Parish Life
24th July, 2016 – Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend Mass Times St. Mary’s Castlegregory
Sunday – 10.30am
Confessionsafter Vigil Mass and after First Friday Mass
Parish Office – St. Mary’s Presbytery, Castlegregory
Monday - Closed
Tuesday 10.30am to 4.00pm
Wednesday 10.30am – 4.00pm
Thursday 10.30am to 3.00pm
Friday 10.30am to 4.00pm
(Check out newsletter for any changes in times of opening hours due to holidays etc)
Tel: 066 7139145 – Mobile 087 1438060 – Email:
Kerry Diocesan Website –
Notices for Newsletter to reach office by 11.30am on Fridays
Priest: Fr. Michael Hussey 087 1438060 - Secretary: Bernie Dowling
Weekend Mass Times
Clochán Bréanainn
Séipéal Naomh Bréanainn
An Satharn – 6.45 i.n.
Confession before and after Mass on Tuesdays
Parish Pastoral Council: Chairperson: James Kildea, Julia Dowling, Vincent Filgate, Bernie Dowling, Patricia Hennessy , Audrey Stephens, Joan Herbst, , Sheila Kelliher, Eileen Nicholl, Siobhan Hennessy, Síle Mulcahy, Anne Dennehy, Angela O’Sullivan, Eileen O’Grady, Kathleen DowdLiturgy Group ContactsChairperson –
Anne Dennehy Secretary – Maunie Kelliher - Maire Begley (organist/adult choir) Pat Finn & Trish Browne (Folk Group) Síle Mulcahy (St. Brendan’s Choir) Area Pastoral Council Representatives; James Kildea and Bernie Dowling, Eileen Nicholl Finance Committee: Joan Ferriter, Gerard O’Donnell, Kathleen O’Rourke, Bernie Dowling, Fr. Michael Hussey. Building and Maintenance:Sean Lyons, Denis Dowling, Pat Joe Flynn, Micheál O’Leary, Trish Browne, Sheila Kelliher, Pat Finn, Tommy Fitzgerald, James Kildea,
Parish Reps for Safeguarding Children: Kathleen Spillane,Susan Browne and Kathleen Brosnan - Safeguarding Tel no 087 3800220
Youth Council:Cathy Browne, Darragh Rohan,Jena Cronin, Shannon O’Grady, Amy Byrne, Eva O’Connell, KateShannon, Sinead Sheehan,Timmy Walsh, Ellen Goodwin, Shannen Cronin-Maunsell, Cody Stafford, Michael Scanlon, Claire Dennehy, Carrie Dowling, Niamh Shannon, Caitlyn Browne, Grace O’Sullivan.
Week beginning 24th July2016
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time C
In Luke's Gospel this week, the disciples saw Jesus in prayer and when He was finished they asked Him to teach them to pray. They wanted to be able to pray like Jesus. He taught them The Lord's Prayer, the greatest and most powerful of all Christian prayers. If you were to say just one prayer in the day, The Lord's Prayer is the perfect prayer because it is the model for all prayer as it sums up what is required of us to live a good Christian life. The first part deals with our relationship with God, we acknowledge Him and we praise Him. We pray for the coming of His Kingdom on earth. The second part deals with our needs, ‘give us this day our daily bread'. We pray for forgiveness for our own sins and for the grace to forgive others and finally we ask Him to help us cope with the temptations and evils that come our way. Jesus also tells the disciples to be persistent in prayer. We need to persevere in our prayers -He said: 'Ask and it will be given to you, search and you will find, knockand the door will be opened to you'. However, we need faith. Faith that God will answer our prayers, maybe not in the way we would like, but in the way that is best for us - like a loving Father. We have to distinguish between our needs and our wants. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to pray and it is the Holy Spirit that gives us the strength to accept God's will for us. The Scripture readings this Sunday give us great comfort and reassurance of God's mercy and love. You have to admire Abraham's courage and persistence (and humility) in the first reading, when he makes a case for the innocent in Sodom and Gomorrah! His pleading with God shows how important our intercessory prayers are.
This Bible book is only one chapter in length. What is it about? Jerusalem was in a bit of bother; the people of Judea were shocked that the cousins from down the road joined the enemy and put in the boot. Okay, the day of revenge is on its way…… too is the justice of God…….Obadiah would make a dreary table companion……………..
Pray for our Departed
Monsignor Pádraig Ó Fiannachta, Dingle
Fr Larry Kelly (former PP of Castlegregory)
Jim Fitzgerald, Baile na Leacan
Deceased members of Kelliher family, Fermoyle
Mary & Patrick Walsh, Fermoyle
Denis & Julia Foley, Kellysheight
Bridget Duff, Duagh
Hannah Spillane, Fahamore
Phil & Jerry Moriarty, Ceandeehy
Tom Normoyle (First Anniversary) & his wife Mary (3rd Anniversary) Cloghane
Frank & Nora Browne, Fahamore
Johnny Finn, Kilshanning & Brendan Dowd , Tralee
Pray for the Sick of the Parish
Remember the sick of the parish in your prayers, those in hospital, nursing homes, those undergoing treatments and waiting test results. Lord, may Your healing hand touch them.
Priest on Deanery Duty
Priest on duty in the deanery this Sunday24th July 2016 is Fr Michael Hussey. In the event of an emergency, please call 066 7139145 or mobile 087 1438060.
Intentions for this Weekend
St. Mary’s
10.30am – Intention: Mass for the People
St. Brendan’s
6.45pm – Vigil Mass – Intention: Jim Fitzgerald, Baile na Leacon
Weekday Masses – St. Mary’s
Monday 25th July – 7.00pm – Intention: Phil & Jerry Moriarty, Ceandeehy
Tuesday 26th July – 10.00am – Intention: Private Intention
Wednesday 27th July – No parish Mass
Thursday 28th July – 7.00pm – Intention: Frank & Nora Browne, Fahamore
Friday 22ndJuly – 7.00pm – Intention:
Johnny Finn and Brendan Dowd
************************************ Weekday Masses -St. Brendan’s
Tuesday 26th July–7.00pm –Intention:
Tom Normoyle, Cloghane (First Anniv) & his wife Mary (3rd anniv)
Intentions for Next Weekend
St. Mary’s
Sunday 31stJuly– 10.30am – Intention: Mass for the People
St. Brendan’s
Saturday 30thJuly – 6.45pm Vigil – Intention: Mary Dowd, Kilmore & Dublin – First Anniversary
The parish wishes Shannen, Amy, Ellen and Eva every blessing as they set out for Krakow this Monday 25th July to celebrate World Youth Day with two million other young people from all over the world. We pray that they will be enriched by their experience. It is a wonderful opportunity and they are so grateful to the parish for supporting their fundraising efforts and for making it possible for them to travel with the diocese.
Rota for next weekend
Reader: Sunday 31st July – Eileen O’Grady
Eucharistic Ministers: Kathleen Spillane, Vincent Filgate, Denis Kelliher & Eileen Walsh
Altar Serversnext Sunday 31st July: Andrea & Claire Dowling, Orla Donnellan and Sarah Keane
Alter Society – Month of July
Eileen Dowd & Angela O’Sullivan
Church Flowers - Next weekend – Lourda and Bernie