1.1.  The use of aircraft movement areas for landing and take off of single aircraft

1.2.  Calculation unit

The maximum take off weight (MTOW) of the aircraft, according to the airworthiness certificate, quoted in metric tons (each commenced metric ton to be considered as complete one).

1.3.  Service description:

-  The use of the taxiways and intersections for an aircraft arriving from the runway to the apron and vice versa.

-  The runway use during landing and takes off of single aircraft

-  The illumination of the runway and intersections.

1.4.  Charge for the use of runway:

Service charge includes a total operation of landing and take off of a single aircraft, indivisible when charging, and amounting as follows:

For aircraft up to 24 tons MTOW, each initialized metric ton € 7,5o

For aircraft over 24 tons MTOW, each initialized metric ton € 9,5o

Surcharges and reductions of the basic charge for the use of runway:

a)  When runway is used with lighting system the charges under item 1.4.

to be increased for 25 %

b)  The use of the runway in the following circumstances:

-  for emergency flight

-  refueling

-  for helicopters

landing charge from 1.4. will be reduced by 50 %

c)  The use of the runway in cases:

-  pilot training ( each touch and go )

-  return flights ( no commercial change of load )

landing charges from 1.4. will be reduced by 75 %


2.1.  Aircraft, passenger, cargo and baggage handling

2.2.  Calculation unit :

The maximum take off weight (mtow) of the aircraft quoted in metric tons, according to respective classes:

Up to 2 000 kg

From 2 001 - 5 000 kg

5 001 - 10 000 kg

10 001 - 16 000 kg

16 001 - 24 000 kg

24 001 - 40 000 kg

40 001 - 60 000 kg

60 001 - 80 000 kg

80 001 - 99 000 kg

99 001 - 150 000 kg

150 001 - 180 000 kg

180 001 - 215 000 kg

Over 215 001 kg

2.3.  Service charge for aircraft handling

Maximum take off weight of aircraft in kg / Charges at
TIVAT Airport
€ / Charges at PODGORICA Airport

Up to - 2 000 kg / 50,oo / 70,oo
2 001 - 5 000 kg / 70,oo / 100,oo
5 001 - 10 000 kg / 150,oo / 150,oo
10 001 - 16 000 kg / 300,oo / 250,oo
16 001 - 24 000 kg / 450,oo / 440,oo
24 001 - 40 000 kg / 690,oo / 575,oo
40 001 - 60 000 kg / 900,oo / 660,oo
60 001 - 80 000 kg / 1.100,oo / 775,oo
80 001 - 99 000 kg / 1.200,oo / 935,oo
99 001 - 150 000 kg / 1.700,oo / 1.700,oo
150 001 - 180 000 kg / 2.500,oo / 2.500,oo
180 001 - 215 000 kg / 2.750,oo / 2.750,oo
over 215 001 kg / 3.300,oo / 3.300,oo

Surcharges and reductions of aircraft handling charge :

a) The charge under item 2.3. for handling during out of airport opening hours, will be increased by :

30 % in the first hour,

40 % in the second hour,

50 % in the third hour, and

100 % over the third hour

b) The charge under item 2.3 is to be increased by 30% in case of more than 60 minutes flight delay if the handling agent does not receive the delay notification at least 6 hours before the announced flight.

c) The charges under item 2.3. for reloading/unloading caused by Carrier ¢s error , will be increased by 25 %

d) The charge under item 2.3. for one leg empty flight, will be reduced by 25 %.

e) The charge under item 2.3. in cases of technical landing and returning flight, where no commercial change of load occurs, will be reduced by 50 %

f) The charge under item 2.3. for helicopters, will be reduced by 50

g) The charge under item 2.3. in case of training flights (handling refers to each aircraft landing on the apron with engine stop and start ) will be reduced by 75 %.

h) The charge under item 2.3. during winter flight schedule at Tivat airport will be reduced 30 %.

i) Depending on the number of carried our aircraft movements, the charge under item 2.3 can be reduced up to 20%.

j) Airport company can grant promotional discount for new destination amounting up to 30% applicable on the charged under items 1.4 and 2.3 for period up to three years

l) Airport company can grant discount on the charges under 2.3 for the flights performed in off-peak period (period of low frequency of flights) as well as increase the charge under item 2.3 for the flights performed in peak period ( period of high frequency of flights ).

2.4.  Cargo Aircrafts – Service Charge

-  Service charge of aircraft handling under item 2.3 will be increased by 50 % for cargo and mail aircraft handling

-  All surcharges and reductions defined under item 2.3 save the reduction set forth in paragraph g) will be applied to the charges set forth in the first paragraph of this item 2.4

2.5.  General Aviation – Service Charge

General aviation refers to private and business aircraft – all aircraft which use own tail number - Registration – instead of official call sign – aircraft up 16 tons of MTOW, and that the owner’s purpose of the flight is not revenue air transport.


MTOW in kg / €
0 - 2 000 kg / 30,oo
2 001 - 5 000 kg / 45,oo
5 001 - 7 000 kg / 70,oo
7 001 - 10 000 kg / 110,oo
10 001 - 16 000 kg / 150,00
16 001 - 24 000 kg / 300,00
24 001 - 40 000 kg / 400,00
40 001 - 60 000 kg / 550,00


3.1.  Parking of aircraft on the ramp

3.2.  Calculation unit

Maximum take off weight of the aircraft (MTOW) as per airworthiness certificate quoted in metric tons

3.3.  Service description:

-  The service refers to the use of the airport aircraft apron and securing of the aircraft during the parking

3.4.  Service charge :

-  Aircraft parking up to 4 hours is free of charge

-  Aircraft parking over 4 hours till 00.00 h of a single day is charged as follows:

-  Schedule and charter traffic

For each initialized metric ton at Tivat Airport € 2,5o

- For each initialized metric ton at Podgorica Airport € 2,oo.


4.1.  Service description:

Passenger service includes complete non-commercial

facilities within passenger terminal.

4.2.  Unit

Each checked departing passenger

Children of age up to 2 years and transit passengers are free of the passenger service charge.

4.3.  Service charge :

-International passenger service/per departing passenger/€ 15,oo

-Passenger service per transfer passenger € 4,00

Airports of Montenegro

Chairman of the Governing Board