August 2007IEEE 802.22-07/0387r0
IEEE P802.22
Wireless RANs
Date: 2007-08-08
Name / Company / Address / Phone / Email
Steve Shellhammer / Qualcomm / 5775 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA92121 / (858) 658-1874 /
August 8Edward Au / X
Danijela Cabric
Winston Caldwell / X
Dave Cavalcanti
Soo-Young Chang / X
Hou-Shin Chen
Gerald Chouinard / X
Chris Clanton / X
Carlos Cordeiro
Neiyer Correal
Upkar Dhaliwal
Charles Einolf
Wen Gao
Monisha Ghosh / X
Wendong Hu
Baowei Ji / X
Sang-Won Kim
Gwangzeen Ko
Steve Kuffner
Spyros Kyperountas / X
Augustine Leng / X
Ying-Chang Liang
Kyutae Lim
Suahs Mathur
Apurva Mody / X
Ahmed Sadek
Steve Shellhammer / X
Myung-Sun Song
Kathyayani Srikanteswara
Carl Stevenson / X
Victor Tawil / X
Anh Tuan
Jay Unnikrishnan
George Vlantis
Kelly Williams / X
Terry Tianyu Wu
Ray Wang
Kwon Yeong-Hyeon
YonghongZeng / X
2Minutes from August 8 2007 Conference Call
- Attendance
- Chair to ask if anyone is not familiar with the IEEE patent policy
- Recommended edits to Clause 9 on Sensing (Winston)
- Recent FCC Report on Sensing (Victor)
- Text on DTV Spectrum Sensing Using HOS (Doc 07/370) (Apurva Mody)
- Sensing RF Impairments Model 802.22/06-202r2 (Victor)
- New business
- We discussed the structure of the document regarding spectrum sensing, geo-location and spectrum manager
- The plan is to group all three topics into the same clause
- Winston pointed out that the SSF is controlled by the SM. His concern is that at start-up what controls the SSF.
- We need to decide what controls the SSF at start-up (assumingly the SM-lite in the CPE).
- We need to decide what the SSF does with the measurements at start-up. There are two possibilities
-Report results to the SM
-Report to the SM-lite which can then make a local decision
- The decision on what controls the SSF and where the data is sent needs to be decided in the Spectrum Manager conference call
- The Channel Selection Function should be removed and SSF should send its outputs directly to the SM.
- An output of the SSF should include the channel number
- We should probably have two versions of the figure, one for start-up and one for normal operation
- Gerald pointed out that SM-lite will not do spectrum management
- Carl pointed out that the SM-lite does need to make some decisions at start-up
- Victor suggested a discussion on Prototype B (Philips)
-The sensing time was due to processing time not sensing time
-Sensing time was a few milliseconds
-Philips did not have an opportunity to review the document and make corrections
-The FCC only used a clean signal in the laboratory testing
-Standard TV tuner is used in Prototype B
-The AGC on the tuner was disabled, so it did not handle strong signals properly
-Philips is currently working on a hardware prototype
-They have not figured out why Channel 36 was poor
Submissionpage 1Steve Shellhammer, Qualcomm