2nd Meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government

ASC 238

July 11th, 2016



I.  Call to order: Mayzer Muhammad (5:42pm)

II.  Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas (5:42pm)

III.  Roll Call: Ryan Foster (***= Not Present) (5:42pm)

Mayzer Muhammad - President

Sarah Schuler - Executive Vice President

Ryan Foster - Vice President of Administrative Affairs

***Jay Copland - Vice President Academic Affairs

Chris Meader - Vice President Finance

Gabrielle Ryan - Vice President of Diversity

Bobby Martin - Vice President of Public Relations

***Andrew Sotis - Senior Class President

JB Stender - Junior Class President

***Jenna Czarnecki - Junior Class Senator

***Brielle Bierman - Junior Class Senator

William Hancuch - Sophomore Class President

Sadie Buckel - Sophomore Class Senator

Jordan Hanson - Sophomore Class Senator

***Madeline Davenport - Union Park Neighborhood Senator

George Hottinger - Mac-Groveland Neighborhood Senator

***Jake Wisdorf - Transfer Senator

(10 voting members present + the president = quorum not met)

IV.  Approval of the May 1st, 2016 meeting minutes (5:43)

a.  I, Ryan Foster, move to discuss and approve the May 1st, 2016 meeting minutes

Second: William Hancuch (5:43pm)

Ryan Foster discusses how this will be the procedure for every meeting. Quorum for this meeting is not met.

V.  New Business

a.  Fall Elections Timeline Proposal (5:44pm)

i.  Friday, September 2nd: Election packets available

ii. Friday, September 9th: Election packets due no later than noon

iii.  Friday, September 9th: Candidate meeting at 3:00pm

iv.  Friday, September 9th at 5:00pm – Thursday, September 15th at 5pm: Campaigning

v. Wednesday, September 14th at 9:00am – Thursday, September 15th at 5pm: Voting

vi.  Thursday, September 15th: 4th Meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government at 7:00pm

b.  Fall Retreat (5:46pm)

i.  Dates: Saturday, September 17th – Sunday, September 18th

ii. Location: YMCA Camp Ihduhapi in Loretto, MN

Sarah Schuler talks in generalities about what to expect at this year's USG retreat. More information to come.

VI.  Misc. Business

a.  Summer Orientations (5:48pm)

i.  Make sure you know your shift and are on time. Questions?

Ask Ryan Foster any questions.

b.  USG Constitution editing underway (5:51pm)

i.  Refer any amendments to VP of Administrative Affairs

c.  Jacksonville, Florida NACA (National Association for Campus Activities) trip for Executive Board (5:53pm)

i.  Discussion: General Council Input

Mayzer Muhammad: This is a workshop for student government and a great way to learn new ideas to bring back to our campus. It will also teach us about improving relationships around campus, collaboration, transition from one year to the next, diversity and inclusion, working with differing opinions, and developing different and useful skills.

JB Stender: Are other councils doing giveaways and incentives for students? What do those incentives look like?

William Hancuch: What are avenues to more open dialogue on campus in terms of diversity and inclusion? Is there more we can do to make campus a more welcoming place for all students?

Gabrielle Ryan: SDIS is having a discussion on Thursday at 5:00pm in the SDIS office about open dialogue.

VII.  Open Forum (5:58pm)

Bobby Martin: He is in the process of redoing the USG website. He will be transferring the old content over to the new layout and will get it up to brand. After that, he wants to know what we can improve on. If anyone has pictures or content they think should be included, let him know.

Sarah Schuler: Fall Retreat - What should be included in the weekend?

William Hancuch: Wants more information on how to be a Class President, as well as more information on all positions. How to start a class council, etc. More guidance on positions in general.

Sarah Schuler: Wonders if we should do goals instead of initiatives to have more specific things to work on during a semester instead of broad initiatives

William Hancuch: Wasn’t on the senate last year, but thinks initiatives might be good to branch off of to get more done if coordinated well.

Bobby Martin: Thinks it doesn’t matter what we do as long as we are more specific overall.

Sarah Schuler: Is planning a brainstorm program for USG members to take specific topics to students to get more candid answers.

Margaret Cahill:

Mary Ann Ryan (former Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and USG Advisor) left the University of St. Thomas. Patricia Conde-Brooks (Executive Director for Campus Inclusion and Community) will be filling the USG Advisor spot.

Talked about USG members attending "Overcoming Racism" – a conference on how to further improve the climate of our campus – training and student/staff development. "Breaking Ice" speaker will be there. Date: October 28th - 29th over Fall break at Metropolitan State University. USG could sponsor the conference and rent a bus to encourage more clubs and students to attend with leftover Conference and Competition money. The Diversity Activities Board and other participants could maybe host an event after and speak at a USG meeting.

Went around the room to introduce all councilmembers to each other and advisors.

Think about who we would like to have as speakers at USG meetings.

Make sure to sign up for the Fall Leadership Institute (FLI). Attendants of FLI get to move in early. Regular move-in is early this year too. FLI run from August 28th - 30th. Ryan Foster will send out the link. Mayzer Muhammad says it is a great way to meet different student leaders around campus and make friends.

"Play Fair" is on a Saturday this year and 50 – 60 student leaders are needed. There will be an email sent out soon. T-shirt and lunch will be provided.

Bobby Martin: Wants everyone to direct all USG events and speakers to him so that he can put it all on the website.

VIII.  Adjournment (6:14pm)

Motion: William Hancuch

Second: Ryan Foster

Prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas:

Grant O Merciful God that I may ardently desire, prudently examine, truthfully acknowledge, and perfectly accomplish what is pleasing to thee, for the praise and glory of thy name. Amen.