2780 North Main Street Waterbury, Connecticut 06704 Telephone: (203) 574-8187 Fax: (203) 573-6647
Principal: Noreen E. Buckley Secretary: Denise Stribling Parent Liaison: Patty Poulter
Email Address:
Regan Newsletter October 2015
Dear Parents and Families,
It is difficult to believe that it is October already!!! Please keep in mind the first marking period (25%) of school year will be over on October 30, 2015.
Please continue to send your student to school each and every day as we are continuing to monitor attendance very closely.
We greatly appreciate all of you who have made every attempt to send your student to school daily, and for those of you who are sending students before appointments or returning students back to school after appointments.
We will be conducting parent coffee hours during the month of October to review students reading and math performance to date.
Parent workshops will take place the week of October 5, 2015. At workshops the teachers will be demonstrating sample reading and math lessons by grade level. Please look for detailed information to be sent home.
Below is a list of important dates to mark on your October calendar:
Important Dates to Mark on Your Calendar
October 12, 2015 – No School – Columbus Day
October 13, 2015 – No School – Prof. Development Day
October 30, 2015 – Regan School’s Annual Fall Festival
October 30, 2015 – End of Marking Period One
Noreen E. Buckley
KINDERGARTEN Team – Ms. DeSena and Mrs. Gutierrez
Kindergarten is off to a busy start! Along with all the new skills we are learning, we have been focusing on classroom and school rules and expected vs. unexpected behaviors. Students have had a chance to listen to stories and have conversations about these behaviors. Please talk about your child’s day at home and review expected behaviors. Also, it is very important to always check and clean out your child’s school folder each night as important notices and homework get sent home.
We have been busy with our Wilsons Foundations program; learning new letters and sounds. We will begin to use these sounds to find things and pictures that begin with the letter sounds. The letter bags are a great, fun way to do this. Students will have to use these sounds to start making words shortly.Please read with your child at home every night, even 5-10 minutes helps them. You can talk about who the characters are, where the characters are (the setting) and start to talk about what is happening in the story. Re-telling is a big part of Kindergarten and students will be tested on it at the end of the year.
In math, we are learning how to solve problems, count to 100 by 1s and 10s, count to 10, and write numbers 1-10. Please practice counting to 100 at home, and having students write numbers 1-10. You can make math fun by having them draw pictures of groups of things. For example, they could draw 5 cats; they could draw 3 pizzas etc. This year, for our math assessments students will need to be explaining their work and talking about how they get their answer. We will be practicing this in school and would be good if you encourage them to explain how they know something or get their answer at home too.
We have a lot of fun autumn activities coming up to celebrate the season. We will be doing some fun science experiments relating to how things move, and in social studies we are talking about past and present and community.
GRADE 1 Team – Miss Dunn and Mrs. Russell
Welcome back to school First Grade Parents! We have been very busy getting settled into our new classrooms and routines. We have also been practicing howto behave like Regan Rhinos within the classroom and throughout the school.This month in Math, we will be reviewing our addition and subtraction facts and finding partners for given numbers up to 20.We will also be introducing word problemssoon, so it is very important that your child practice theirfacts up to 20 as part of their nightly homework.
In Reading, weare working on identifying the main idea and details in informational text and identifying the story elements in narrative text. We are also identifying nouns and verbs in sentences. We have been working extra hard!! In Wilson's we are practicing tapping out the sounds in words. We have already introduced "trick words" so ask your child which trick words they are learning this week. It is great to practice those at home for extra reinforcement. As a reminder, homework isto be completed on the day given and returned toschool the following day. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us! Thank you in advance for your cooperation and we look forward to working together this school year.
GRADE 2 Team – MissParks and Mrs. Way
Happy Fall! The children are doing a great job; we cannot believe how quickly time is flying by! Please make sure you are checking your child’s folder for homework and important notices that are sent home.
We would like to thank all the family members who took the time to come to Open House! It was so great to be able to sit down with you and talk about your child and to see you trying some of the activities we do every day with your children! In reading we have been working on the character traits, and comparing characters. Please remember to read with your child every night! If you are having trouble picking out books for your child to read on their own, please let us know and we can send home what their “independent” level would be. The children are doing a great job with all of the foundations activities! Keep up the good work!
In math, we have been doing such a great job! We have been concentrating on graphs, number bonds, missing partners, and word problems. This is something you can practice at home as well! You can come up with a few word problems on your own and let them pick the strategy (picture or using a manipulative) to solve it!
We are so excited to see our friends grow and learn every day! Please remember how important it is to send your child to school every day. As a part of our PBIS reward system at school, when a class has 95 percent or better attendance every day we earn extra recess on a Friday! Keep up the great work!!
GRADE 3 Team – Mrs. Harrigan and Mr. Mitchell
Welcome Back and Happy Fall!! It’s hard to believe that we have completed a full month of school already!
