1.  ANiC Bishop, the Right Rev. Charlie Masters and Judy – Pray for our new diocesan bishop as he leads ANiC. May God grant him vision, spiritual protection, and spiritual and physical renewal.

2.  AMMiC Bishop, the Right Rev. Stephen Leung and Nona – Pray for discernment, energy and grace as they care for their clergy and congregations. Remember Bishop Stephen and Nona as they mourn the loss of Bishop Stephen`s mother`s on Nov 23, 2014.

3.  AMMiC Dean, the Very Rev. Archie Pell and Caron – Pray for spiritual and physical protection.

4.  AMMiC Clergy – The Rev. Anson Ann, the Rev. Timothy Fong, the Rev. Robert Gomowad, the Rev. William John, the Rev. Marion Karasiuk, the Rev. Paul Leung, the Rev. Tom Lo, the Rev. John McIllmurray, the Rev. Wilson Nazim, the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, the Rev. Phillip Soh, the Rev. Melvin Tai, the Rev. Eric Thurston, the Rev. Shihoko Warren – Pray for spiritual and physical protection and much grace for our clergy, their spouses & families.

5.  AMMiC Board of Directors and Council – Pray for wisdom and servant hearts as they guide AMMiC. May they know God’s leading, seek only His will, and experience His joy.

6.  AMMiC staff & volunteers – Web Master, Alvin Ng (part-time) and Ministry Co-ordinator, Nona Leung (part-time), for strength for the tasks, faithfulness in service & joy in the Lord.

7.  Emmanuel Outreach Mission, Boston, MA – Pray for Evangelist Carmen Mei and Core leaders, Dennis and Jacquelin Pang.

8.  Remember Bishop Stephen as he travels to Hong Kong to attend his mother`s funeral.

9.  Bethel South Asian Anglican Network Church, Brampton, ON – the Rev. Wilson Nazim.

10.  Church of Christ the Redeemer, (Multicultural) Toronto, ON – the Rev. Melvin Tai, the Rev. John McIllmurray and the Rev. Marion Karasiuk, Warden, Diana Man and leaders Gina Lee and Poh Wee Koh.

11.  Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (Cantonese), Calgary, AB – Pray for the Rev. Tom Lo.

12.  Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd (South Asian), Calgary, AB – the Rev. William John.

13.  Anglican Network Church of the Holy Trinity (Filipino), Edmonton, AB – the Rev. Robert Gomowad.

14.  Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, Vancouver, BC – The Rt. Rev. Stephen Leung (Rector), The Rev. Philip Soh (Associate Priest), The Rev. Anson Ann (Assistant Priest), The Rev. Eric Thurston (Part-time Assistant), The Very Rev. Dr. Archibald Pell (Honorary Assistant), Isabella Shen (Evangelist), Astor Lam (Part-time Evangelist), Nona Leung (Part-time Evangelist).

15.  St. Matthias and St. Luke Church, Vancouver, BC – the Rev. Timothy Fong, Wardens Edward Chan and Johnny Leung.

16.  Church of All Nations (Japanese), Vancouver, BC – the Rev. Shihoko Warren, Wardens, Mr. & Mrs. Okazaki, core leaders Ken Warren, Yuko and Lanny Liew and Hisako Wake

17.  Anglican Network Church of the Good Shepherd, (Cantonese) Richmond, BC – the Rev. Paul Leung, assistant Priest.

18.  St. John`s (South Sudanese), Surrey, BC – the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak, Wardens, Joseph Taban and Scholastic Sadia, leaders Velma Kiden, Benjamin Wani, John Lodu, Fouad Haf and Caron Pell.

19.  Pray for the Rev. Melvin Tai for rest & recovery, for Gina & his family. Pray for Christ the Redeemer warden Diana Man in HK until Feb 2015. Pray also for sensitive pastoral situations involving U of Toronto students.

20.  Pray for the Rev. Emmanuel Sadarak as he faces challenges and difficulties since losing his job in Jan 2014, that God will open to him another door to a new direction.

21.  Pray for the Sudanese community to restore its relationship with God and with one another, to be drawn closer to God and follow His way through Jesus Christ.

22.  Pray that St. John`s Sudanese congregation, though small, will remain faithful to the Gospel and the doctrine, that God may add more members into this congregation.

23.  Pray that the Church of All Nations church plant be guided by God`s clear vision for the future, and that the leaders and people continue to be transformed to be faithful and effective servants for the Gospel.

24.  Pray for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services in all our congregations, that they may bless our members and make Christ known to visitors.

25.  Pray for the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day services in all our congregations, that they may bless our members and make Christ known to visitors.

26.  Pray for the New Eden Ministry, that this garden ministry may be developed more for growth of His Kingdom.

27.  We give thanks for the launch of Emmanuel Outreach Mission, for God`s providence in bringing Carmen Mei back to Boston at this time and for providing support from Anglican 1000 and from Holy Trinity Anglican Church, Marlborough.

28.  For Good Shepherd Vancouver`s outreach ministries – T.G.I.F. monthly Friday night dinner and testimony sharing; Christianity Explored, Friday night evangelistic study of the Gospel of Mark; Christmas Eve Evangelistic Services, held parallel in English and Cantonese, that the Holy Spirit will turn peoples` hearts toward Christ.

29.  Pray for the development of the English Ministry in Good Shepherd Vancouver, asking God to strengthen children, youth and young adult groups, that committed disciples may be brought up.

30.  Pray for St. Matthias and St. Luke Church’s Sunday Evangelistic Bible study, that God will draw people to learn about His love in Christ. Pray also for the development of her Sunday School for all ages as well as the daily walk of her parishioners with the Lord.

31.  We give thanks to our Lord for His abundant grace and mercy for 2014, and ask for His continued protection, provision and guidance for 2015.