Gilded Age – 1877-1898

2nd Industrial Revolution

Natural resources available

Labor force available

New technology

Elias Howe, telephone, light bulb, Bessemer Process

Rise of Big Business

Andrew Carnegie – United States Steel

Mesabi Range

John D. Rockefeller – Standard Oil

J.P. Morgan – banking

Vanderbilts – RR

Robber Barons, Captains of Industry

Vertical integration

Horizontal integration

“conspicuous consumption”

Social Darwinism


“Gospel of Wealth”

Working conditions

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory – 1911

Govt. involvement

“laissez faire”

RR and farmers

Interstate Commerce Act 1887

Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1890

Women in Gilded Age

To get better working conditions

Difficulty organizing

Knights of Labor 1869 – Terrence Powderly

Great Strike of 1877

Haymarket Square Affair – May 4, 1886

Homestead Strike 1892

Pullman Company Strike 1894

Panic of 1893

American Federation of Labor 1886

Samuel Gompers

Mary (Mother) Harris Jones

Relationship between Govt. and Business?

- Effect on labor?

- Effect on the economy?

Growth of cities

New Immigrants

Political machines

Ellis Island

Great Migration

Dumbbell Tenement

Jane Addams – Hull House - settlement house

Florence Kelley

Backlash against immigration


Assimilation, Americanize

Chinese Exclusion Act 1882

Booker T. Washington

W.E.B. Dubois

Plessy v. Ferguson 1896

Horatio Alger – rags to riches stories

James Naismith

Politics of Gilded Age

Ulysses S. Grant

Rutherford B. Hayes

James Garfield

Charles Guiteau

Chester A. Arthur

Pendleton Act of 1883

Civil Service Commission

Grover Cleveland

Benjamin Harrison

McKinley Tariff of 1890

Grover Cleveland

Depression of 1893

Forgotten presidents – Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland

Election of 1896

William McKinley

William Jennings Bryan

Progressive Era – early 1900s

Political reform

Political machines of Gilded Age

William “Boss” Tweed

Secret (Australian) ballot




17th amendment

19th amendment

Social reform


Jacob Riis – “How the Other Half Lives” 1890

Lincoln Steffens – “The Shame of the Cities” 1892

Ida Tarbell – “A History of Standard Oil Company” 1902

Ida Wells

Upton Sinclair – “The Jungle” 1904

Teddy Roosevelt (Leon Czolgosz)

Square Deal

3 Cs – control corporations, protect consumers, conservation

Meat Inspection Act 1906

Pure Food and Drug Act 1906

Social Gospel Movement

18th amendment – Prohibition (21st)

Economic reform

Coal Strike in 1902

ICC by Teddy Roosevelt

“Trust Buster”


Workman’s Compensation Act of 1916

Election of 1908

William Howard Taft

Election of 1912

William Howard Taft

Theodore Roosevelt – Bull Moose Party

Woodrow Wilson

New Freedom

Federal Reserve Act of 1913

Clayton Anti-Trust Act of 1914

16th amendment

William McKinley 1897-1901

Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909

William Howard Taft 1909-1913

Woodrow Wilson 1913-1921