September was a busy month for our third graders. We started off by reviewing the Regan Rhino Expectations.
In Math we were learning the strategies to use when solving multiplication facts and word problems. In English
we have been writing and punctuating the four kinds of sentences. In Social Studies and Science we are reading
nonfiction passages and finding text evidence to support our answers to questions. In Writing we have been
working on adding details when making journal entries. We also wrote letters of appreciation to our community
police officers and firefighters. In Reading we have been learning new vocabulary and identifying character traits.
We also took our beginning of the year benchmark Dibels and TRC assessments.
Many thanks to all who attended Open House! Please remember to have your child READ each evening for fluency
and comprehension practice. They should also continue to practice math facts (addition, subtraction, and multiplication).
GRADE 4 Team – Mr. Dombrowski and Miss O’Brien
Welcome back to a new school year. Fourth grade students in our classes have started the year off with a bang! The students have just completed the MClass testing and have been settling into reading groups and various literacy stations. We will continue to work with informational text utilizing various text features and text structures including sequencing, cause and effect, main idea and compare and contrast. The boys and girls have also started a new math series called “Math Expressions.” Students are in the midst of mastering place value to the millions and moving more towards multiplication with 2 digits. We will continue to work vigorously through our updated Mathematics and English Language Arts curriculums.
Your child will continue to receive homework Monday – Thursday. They should be studying their math facts every night! Our Spelling and Reading tests will be given on most Fridays! In addition, please encourage your child to read every day/night for 20 minutes. Ask questions about what he or she read. Upcoming will be our Fall Festival to recognize students with excellent behavior and attendance! You can also go to these websites for additional help:,, LexiaCore5,, and We look forward to working with your child to make 2015-2016 a wonderful experience.
GRADE 5 Team – Mrs. Betancourt and Mrs. Chasse
We would like to welcome all students and parents to the fifth grade. Students have been working hard on fractions and decimals. Currently, students are learning several strategies to compare decimals. Please continue to work on multiplication facts as this will help them with Math fluency. We have completed our beginning of the year MClass testing.
If you did not attend open house please look for these results as they were sent home. To align with the first marking period ELA curriculum, which is mystery, we are close reading The City of Ember. The students will be writing their own mysteries for the end of the marking period assessment. Thanks for all your support!
NURSE – Ms. Pelletier
Happy Fall! With the beauty of the changing season comes cooler weather. We know with that comes colds, viruses and seasonal asthma. If your child needs an inhaler in school, please call me for the Doctor’s form and remember only a parent can bring the medication to school.To decrease sick absences, please remember frequent hand washing and that of surfaces, good nutrition and getting plenty of sleep helps. Please be sure your child is wearing a sweater or jacket to school.
Kindergarten parents remember if your child’s 2015 physical is not done, it must be by the end of December 2015. Any questions, please call me at 203-574-8305. We do not keep extra clothes for the children here. Please send in your child’s backpack a pair of socks, pants and shirt for emergencies especially for our little ones inK through 2nd grade. Occasionally they have accidents with the changing weather. Thank you for your continued support and assistance in helping school be healthy!
Attending school regularly has proven to be the number one influence on student performance. Did you know absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year? Half the students who miss two to four days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school. Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade or will have continuous reading difficulties in the future. We encourage students to attend school regularly and a bulletin board in the front lobby recognizes classrooms that have a 95% average or better on a weekly basis.
PBIS Newsletter:
The P.B.I.S.Team is working extra hard to provide great opportunities to celebrate our students and their positive behavior. Currently, we have implemented a "Shout Out" board for teachers to acknowledge a student who is following the Regan Rhino expectations. If your child receives one, please celebrate their shout out at home, as this is a great praise from our school!! The students and staff are gearing up for the Fall Festival, which will be held on October 30th, to celebrate the positive behavior shown by those who have earned it throughout the first marking period. Daily, your child is working towards earning a leaf that symbolizes they are meeting the Rhino expectations of being Responsible, Honest, In Uniform, Never Late and Safe. Your child will need to earn 18 leaves from their teacher to be able to attend the Fall Festival. Be sure to ask your child if they received their leaf each day. Lastly, our October fundraiser will take place the week of October 26th. We will be raffling off pumpkins decorated by each classroom. Look for the notice in the next coming weeks. Regan Rhinos Rock!!!
Thank you to the families and staff members who purchased books at the bookfair. Your support helps to provide books for things such as Book Bingo Night, Literacy Activities, raffle prizes to name a few.
Thank you to the parent volunteers who gave their time to help run the Book Fair. It was very much appreciated.
