22nd Annual Youth Mentoring Services of Niagara County Charity Golf Tournament

(formerly Big Brothers Big Sisters of Niagara County)

Brookfield Country Club, Clarence

Monday, May 19th, 2014

(716) 285-6680 (716) 434-1855, (716) 434-2242-fax

86 Park Avenue, Lockport, NY 14094


Available Sponsorships:

Confirmation by March 28th ensures following. After March 31st different deadlines apply as per vendor request.

Corporate Diamond Sponsorship at $7,500 Tender or $9,000 Product/Merchandise will offer:

¨ Name recognition: 1000+ invitations * Business First Golf Edition Ad * 75 Tournament Cart Books * Full page (approx. 7”H x 4.5”W) ad 250 + Tournament Programs * Back Cover Ad & Logo Tournament Programs * Large banner

displayed at Tournament * Large banner displayed at Tournament Awards Banquet * Numerous press releases *

YMS Niagara County Website * Golfer Registration gift * 2015 Golf Letterhead * Foursome Photos *

¨ Registration up to 12 golfers

¨ Corporate Diamond gift presented at Tournament Awards Banquet

Corporate Platinum Sponsorship at $5,000 Tender or $6,500 Product/Merchandise will offer:

¨ Name recognition: 1000+ invitations * Business First Golf Edition Ad * 75 Tournament Cart Books * Full page (approx. 7”H x 4.5”W) ad 250 + Tournament Programs * Back Cover Ad Tournament Programs * Large banner displayed at Tournament * Large banner displayed at Tournament Awards Banquet * Numerous press releases * YMS Niagara County Website * Golfer Registration gift * 2015 Golf Letterhead * Foursome Photos *

¨ Registration up to 8 golfers

¨ Corporate Platinum gift presented at Tournament Awards Banquet

Corporate Gold Sponsorship at $3,000 Tender or $4,000 Product/Merchandise will offer:

¨ Name recognition: 1000+ invitations * Business First Golf Edition Ad * 75 Tournament Cart Books * Full page (approx. 7”H x 4.5”W) ad 250+ Tournament Programs * Large banner displayed at Tournament * Numerous press releases *

YMS Niagara County Website * Golfer Registration Gift * 2015 Golf Letterhead *

¨ Registration up to 4 golfers

¨ Corporate Gold gift presented at Tournament Awards Banquet

Corporate Silver Sponsorship at $1,500 Tender or $2,500 Product/Merchandise will offer:

¨ Name recognition: 1000+ invitations * Business First Golf Edition Ad * 75 Tournament Cart Books * Full page (approx. 7”H x 4.5”W) ad 250+ Tournament Programs * Banner displayed at Tournament * Numerous press releases * YMS Niagara County Website * Golfer Registration gift * 2015 Golf Letterhead *

¨ Registration up to 4 golfers

¨ Corporate Silver gift presented at Tournament Awards Banquet

Associate Sponsorship at $500 Tender or $750 Product/Merchandise will offer:

¨ Name recognition: Half page (approx.. 3”H x 4.5”W) ad 250+ Tournament Programs * On-site sign *

Exclusive 150 Yard Marker Sponsorship at $250 Tender will offer:

¨ Name recognition: Promotional listing, 150 spaces, 250+ Tournament Programs * Sole sign at 150 yard

marker at random hole *

Hole Sponsorship at $125 Tender will offer:

¨ Name recognition: Promotional listing, 125 spaces, 250+ Tournament Programs * Sign at random hole *

Welcome Gift, 150 of Same item will offer:

¨ Name recognition: 150 inserts golfer welcome bag * Promotional listing, 250+Tournament Programs *

Donors’ Sign at Registration *

Product/Item donation (value $30 - $500) for Auction will offer:

¨ Name recognition: Promotional Listing, 250+ Tournament Programs * On item * On-site Donors’ sign *

Product/Item donation (value $15 - $50) for Awards Banquet Door Prize will offer:

¨ Name recognition: Promotional Listing, 250+ Tournament Programs * On item * On-site Donors’ sign *
