24:42Leilani -Taylor, make sure you write the person’s name and their question. So,

25:15 Laura McAllister – Sound Child Care

Laura: “Can’t find Exhibit C, only Exhibit B, maybe it’s mislabeled. Thought it would be on the book of this but it is not labeled. So, my specific question is “where is Exhibit C?”

Leilani – “good question Laura! Alright! We will email it to you. Ha! If you go to the website, I’ll show you what it looks like. I’m sure everyone wants to see it. Has everyone wants to see it. Has everyone been to our website? Ok, so, exhibit C is on the website and what is that word? I can project it so we can see it real quick. “

26:09 Leilani – “What’s your follow up question?

Laura -“My specific question I defined for the operations person , where is exhibit C_ and then I just have a follow up comment. January 13th is not a Monday, it is a Friday. Documents say due Monday January 13th. “

Leilani – “Oh, it does? We will change that.” Make sure, we, Taylor, will document and change it.

Leilani“ You are correct, it’s Friday the 13th. Any other questions? About the community center?

27:12 – Hueling Chan- Chinese Information Service Center.

Hueling Chan - “I just want to clarify, just for the community center RFI, are we interested in A and C only?”

Leilani – “If you are a current provider that includes Pathway, so if you are a current SPP or Pathway provider all you need to submit is Exhibit C.”

Hueling Chan – “So, we bring ten copies in also electronic and Exhibit C right? Yes.”

Leilani – “Let me show you this very quickly, if you go to our website, which I know everyone in here has been to our website Department of Education and Early Learning, on the right hand side is the funding opportunities, so you just click here, and this actually it’s nice to go throughout the year because we have different opportunities and we will tell you what is open and closed, so obviously right now we, SPP RFI is open, it has some general information in here, including deadlines. Then you can download the RFI right here or download the application. There is Exhibit A,B,C.

28:48 Leilani – While it is opening, are the any other questions about the community center?” Oh, here we go. So, it’s pretty straightforward, there is some general information about the applicants, what your status is, are you a current provider, or applying to be a provide, so you can see here four of the community centers are included hereand you would check tall that apply, and there are some questions about your displacement situation and some instructions and some instructions on how to describe your displacement. Do you have anything more to say about this Cam?”

29:46 Cameron – “One thing to notice in the RFI, there are some ______issues which are in the table on page 17 at that point we clarify the displacement ______and we talk about high risk displacement, we understand information can be a little fluid in the year some of you may have gone through a displacement situation maybe …….conversation a school or landlords or things like that . We talk a little bit in the actual application describing situation sorta categorical way, but then, we also ask you to narrative describe what is going on and also the ability to attach evidence of your high risk displacement. “

30:29 Leilani – “Great, did you get that?

Liz - “So, I want just want to clarify a question about that. In the RFI packet correspondence ___it says ______

Displacement for the 2017-2018 school year, where in Seattle Public Schools _____ we have been generally notified after the RFI is due about next year’s ______we have some correspondence from last year saying we are at risk ? would that suffice? and it would not necessarily say______.”

If you have more updated correspondence the better we are also working with Seattle Public Schools they are actually ______not going g too much into it ______in January. Usually more precise as they do open enrollment Seattle Public Schools”

31:31 – Liz, Director from Launch “If our circumstances around displacement, supposedly apply for more than one community center and out _____ slightly different between two community center____and the sources? Of displacement are slightly different ___is it 300 words total or per community center______.”

31:47 – Cam “Yeah that is a really good question and I know that as we start talk through it that will clarify in the QA. Exhibit one Exhibit one C if you are applying to multiple sights but some questions will be more site specific. So I think we are going to talk about that post answer If you are applying for multiple sites, we will add additional application instructions. It’s a relevant point for couple of different parts of that. Does that make sense? Well, let me know.”

32:21 – Cassie Worley, Sound Child Care Solutions.

“at the bottom part defines a displaced provider, it does say if you are provider that was displaced for the 2015-2016 school year.”

32:33 Cam – “Yeah, right now, for this school year, year currently offered.”

Cassie – “So, we’re currently displaced, our SPP program at Little Eaglesis currently displaced, are we not on here? In your priority list?”

Cam- “In this priority list right now you have to be operating this year and be displaced for next year.”

Leilani – “That’s our current definition”.

33:13 Leilani – I’ll go through this a little bit more, I think it’s only two pages it is pretty short,outside of the narrative questions. So, if you are a current Pathway agency we have some things for you here to answer around for your reasons you are applying if you are a Pathway agency asking you all to describe your attempts or what your facility challenges have been for what you attempted to address your facility challenges and 5,6 and 7 are the narrative questions that we talked about as part of the exhibit C. So, how you would leverage local resources and neighborhood resources, information about your organizational structure and number 7 is about Racial Equity and program strategies to address racial equity at work. I just want to point out that each question has a different word count. So, for example, #5 and #7 is 350 words but #6 is 1000 words recognizing that this is the part where you’re really gonnatalk about your organization so particularly these elements so we gave you a little bit of room to work with.”

34:43 – Leilani“One thing I would like to point out with anything that includes a narrative. We recognize that a CBO some of you are CBOS and that grant writing is not necessarily, you may or may not have a staff writer yourself so, what’s most important is addressing the elements of the question versus making it look really nice. We are really looking for content. Please don’t be discouraged if you are looking at this and thinking 1000 words. Oh my god? It’s totally doable. We’re really looking for content. OK?”

35:20 - Leilani – And that’s exhibit C, it’s just two pages, outside of the narrative questions. It’s pretty much a check box situation. Do you want to add anything else to this Cameron? _to this _ Exhibit C?”

35:32 – Cameron “Just note, yeah that there are opportunities to attach supporting documents. Check the actual description.

35:51 - Cameron “We said 15 pages, includes attachments? On page 16, top half of the community center initiative portion of the RFI, must be limited to no more than 15 total pages and stapled with the other attachments. The narrative does not include the attachments so 15 pages of the narrative and then if you are going to include attachments that is not part of the page count.

Leilani – “We will make sure again that we will mail you a link to exhibit C but if you don’t want to wait for it, you can go to the website. Any other questions around the Community Center Initiative portion?”

37:05 Leilani – “ So, I am going to take a pause….”