Date: Wednesday 16th May 2011

Location:Room LC004,Lecture Centre

Time: 10.00am – 11.20am

Chair:Mr Andrew Kershaw (External Affairs)


Mr Barry Harcourt (Catering)

Mrs Linda Hazell (Planning)

Ms Jeung Lee (Operations)

Mrs Jess Luscombe (Computer Centre)

Ms Avina Patel (UBS)

Mr Bob Stiff (Operations)

Mr Mayele Yambila (Procurement)


Professor Ian Campbell (PVC Student Experience & Staff Development)

1.0Apologies & welcome

Apologies were received as listed above and Andrew Kershaw agreed to chair the meeting in the absence of PVC SE&SD.

2.0Notes of the meeting held 24 February 2012

These were accepted as a true record.

3.0Matters Arising & Action Points

Members went through the list of Action Points and updated as follows:

Reference / Description / Agenda Item / Responsible
3.3 (25/10/10) / Response from Sarah Jewell regarding bulk purchase of Fairtrade products and sharing best practice.
IC would invite Sarah to lunch for further discussion. / n/a / IC
4.0 (25/10/10) / Contact Schools/Departments for update on use of Fairtrade tea and coffee, as well as any other products
Next Update June 2012 / 5.1 / LH
5.0 (12.9.11) / Feedback from Director, External Affairs on discussions with Oxford Brookes(Fairtrade Awareness success) On main agenda (see 6.2) / n/a / AK
(7.12.11) / Reaccreditation: Request further information on Fairtrade in the curriculum, in addition to those Schools who have already reported such activity. / 5.2 / IC
(7.12.11) / Reaccreditation: Update on LSE100 – is this feasible for Brunel? / 5.2 / JL

During the discussion to update the above points, the following issues were raised:

  • Jeung Lee gave an update on LSE100, informing the FSG that it is a stand-alone, credit-bearing course aimed at 1st year undergraduates; an innovative programme, delivered by lecturers across several disciplines with outcomes of enhanced critical thinking etc. The first pilot recruited 400 students and was very popular.

It has attracted EAUC (Environmental Association for Universities & Colleges) interest in its delivery of all aspects of sustainability across the curriculum and also aligns with HEFCE’s recommendation that every student be exposed to sustainability issues, either within their course programme or through other initiatives. Discussion followed on the broad nature of the course and whether it would ‘capture’ those students on programmes which did not currently contain a sustainability element, although for Brunel such modules were discipline-relevant, rather than having a wide spectrum of interest.

It was agreed that Jeung Lee would produce a bullet point summarising LSE100 for the Chair and also for circulation to members. (ACTION JL and LH)

4.0Events 2011/12

4.1Fairtrade Fortnight Report

Avina Patelhad produced a very comprehensive report which detailed all activity which had taken place during Fairtrade Fortnight. The group congratulated Avina on a very successful campaign and she thanked them for their support, as she would be leaving this year. Avina requested that any comments for improvement to the report be forwarded to her, so that her predecessor, James, could take these on board for next year’s event.

5.0Fairtrade Re-accreditation for 2012 – Progress Report on Goals

5.1Lin Hazell circulated a draft updated progress report on the Fairtrade Policy goals, which are the measure of our success considered by Fairtrade Foundation. It was generally felt that we are able to demonstrate progress from our last re-accreditation application in 2010, with an increased range of products and activity, especially during Fairtrade Fortnight.

Discussion followed when the following points were raised:

  • Fairtrade cotton: UBS confirmed that bar staff, event support, officers, etc. were supplied with such garments, but Mayele Yambila advised that there had been little response to Procurement’s previous evaluation of Fairtrade cotton for possible use by other departments. However, the tendering process for Residences linen supplier would begin shortly and an option for providing Fairtrade would be included. Mayele agreed to speak to UBS regarding options for Fairtrade cotton for Clubs, Societies, etc.(ACTION: MY)
  • Avina proposed that a motion be proposed at the forthcoming Student Assembly to lobby for a Fairtrade Co-Op outlet on campus (ACTION: AP)
  • Following the recent Market Testing of Catering and Hospitality, with the result that Sodexo will take over the catering function from September 2012, concern was expressed that the sterling work to promote Fairtrade to date would be an integral part of the new arrangement.
  • Lin Hazell asked the group to give her any feedback or updates so that they could be included in the Re-accreditation application, with a deadline of Friday 8 June 2012. (ACTION ALL)

6.0Any Other Business

6.1Green League recommendation for FSG’s Terms of Reference

Jeung Lee explained that Brunel had scored points with Green League for having in place a Fairtrade Steering Group and Sustainability Procurement Policy, both of which were within the remit of the Environmental Strategy Group and accompanying strategy. However, Green League had recommended that FSG embrace sustainable procurement practice and expand its Terms of Reference to reflect this broader activity. This is further to a recommendation from the EAUC Promoting Poverty Aware Procurement on Campus project. This action would enable Brunel to maintain points next year.

Discussion followed when it was agreed that the current Fairtrade Policy does not link to the Environmental Strategy and that although the Group is linked to ESG it also reports to Campus Life. The Group recognised the importance of carrying on FSG as a separate group, in order to keep focussed on the issues and challenges of Fairtrade, but they also recognised the benefit of a holistic approach which linked into other areas outlined above, given the breadth of Fairtrade issues.

Mayele Yambila suggested that a separate Procurement working group, with its own strategy, could be formed and he would look into producing a draft strategy.


It was agreed that Andrew Kershaw would meet Professor Ian Campbell to having a discussion about reporting lines for Fairtrade Steering Group and the possible formation of a Sustainable Procurement Working Group. This item would be brought back to the next meeting, as it was considered of strategic importance, in light of our forthcoming re-accreditation application and implementation of the new Strategic Plan 2012-17. (ACTION AK)

6.2Director, External Affairs’ visit to Oxford Brookes(OB)

Andrew Kershaw had produced a summary of the main points noted from his meeting with the Sustainability Manager at Oxford Brookes. One of the principal differences is how Oxford Brookes include Fairtrade as part of corporate governance with a dedicated Sustainability team, whereas Brunel campaign for Fairtrade as part of social corporate responsibility. OB function is less volunteer based and they use the services of a student intern annually for promotional and communications work, which has proved hugely successful.

OB were the first Fairtrade HEI in the world which, when coupled with Oxford’s Fairtrade Town status, provides the impact that Brunel probably lacks. The siting of posters and banners in reception and the refreshment areas contributes to the obvious Fairtrade presence. With our own food hall being so large, it would be difficult to achieve the same affect.

OB publish an annual Fairtrade Report and their catering company (Chartwells) play an active role in promoting Fairtrade. Although OB innovate during the annual Fairtrade Fortnight, they do not generate the amount of activity that Brunel achieves through events such as One World Week and Freshers’ Fayre.

The two institutions both have difficulty in sourcing certain Fairtrade products, such as savoury food items and cotton – the latter is hard to find in large quantities.

The pressures of widening and taking on board issues beyond Fairtrade often produces clashes and increased costs which are simply not sustainable.

The Group agreed that the FSG could possibly benefit from using the services and expertise of a student intern and would discuss this at a future meeting. (ACTION LH)

7.0Date of Next Meeting

It was agreed that in order to consider the issues of FSG’s terms of reference regarding sustainable procurement, the Group should meet prior to the Re-accreditation application deadline of 12 June, ideally during the last week of May. This would be advised shortly. (ACTION LH)

lh 16.5.12