(503) 988-4112
Last Updated: Oct. 24, 2006
Domestic Violence Resources
Portland Women’s Crisis Line...... 503-235-5333
Or toll-free...... 1-888-235-5333
Linéa UNICA (Español).503-232-4448 o 1-888-232-4448
National Domestic Violence Hotline....1-800-799-SAFE
MultnomahCounty Mental Health Line...503-988-4888
Child Abuse Reporting Hotline...... 503-731-3100
Aging & Disability Services 24-hr HelpLine.503-988-3646
Alcohol & Drug Helpline1-800-923-HELP or 503-244-1312
Bradley-Angle House...... 503-281-2442
Clackamas Women’s Services...... 503-654-2288
Columbia Co. Women’s ResourceCenter..503-397-6161
Domestic Violence Resource Center.....503-469-8620
Raphael House...... 503-222-6222
SafeChoice/Vancouver YWCA...... 1-360-695-0501
Salvation Army West Women’s & Children’s503-224-7718
Yolanda House of YWCA...... 503-535-3269
Volunteers of America Home Free...... 503-771-5503
Clackamas Women’s Services...... 503-722-2366
WashingtonCo.Center for Victim Services.503-846-3020
Abuse Recovery Ministry & Svcs. (Christian)503-846-9284
Bradley-Angle House (sexual minorities)..503-281-2442
Catholic Charities’ El Programa Hispano
Project Unica...... 503-669-8350 or 503-232-4448
Hope For Families (Christian)....503-661-4444 ext 356
Insights Teen Parent Program...... 503-239-6996
IRCO Asian Family Center...... 503-235-9396
IRCO Refugee & Immigrant Family Str....503-234-1541
Native American Family Healing Circle...503-288-8177
New Options (sex industry)...... 503-234-3400
Russian Oregon Social Services...... 503-777-3437
SAWERA (South Asian)...... 503-778-7386
Vol. Of Amer. Home Free...... 503-771-5503
Bradley-Angle House...... 503-232-7805
Clackamas Women’s Services *...... 503-654-2807
DomesticViolenceResourceCenter *....503-640-5352
Desarrollo Integral de la Familia...... 503-284-5178
El Programa Hispano Project Unica...... 503-669-8350
Volunteers Of America Home Free *.....503-771-5503
*adult groups & children’s groups
YWCA Safety Matters Supervised Visitation503-988-4763
VINE (Jail/Prison/Corrections Info.)....1-877-OR-4-VINE
Afterhours Emergency Food & Shelter....503-525-6400
Metro Childcare Resource & Referral....503-253-5000
SafeNet (statewide health referrals)....1-800-SAFE-NET
Oregon Crime Victim’s Compensation...1-800-503-7983
Oregon Health Plan...... 1-800-359-9517
DHS Self-Sufficiency Services Offices:
Albina Branch503-280-6781 .SE Branch971-673-2550
St. Johns Br.503-731-4646East Br.... 503-257-4200
NE Branch.503-280-6683Downtown..971-673-1400
Teen Parent971-673-2552Gresham..503-491-1979
MultnomahCounty Courts...... 503-988-3022
ClackamasCounty Courts...... 503-650-3036
WashingtonCounty RO Advocacy...... 503-846-3830
ClarkCounty (Washington) Court...... 1-360-397-2424
Legal Aid’s Domestic Violence Project....503-224-4086
(Legal representation for low-income petitioners with contested restraining order hearings in MultnomahCounty. Call 9:00-12:00)
Volunteers Of America Court Care...... 503-988-4334
(Free childcare at MultnomahCounty courthouse while parents conduct Court business. Only for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.)
Non-emergency Police Response...... 503-823-3333
DVERT (Domestic Violence Enhanced Response) 503-988-6440
Portland Police DV Reduction Unit...... 503-823-0090
Gresham Police Domestic Violence Unit..503-618-2581
Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office...... 503-255-3600
Multnomah Co. Probation DV Unit...... 503-988-5056
Multnomah CountyJail Release Info...... 503-988-3689
VINE (Jail/Prison/Corrections Info.)....1-877-OR-4-VINE
Domestic Violence Prosecutor’s Office....503-988-3873
Victims’ Assistance Office...... 503-988-3222
Outreach for Underserved Populations...503-988-5419
Child Support Enforcement...... 503-988-3150
Child Support Helpline...... 1-800-383-1222
(Child support information for low-income Oregonians. Call
Mon-Weds-Fri, between 1:00-4:00; or Tues-Thurs, 9:00-12:00)
Family Law Hotline (formerly DV Advice Line) 503-299-6101
(Phone advice for low-income domestic violence victims/
survivors in MultnomahCounty. Call Tues or Thurs, 1:00-4:00)
Lewis & Clark Legal Clinic...... 503-768-6500
(Legal services for low-income victims/survivors.)
LegalAidMultnomahCounty Office.....503-224-4086
(Legal services for low-income residents of MultnomahCounty.)
Mult. Co.FamilyCourtSelfHelpCenter...503-988-4003
Oregon State Bar Lawyer Referral Line..1-800-452-7636
(Referrals to attorneys with family law experience.)
Oregon State Bar Modest Means Program 1-800-452-7636
(For low to moderate income people. Referrals to lower-cost attorneys.)
St. Andrews Legal Clinic...... 503-281-1500
Catholic Charities’ Immigration Services..503-542-2855
Cath. Charities’ El Programa Hispano....503-669-8350
Immigration Counseling Services...... 503-221-1689
Lutheran Community Services NW...... 503-233-0042
SOAR...... 503-284-3002
Allies in Change Counseling Center...... 503-297-7979
ASAP Treatment Services...... 503-224-0075
(Court-ordered substance abuse treatment & batterer program)
ARMS...... 503-846-9284
ChangePoint...... 503-253-5954
Choices DVIP...... 503-239-7597
Men’s ResourceCenter...... 503-235-3433
Women’s CounselingCenter...... 503-235-4050
If You Know Someone Who Is Being Hurt
- Believe your friend or acquaintance, and keep what she tells you confidential. Don’t talk to others about it.
- Don’t blame the victim for the abuse. The abused person is not responsible for being abused and does not deserve to be abused.
- They need to tell their story in their own time and at their own pace. Take the time to talk privately with your friend or co-worker and ask about suspicious bruises or fights that you know about.
- Help her make safety plans.
- Validate feelings. Your friend or co-worker may feel hurt, angry, afraid, ashamed and trapped and may also love the abuser.
- Assault is a crime. If you hear or see abuse that is occurring, call 9-1-1. And be willing to make a statement to the police about what you saw or heard.
- Understand the victim may not be ready to leave, or may leave and go back several times before being able to leave for good. Her solutions may not be the same as yours.
- Give them information about community resources.
How You Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence
- Learn more about domestic violence.
- Support domestic violence programs with donations of money, food, clothes, household goods or time.
- Make public statements against violence to those you know including neighbors, friends, family, co-workers.
- Ask your local school to bring in “No Punchin’ Judy” for elementary children and “Stopping Acts of Violence Education (SAVE)” or other rape or dating violence prevention programs for middle/high school students.
- Schedule representatives from local domestic violence programs to speak at your church, workplace, social or community group, block watch or neighborhood group.
- Ask public officials to continue funding programs that support victims of domestic violence.
- Interrupt jokes or comments that trivialize domestic violence or its survivors, or that blame the victim.
- Make sure information about resources for victims is available at your church, school and workplace.
- Promote respect and dignity for all people, regardless of their gender, class, race, sexual orientation or physical ability. Make a serious effort to better understand issues of power and control in whatever area they occur. Work against oppression and violence.