.

-On the fourth tardy.

-Receiving three detentions.

-Skipping detention, leaving detention early, or not fulfilling detention tasks.

-Skipping class.

-Throwing/abusing materials, tools, or equipment.


-Showing disrespect toward teacher or fellow student, through name calling, directive foul language, verbal or physical or emotional harassment, and threats.


(J. Tonkins: 3-D Art Syllabus)

Please return the bottom part this sheet signed, indicating that you have reviewed this material with your son or daughter.

Student name: ______Student signature:______Date:______

Parent/Guardian signature: ______