
Name of applicant organisation
Organisation summary
Tell us about your organisation
Web address
Organisation ABN
Is the organisation registered for GST?
Head of organisation
Position title
Direct telephone / Mobile
Primary contact
Position title
Direct telephone / Mobile
Collaborating organisation– will you complete the project with a partner organisation?
Position title
Direct telephone / Mobile


I state that the information in this proposal and attachments is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I consent to Victoria Law Foundation referring this application to third parties to assist the foundation in assessing this application.

Signature of the authorised person*
Name (please print)
Position held

* This application must be signed by a member of the applicant organisation with authority or delegated authority to apply; such as the chairperson, secretary, public officer etc.

2About your project


Name of project
Project summary
Briefly summarise the purpose of your grant – no more than 50 words
Total funding sought (exc GST) / This should match the total under part A of your budget in section 4

Detailed overview

Detailed description of your project
Provide us with a detailed description of your project - up to one page.
When do you plan to start your project?
When do you plan to complete your project?
Tell us who the target audience is. Who will benefit directly from this project? Will other groups benefit indirectly?
Tell us how you have identified the need for this project. For example, what evidence, data or information have you acquired that supports the need for this project?
Are there any other programs with similar aims? Please note if you’ve checked the Clear database:
Long-term impact
What long-term impact will this grant project have after the completion of the grant? Do you intend to continue this project once the grant funds are expended, and if so, how will this project be sustained?
Tell us about what evaluation processes you have in place to assess the project. How will you know your project has been successful?

Project plan

Provide us with a brief outline of the stages of your project and some detail about each stage (extend the table if you need to). We ask that you include evaluation as a stage of your project.
Milestone / Description / What will you achieve?
EXAMPLE / Establish reference groups / Establish a reference group of external representatives from relevant areas. The group will have a minimum of five members representing the community sector, library sector, legal profession and individuals affected in this area.
Marketing and promotion
How will you ensure that your target audience knows about your project? How does your marketing and promotion address any special needs of your target audience?
Best practice publishing
Will your project meet the guidelines outlined in the Better information handbook and VLAF Online Legal Information Guidelines? Both of these can be accessed from the ‘Better information’ section of the foundation’s website. Please note that the foundation recognises that good publications need professional input. The foundation is happy to provide funding for the engagement of editors, writers and designers.
If you are producing a publication, how many copies do you plan to produce and how have you decided this? How will you fund future reprints?
How will you distribute your product? For example will your product be available through a commercial distributor or via the internet.
Please note it is a condition of foundation grants that grant materials and publications be made available electronically on the applicant’s and foundation’s websites.
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD)publications
Is your publication aimed at CALD communities? If so will it be translated into any community languages? Do you know what these languages are? If not, how will you be determining what languages to use? How will you know that the publication is culturally appropriate?
“But for” test
Tell us why this project could not proceed “but for” funding from the Foundation.
Other funding
Are you or have you previously sought funding from any other foundations or organisations for this project? If yes, which organisation/s?
Additional information
Is there anything else that you think might assist us in assessing your application?


Generally the foundation will not support profit making projects, however if your project is likely to make a profit please contact the Grants Manager on 9604 8100 or .

3Project budget

When you are developing your itemised project budget, please consider the following:

  • the Grants Manager can assist you in developing your budget
  • check the items we cannot fund under the guiding principles
  • make sure that you have allocated an amount for each aspect of your project
  • be realistic, make sure your budget is accurate, don’t over or underestimate costs
  • attach quotes from suppliers to this application to support the budget amounts

Example budget

This is a sample of some of the types of costs that you might include in your budget and the type of information that you should provide for each items.

Funding sought from the Foundation / Cost / If salary: detail on costs / Total
(exc GST)
Project worker: 0.4FTE for 6months @ $40,000pa (17% on costs) / $8000 / $1360 / $9360
Casual researcher: 50 hours @ $25 per hour (casual leave loading of 25%) / $1250 / $312.50 / $1562.50
Printing 500 copies @ $5.09 per copy
(est attached) / $2545 / $2545
Incidental costs associated with reference group / $200 / $200
Critical reader group attendance costs 10 people @ $20 per person for 3 meetings / $600 / $600
Additional editing (quote attached) / $500 / $500
Translation into Arabic (est attached) / $1250 / $1250
Launch catering 50 people @ $10 / $500 / $500
Total funding sought from the Foundation (exc GST) / A / $16,517.50
Applicant organisation contribution
Office accommodation and incidentals for 6 months / $1000 / $1000
Supervision of project by Policy and Projects Manager 0.05FTE for 6 months @ $70,000pa (17% on costs) / $1750 / $297.50 / $2047.50
Total applicant organisation contribution (exc GST) / B / $3047.50
Total project budget (A + B) /


All grant applications must be submitted through the foundation’s website

General Grant application formOctober 2014

Application budget

Funding sought from the foundation / Cost / If salary: detail on costs / Total
(exc GST)
Total funding sought from the foundation (exc GST) / A / $
Applicant organisations contribution
Total applicant organisation contribution (exc GST) / B / $
Total project budget (A + B) / $

4Letters of support

Letters of support assist us in understanding the importance of your project within the context of the community you are working with.

Please attach and provide details of letters of support below. Support letters should be provided within two weeks of the closing date.

Provided / Yes/no – if no please indicate when these will arrive
Provided / Yes/no – if no please indicate when these will arrive
Provided / Yes/no – if no please indicate when these will arrive
Provided / Yes/no – if no please indicate when these will arrive
Provided / Yes/no – if no please indicate when these will arrive


How did you find out about Victoria Law Foundation Grant Program?
Foundation email or newsletter / Foundation’s website
Prior relationship with foundation / Another organisations website
Previously applied for grant / Word of mouth
Foundation event / Sector newsletter or directory
Other (please specify)
Have you received a grant from the foundation in the past?
If yes, please provide details.
Can you provide us with any feedback that would assist us in improving this form?
For example, how long did it take you to complete this form?

All grant applications must be submitted through the foundation’s website

General Grant application formOctober 2014