2nd Grade Team Wrote Language Arts Lesson Plans Dec. 5 – Dec. 9

HW-RW Workbook 143-146

Standard/I Can Statement

RI.1.2 Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

I Can identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

Vocabulary Review: Main idea, antonym, opposite, different, paragraphs, details

Hot Questions/Thinking:

-Which word has the opposite meaning as ______?

-Which pair of words from the article are opposite?

-Why do you think this story/article has the title ______?

-What sentence best tells what the story MOSTLY is about?

-What is the main idea of this passage?

-What would be another good title for this story?

-What is the main topic of the article?

-What information does the author use to support the main topic of this article?

iii/Small Group for week: (Small Group Time: Uploaded in Share by each teacher)

Materials: Unit 2 Lucy Calkins Book,sticky notes, Anchor chart, Teacher Choice Stem Book, Read Aloud: Force of Motion,Shared: All About Astronauts,Tigers, Amazing Animals, Centers: Enemy of Games


(12:30-12:50) Mini Lesson on Comprehension Standard

Teacher will use Bridges long ago and today story to continue teaching Main Idea. Students will number their paragraphs, read each paragraph and jot down what each paragraph is about. Students and teacher will discuss the Main Idea for each paragraph. Students will write the MI at the back of their paper. Students will underline details in each paragraph that supports the main idea.

(*Class Grade)

HOT -What is the main topic of the article?

(12:50-1:15) Shared/Word-work Study Voc. –All About Astronauts: Teacher and students will discuss the Main Idea of each chapter. Students and teacher will find words in the text and come up with an Antonym.

Shared Day 1 Pg. 116-120 Book Introduction and First Read: Teacher will read a nonfiction book of their choice that they can compare with a book they read the week before (use book related to IB Unit) and sneak peak using features to focus on information predictions.

1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually)

*Teacher will check for student understanding.*Students will choose a book from their pouches and read independently/with a partner. Students will write on sticky notes the Main Idea of their paragraphs or their chapter for students reading chapter books.

Students will come back to whole group and use a Kagan strategy Mix- Pair- Share (the class mixes until the teacher calls “pair”. Students find a partner to discuss MI they found in their books.

1:40-2:00Read Aloud Pg. 102

Teachers will use the story Forces and Motionto model how to use expression when reading, retell information of the text, putting key details together to determine the main Idea of their story, and how to pause and think about what’s happening in the story for understanding.


12:30-12:40 Comprehension Standard:

Students will get in their group to complete the story Presidential Pets. They will number their paragraphs and on sticky notes write the MI of each paragraph. Students will also underline the key details that supports the MI.

(12:50-1:15) Shared/Word-work Study Voc.–All About Astronauts: Teacher and students will continue reading and discussing the Main Idea of each chapter. Students and teacher will find words in the text and come up with an Antonym.

HOT - Which word has the opposite meaning as ______?

Shared: Day 2 Cross Checking 121. Teachers will use STEM book All About Astronauts to cross check. How can you figure out bolded words, italics, pictures, text features, etc. to read with accuracy?

1:05-1:15 Mini Lesson Session 1 pg.2Teacher will explain how readers pay attention to details and put the parts together by identifying the details the supports Main Idea.

1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually): Teacher will check for student understanding. Students will choose a book from their pouches and read independently/with a partner. Students will continue reading their book or switch to another book in their pouches and write on sticky notes the Main Idea of their paragraphs or their chapter for students reading chapter books.

Students Share (pg.) Using Kagan Timed Pair Share (In pairs students share with a partner for a predetermined time while the partner listens. Then partners switch roles), have students take turns reading a page from their book to each other and then talk about the MI.

1:40-2:00 Read Aloud Pg. 102

Teachers will continue using the story Forces in Motionto model how to use expression when reading, retell information of the text, putting key details together to determine the main Idea of their story, and how to pause and think about what’s happening in the story for understanding.


12:30-12:40 Comprehension Standard:

Students and teacher will get in their group to complete The Wild Winds of a Tornado to find MI and key details to practice for tomorrow’s assessment. Students will number their paragraphs, write the MI of each paragraph and underline the key details that supports the MI. Teacher will monitor and clear up any misconceptions by asking questions such as what is the main idea in paragraph…..etc.

12:40- 1:05 Shared:(12:50-1:15) Shared/Word-work Study Voc. –All About Astronauts: Teacher and students will continue to discuss the Main Idea of each chapter. Students and teacher will find words in the text and come up with an Antonym.

Shared: Day 3Word Work. Teachers will use STEM book All About Astronauts to cross check. Have students find a word and write an antonymfor that word and verbally explain what both words mean.

1:05-1:15 Mini Lesson Session 2 pg. 8:Teacher will discuss that non-fiction readers notice, learn and question their reading. For example, what is this story teaching me?

HOT --Which pair of words from the article are opposite?

1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually): Students will choose a two books from their Workshop Bag and read to themselves/partners.

Students Share (pg.73) Using Kagan Timed Pair Share (In pairs students share with a partner for a predetermined time while the partner listens. Then partners switch roles), have students take turns reading a page from their book to each other and then talk the MI.

1:40-2:00 Guided Reading

Teacher will use Force and Motion to have students find the MI. Students and teacher will continue reading the text and write the MI for each paragraph.


12:30-12:40 Comprehension Standard:

Students will be assessed on the story When It Snows to test on Main Idea, Key Details, and Antonyms.

*(Test Grade)

12:40- 1:05 Shared:

HOT: -Why do you think this story/article has the title ______?

1:15-1:40 Private Reading (Conferencing individually): Students will choose a two books from their Workshop Bag and read to themselves/partners.

Students Share (pg.73) Using Kagan Timed Pair Share (In pairs students share with a partner for a predetermined time while the partner listens. Then partners switch roles), have students take turns reading a page from their book to each other and then talk the MI.

High Frequency Testing

(*Class Grade)


12:30-12:40 Comprehension Standard:

Teachers have In-House Planning. Lesson Substitute Plans are created by Teacher.


Class Grade: Bridges/6 pts./10 minutes

Test Grade: Main Idea, Key Details and Antonyms 11pts./ 30 minutes