2nd Read Discussion Questions
Directions: As you discuss/answers these questions, make additional annotations to the text. You can use your annotations on the test.
- Look up the words “cask” and “amontillado.” Discuss their meanings.
- Montresor uses hyperbole (an exaggeration) in the opening line. What is it? What kind of “injuries” do you think Fortunato committed against Montresor? Do you think they were serious? trivial?imagined? (Come back and discuss this again after reading the entire text.)
- In the opening paragraph Montresor states that he wants revenge for something Fortunato has done to him. But he says, “ I must punish but punish with impunity.” What does he mean? Then flesh out the last part of this paragraph. (“A wrong is unredressed . . . who has done the wrong.”) You need to understand this, so figure it out.
- In paragraph 3, Montresor lets the reader know that Fortunato is a “connoisseur.” What does this word mean? What is Fortunato a connoisseur of?
- This story takes place during “carnival” season in Italy during the 19th century. Research thistopic to understand what the characters are celebrating and why. Then find its American equivalent –- in others words, we celebrate something here for the same reason. What is it called?
- Describe what Fortunato is wearing. As you read the story, discuss why Poe would have Fortunato dressed this way.
- Montresor wants to lure Fortunato away from the other guests. Why? How does he do it?
- Where does Montresor take Fortunato? How would you describe this place?
- What do Montresor and Fortunato talk about as they are making their way through the “vaults” below Montresor’s house?
- How does Montresoract towards Fortunato? Is he being sincere? (Hint: Poe is using dramatic irony here. What does the audience know that Fortunato doesn’t know?)
- At one point, Montresor makes a “toast” to Fortunato. What does Montresor say? Is he being sincere? What’s really happening? (Hint: thinkverbal irony!)
- Following the toast, Montresor explains to Fortunato his family’s coat of arms and the motto that’s written below it. What does it look like? What does it mean? How is this dramatic irony?
- At one point (pages 6-7), Fortunato makes a “gesticulation” with a wine bottle? What does this mean? Then he asks Montresor if he is “of the brotherhood of the Masons.” What are the Masons? Then Montresor produces a trowel from beneath his roquelaire. What do you think Montresoris planning to do?
- Flesh out the paragraph on page 8 that begins “He is an ignoramus . . .” What’s Montresor doing? How does Fortunatorespond to what is happening around him and to him?
- How does Montresor react to Fortunato’s screams?
- Discuss the final paragraph. Also, Poe has repeated the “jingling of Fortunato’s bells” several time throughout the story. Why does Poe mention it one last time? What doesthe image of the bellssymbolize?
- The story ends with a Latin phrase. What does it mean? How is this verbal irony?
- How is Fortunato’s name an example of irony?
- What is significant about the fact that Fortunato is already intoxicated? What would be different about the story if he had been sober?
- * Make sure you understand the following words within the context of the story: pipe, niter, flambeaux, aperture, motley, fetter, and repose.