Erasmus plus YouRNI Project ”Integration of young refugees -Using mobile devices leading to better language acquisition and relevant career guidance"Programme for C4: Veneto/Italy
23-27 October 2017 – Veneto Lavoro (Mestre-Venezia)
What is career guidance?Career guidance refers to services and activities intended to assist individuals, of any age and at any point throughout their lives, to make educational, training and occupational choices and to manage their careers. Such services may be found in schools, universities and colleges, in training institutions, in public employment services, in the workplace, in the voluntary or community sector and in the private sector. The activities may take place on an individual or group basis, and may be face-to-face or at a distance (including help lines and web-based services).
They include career information provision (in print, ICT-based and other forms), assessment and self-assessment tools, counseling interviews, career education programmes (to help individuals develop their self awareness, opportunity awareness, and career management skills), taster programmes (to sample options before choosing them), work search programmes, and transition services.
(definition used in recent international reviews conducted by the OECD, the European Commission and the World Bank).
Comparative studies highlight that guidance remains a marginal aspect for the education system in spite of increasing need for support in making choices, this also applies to refugees because
granting refugees access to the labour market is important to restoring their human dignity and self-worth and is also cost-efficient, as it would allow them to be self-sufficient and to gain economic independence, which is an essential step for their inclusion into society, and a responsible approach towards public finances, easing the cost borne by Member States while also enabling them to become active fiscal contributors, which is generally considered beneficial for their individual growth, development and self-esteem.
OECD (CAREER GUIDANCE: A HANDBOOK FOR POLICY MAKERS – OECD/ EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES 2004) identifies some common issues that regard all levels of schooling and even more apply to guidance for refugees. Those who provide career education and guidance in schools are often not career guidance specialists. They very often combine career guidance with other roles: teaching other school subjects; providing counselling and guidance for personal problems and study difficulties.
Many school career guidance services have tenuous links with the world of work:
- Teaching staff know little about the labour market and what is involved in different types of
- jobs;
- Little contact exists with the public employment service;
- Students have very few or no opportunities to take part in work experience;
- Few employers are invited in to the school to talk to students;
- Parents have little involvement in the school’s careers programme; and
- Careers fairs in which groups of employers come to the one location to provide information
- to students do not take place.
- Career education and guidance are often considered to be the sole responsibility of the specialist
- career guidance staff, rather than the joint responsibility of all members of the teaching staff.
Taking stock of existing issues and the diversity of the staff involved, the learning week aims at providing a whole of a picture on the topic of professional and life guidance for refugees. It is configured as an exchange of practice and knowledge about the different methodological approaches, the competences and the objectives of guidance in the overall integration to migrants and refugees in particular.
The week will evolve with contribution of professionals and experts from the participating countries.
In fact, effective guidance support entails the work of multidisciplinary teams capable of dealing with
-Linguistic and cultural issues
-Personal, psychological issues
-Post traumatic diseases
-Recognition of non-formal and informal competences
-Knowledge of the local labor market and training opportunities
The first day will be dedicated to introducing the importance and complex set of professional skills that guidance tasks and to share the national /local approach to guidance and counseling with contributions from all partners.
Day 2 will be dedicated to learning some tools developed by EC experts dealing with issues relevant to the project and understand possible support or tools available in Europe. Study visits and workshops led by different practitioners and experts on the practical use of tools will complete the training in a practical way on day 2 and 3.
Day 4 and 5 are dedicated to consolidation of the learning and proposal to create guidelines for sharing and using the new learning in ordinary work with Refugees back in respective countries, by bringing home a usable tool.
Erasmus plus YouRNI Project ”Integration of young refugees -Using mobile devices leading to better language acquisition and relevant career guidance"Programme for C4: Veneto/Italy 22-October 2017(Sunday)28 October 2017(Saturday): using educational biographies andEuropass as a tool for career guidance to improve employability of young refugees
Training Workshop: learning sessions where one or more experts share their knowledge and experience in a participatory and interactive way.
Study visit: a learning session where participants learn by visiting, seeing, listening and talking to practitioners, testimonials, experts.