Mark your calendars for the following events (flyers attached):
-Annual District Title I Meeting - Wednesday, October 7th from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at Waterbury Arts Magnet School
- Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration - Salsa Lessons - Thursday, October 8th from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Reed School
- Annual CommunitySchool Meeting - Tuesday, October 27th from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. at Montoe Park
Please contact me if you need your Registration Key to log onto Progress Book.
Join us for Salsa Lessons by
Alex Calderon!!!!!
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, Please join us as we celebrate with Reed School. Reed School will be hosting a“Learn How to Salsa Family Night” with Alex Calderon.
It will be great family fun and active night! Light refreshments will be served.
When: Thursday, October 8, 2015
Where: Reed Gym
33 Griggs Street
Time: 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Please return bottom to Patty Poulter, Parent Liaison A.S.A.P
Number of persons attending is_____
Student ______Grade ______Teacher______
THE ANNUAL TITLE I MEETING is the place to start
“Moving Forward for Student Success”
“It is a time for change, a time to recommit to quality education, a time to support our schools with both fiscal and human resources and a time to move forward for all students to succeed!”
Dr. Kathleen M. Ouellette, Superintendent
Learn more about:
Title I
School Governance Councils, School Family Community Partnerships, and how to improve parent engagement in all schools;
Meet other parents and school staff and work cooperatively to create safe, respectful and welcoming schools.
The Annual Title I Meeting
When: Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Time: 5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Place: Waterbury Arts Magnet School Cafeteria
16 South Elm Street
Waterbury, CT 06706
Free Books, Free Dinner
Translation provided in Spanish and Albanian
Free Parking at Scovill Street Parking Garage
or Free Transportation Available and Child Care by advance request;
Bus Routes will start at 4:30 P.M. from the following locations:
Route 1: 4:30 PM -Scott Gardens Bldg. # 55 (near office), Village Wood Bldg. #109 (near office), Berkley Warner Rec. Center, PAL, WOW Center, & Walsh School
Route 2: 4:30 PM - Mark Lane, Lakewood Apts., Eblen’s Parking Lot, Bucks Hill Rand Boyden St., 7- Eleven on Cooks St. & Driggs School
Route 3: 4:30 PM - Duggan School, River Baldwin Rec. Center, Washington School, Maloney School
Route 4: 4:30 PM - Sprague School, Bunker Hill School & Oakville Ave at Angel Drive
Please return to your child’s Parent Liaison in Elementary, Middle School, and High School by:
September 30, 2015
Be a part of our School –Family-Community Partnership (SFCP) Learning Community!
For further information, contact your child’s School Parent Liaison or
Gladys Wright at 203-574-8044
Please return bottom portion:
Transportation and child care provided age 3 years and up by advance request
Student Name(s): ______
Parent Name: ______Telephone: ______E-mail: ______
Address: ______Zip: ______
¡LA REUNION ANUAL DE TITULO I es el lugar para comenzar
“Avanzando hacia el éxito estudiantil”
"Este es el momento de cambio, un tiempo para comprometernos con una educación de calidad, un tiempo para apoyar a nuestras escuelas con nuestros recursos financieros y humanos, un tiempo de avanzar para que todos los estudiantes tengan éxito!"
Dr. Kathleen M. Ouellette, Superintendente
Obtenga más información sobre:
Título I
Concilios de gobierno escolar, Asociaciones Escuela Familia Comunidad y cómo mejorar la participación de los padres en todas las escuelas;
Conozca a otros padres y al personal de la escuela y el trabajo cooperativo para crear escuelas seguras, respetadas y acogedoras.
Conozca más sobre:
Reunión anual de título I
Cuando: Miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2015
Hora: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Lugar: Cafetería de la Escuela Waterbury Arts Magnet
16 South Elm Street
Waterbury, CT 06706
libros y cena gratis
Traducción al español y al albanés
Estacionamiento en el garaje de la Calle Scovill
o transportación gratis disponible y cuidado de niños por solicitud anticipada;
Rutas de autobuses comenzará a las 4:30 pm desde las siguientes ubicaciones:
Ruta 1:4:30 PM -Scott Garden Bldg. # 55 (cerca de la oficina), Village Wood Bldg. #109 (cerca de la oficina), Berkley Warner REC Center, PAL, WOW Center y la Escuela de Walsh
Ruta 2: 4:30 PM- Mark Lane, Lakewood Apts, el Estacionamiento Eblen, Bucks Hill Rand Boyden St., 7-Eleven en Cook St. y la escuela Drig gs
Ruta 3: 4:30 PM–Escuela Duggan, River Baldwin REC Center, Escuela Washington y Escuela Maloney.
Ruta 4: 4:30 PM-Escuela Sprague, Escuela Bunker Hill & Oakville Ave. en Angel Drive
Favor de devolver al Enlace de padres de su hijo en la Escuela Elemental, Intermedia y Superior ya para el: