2ndGrade Lesson Plan

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MUSICSEPT. 8-12, 2014Kandy Foster

2nd1st Six Weeks/Week 3Rotation Week 1/A Group

TEKS: 2.1A&B; 2.2A&B; 2.4A&B; 2.5A&B&C; 2.6A&B.

PREPARE: tie l_l=half note, 6/8 lll, 4/4 ll, do-re.

PRESENT: Music classroom rules and CHAMPS, the Six Pillars of Character, classroom instruments and orchestral instruments.

REINFORCE: First grade concepts; all rhythm patterns, la-so-mi patterns.

EVALUATION: Teacher observation, oral response.

ACTIVITIES: Sing in tune; listening; pass yarn ball on instrumental cue; move to the beat; play Orff instruments.


Greeting: Sing Hello Song, drmsl, response—group. Pass yarn ball to steady beat: each child says his/her name and passes the ball to the next child.

MTW Review. Music classroom rules and CHAMPS, the Six Pillars of Character.

MTuWThF Music and Movement from Music for Creative Movement, compiled by John Feierabend. Sustained, Faure, “Pie Jesu”; Sudden, Saint Saens, "People with Long Ears," from Carnival of the Animals.

MTW Intro. Families of instruments. The Digital Symphony. Extend beyond the basics (Smart Board) elementary music resources--Instruments--Intro. to the orchestra. sfs kids DSOKids

Also use Orchestral Instruments, SoM CD4:23.

ThF Rev.An American Tune,Music for Children 2, Orff, p.27. Work with staff street and the drmsl pentatone. Explain the moveable do concept. On instruments, play song in C-do while singing solfege. Present F-do. Play and sing solfege. Help students discover the same pattern at a higher pitched melody sound. Present G-do in the same manner.

MTWThF Intro. Step in Time! , p.6, CD2:1#4. Listen and discover last year's character trait, respect. Present the Six Pillars of Character for this year. Talk about what respect is and where it fits in our Six Pillars of Character. Choose children to play the rhythm on the drums. Ask childrenthe names of each drum played.Sing & play with the song.

ThF Sheep’s in the Meadow CD2:1#7-9 Jump into circle during jumping rhyme.

ThF Intro. Engine, Engine, Number 9 CD2:1:17. Practice rhyme first, then add melody. Students echo sing by phrase, sing tog. Add BX & BM playing broken bordun E, B. Add chimes for “engine”; add big drums for “Chicago Line”, etc. for other verses.

Goodbye Song, drmsl, response—group.