Project work: a concrete work session, in group or individual – where knowledge and skills acquired are codified and tailored for the professional use. In the case of YouRNI, project work will consist in the development of short guidelines / lessons on guidance.
Morning / Afternoon / EveningSunday
22.10.2017 / Participants
1)…. / partners arrive at hotel:
AO Hotel Venezia Mestre
Via Ca' Marcello, 11, 30172 Mestre, Italia
You will need to book it yourselves on
Or / Free time
Day 1:
23.10.2017 / 9. 15 am: c/o Veneto Lavoro, via Ca' Marcello 67/b, 30172 Mestre (VE)
welcome, programme (YouRNI Veneto team)
9.30 am: introducing YouRNI, steps so far (YouRNI coordinating partner)
9.45 am:
Introducing guidance for refugees as a systemic and multidimensional approach to integration.
Presentations by experts from Italy
Gianfranco Bonesso (Municipality of Venice Immigration Office)
12.30: lunch / 2pm:
Country Reports about other countries activities
- homework 1 :prepare a presentation about how and who in your country make guidance for refugees
7pm: dinner
Morning / Afternoon / Evening
Day 2:
24.10.2017 / 9. 15 am: c/o Veneto Lavoro, via Ca' Marcello 67/b, 30172 Mestre (VE)
Innovative and EU tools for early recognition of refugees competences.“EU Skills Profile Tool for Third Country Nationals”
(video conference with EC)
Diana Eriksonaitė
Policy officer
European Commission
Unit E.2 – Skills and qualifications
12.30: lunch / 13.30 Train from Mestre to San Donà di Piave
Study visit Il VIllaggio Globale VET school and Refugee centre and peer review of the visit, evaluation
17.00: end of the meeting / Free time
7pm: dinner
Day 3:
25.10.2017 / 9. 15 am:
c/o Veneto Lavoro, via Ca' Marcello 67/b, 30172 Mestre (VE)
Using holistic approach and specific tools/ methods for guidance
Educational Biographies
Story telling
Recognition of non formal and informal learning at premises of refugee centre
Recognition of the title of study - Laurent Luboya (Municipality of Venice Immigration Office)
School and employment guidance-Pilar Sancez (Municipality of Venice Immigration Office)
Maria Fiano ( USRV –Regional Education Office)
12.30: lunch / 2pm:
Skills assessment
German Ministry of education
Ms Sien-Lieh Saleh: “2P potential and perspective: analysing subject skills and general competence, including biographical data of migrants”
17.00: end of the meeting / Free time
7pm: dinner
Morning / Afternoon / Evening
Day 4:
26.10.2017 / 9. 15 am:
c/o Veneto Lavoro, via Ca' Marcello 67/b, 30172 Mestre (VE)
Using holistic approach and specific tools/ methods for guidance
Educational Biographies
Story telling
Recognition of non formal and informal learning
Il VIllaggio Globale –Marco Zamarchi, Serena Boldrin
Cooperativa La ESSE (TV) -Stefano Antinori
12.30: lunch / 2pm:
Project work (developing guidelines for teachers) and discussions
- Ideas/Planning for Language Planning
- Writing Guidelines and good practice
7pm: dinner
Day 5:
27.10.2017 / 9. 15 am:
c/o Veneto Lavoro, via Ca' Marcello 67/b, 30172 Mestre (VE)
Project work (developing guidelines for teachers) and discussions
- Ideas/Planning for Language Planning
12.30: lunch / 2pm:
Presentation of project work
15.30 am: YouRNI’s learning package and next steps (YouRNI coordinating partner)
16.00: end of the meeting
Departure / Free time
Saturday:28.10.2017 / Departure
We are organizing also a dinner (Pizza party) on day 3 or day 4 with the Cooperative Caracol in Mestre at Social Centre Rivolta. The Cooperative Caracol are active in the protection and the accompaniment of applicants and holders of international protection- asylum seeker in a path of social-occupational integration in the territory if Venice.They are hosting 21 asylum seekersin the RivoltaCenter ,eight are fromMali, seven fromNigeria, three fromGhana, two fromSenegal and one fromBangladesh.. So they will welcome us in their Centre !