Terminal Exam for

21st Century Practical College English

Book One


Time allowed: 120 minutes

Fudan University Press

Part I Listening Comprehension (15%)

Directions:This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken only ONCE. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1. A) $60. B) $30.C) $86. D) $16.

2. A) Billy is visiting his mother.B) Billy didn’t accept his invitation.

C) Billy will be unable to come.D) Billy’s mother is coming for dinner.

3. A) It’s raining.B) It’s snowing. C) It’s sunny. D) It’ s cloudy.

4. A) They are having dinner.B) They are having a class.

C) They are reading. D) They are filling water.

5. A) Open the window a little bit.B) Leave the window closed.

C) Give him some medicine. D) Fetch him some cold drink.

Section B

Directions:This part is to test your ability to understand long conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions willbe spoken TWO times. When you hear a question, you should decide onthe correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given inyour test paper. Then you should write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Conversation 1

6. A) At Linda’s home.B) At Tom’s home.

C) In the classroom.D) In the library.

7. A) Somewhere in Tom’s room.B) Somewhere on the floor.

C) On the top shelf.D) On the bottom shelf.

Conversation 2

8. A) He plans to give the woman some help.

B) He plans to give up smoking.

C) He plans to call all his friends.

D) He plans to advise all his friends to give up smoking.

9. A) Because he needs her help.

B) Because she wants him to stop smoking.

C) Because she doesn’t like him to smoke in front of her.

D) Because he wants to get some advice.

10. A) He’d better not do that.

B) He needn’t tell her that.

C) He’d better give up smoking right now.

D) He needn’t give up smoking at all.

Section C

Directions:In this section, you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read TWO times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. Now the passage will begin.

It’s interesting to visit another country, but there are sometimes (11)______whenwe don’t know the language very well. It may be difficult to talk with the people there. We maynot know how to use the (12)______in the country that we are visiting. We may notknow how to buy the things we need. In a (13)______country, we may not know where toeat or what to (14)______in a restaurant. It’s not easy to decide how much to tip waiters ortaxi drivers. When we need help we might not know how to (15)______it. It’s not pleasant to have an experience like that.

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (25%)

Section A

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases given below. Change the forms where necessary. (10%)

make one’s waytake… measureson the occasion ofdeliverappreciate

16.Mr. Brown made a great ______in the stock exchange and left it all to his nephew instead of his own son.

17.Tom is not so ______with his present job.

18.When I entered the house, I smelt ______smells from the kitchen.

19. He holds a ______attitude towards everything.

20.What you have done for us is really ______.

21. ______my birthday, he gave me a bunch of roses as my birthday present.

22.The local government has decided to ______effective ______to prevent air pollution.

23.He ______by scholarships through Oxford.

24.Would you please ______my message to Kate?

25.The teacher ______his students with his enthusiasm.

Section B

Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each sentence. (15%)

26. He rushed to the station, ______that the train had left.

A) thus findingB) only to find

C) in order to findD) finding

27. Please give me a call when you ______ready for the trip, will you?

A) have got everythingB) will have got everything

C) will get everythingD) are getting everything

28. ______since you have been working under the blazing(强烈的)sun for several hours.

A) You must have been both tired and thirsty

B) You must be both tired and thirsty

C) You ought not to be both tired and thirsty

D) You ought to have been both tired and thirsty

29. ______she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.

A) That was from StephenB) It was from Stephen whom

C) It was Stephen whomD) It was Stephen that

30. At the meeting organized by the Trade Unions the workers all demanded that effective measures ______to improve their working conditions.

A) would have to be takenB) would be taken

C) be takenD) were about to be taken

31. The harder you work, ______.

A) the greater you’ll make progress

B) the greater progress you’ll make

C) you’ll make the greater progress

D) you’ll make greater progress

32. Those who have developed hobbies never need to worry about ______their free time.

A) how to do withB) what to do with

C) how to doD) what to deal with

33. His ______English could not make himself understood in this ______country.

A) broken; English-speakingB) breaking; English-speaking

C) breaking; English-spokenD) broken; English-spoken

34. ______a living, she had to work from morning till night.

A) To makeB) MadeC) MakingD) To have made

35. When and where to build the new school ______yet.

A) has not decideB) have not decided

C) are not decidedD) is not decided

36. Nobody but Mary and her sister ______from.

A) know where the stranger isB) knows where is the stranger

C) know where is the strangerD) knows where the stranger is

37. If Mary ______it, she would blame you.

A) learnsB) has learnedC) would learnD) leaned

38. A large number of people ______to see the exhibition.

A) have comeB) has come

C) comesD) is coming

39. While ______, I examined every part of the room.

A) was sitting thereB) sat there

C) sitting there D) having sat

40. He suddenly remembered that his lunch ______at home.

A) has been leftB) had been left

C) has been forgottenD) had been forgotten

Part III Reading comprehension (20%)

Task 1

Directions:There are 5 questions or unfinished statements after the passage. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

One day a tailor in Duluth, Minnesota, was busy mending an old coat, repairing some holes(洞) and a place where it was torn, when he suddenly heard a low, threatening sound at his open door. He looked up and could hardly believe what he saw. He had heard there were bears coming right into city looking for food, but it didn’t seem possible the brown beast at his door was real. He was terribly frightened. He had no gun in the shop. His only weapon was the pair of scissors(剪刀) he used for cutting cloth. At that moment a car came down the street. The driver saw the bear and was so surprised that he steered(驾驶) his car off the road and onto the sidewalk. Luckily, the bear was just as frightened by the car as the tailor was by the bear. The bear moved quickly on down the street to look for food elsewhere. The tailor telephoned the police, and the bear was captured before it could harm anyone.

41. According to the passage, the story took place at ______.

A) the hairdresser’sB) the shoemaker’s

C) the barber’sD) the tailor’s

42. The man was terribly frightened because ______.

A) there is something wrong with his gun

B) he did not know how to use a gun

C) he was afraid to fire a gun

D) there was no gun at all in the shop

43. The passage says that ______.

A) bears were heard coming right into Duluth looking for food

B) no one heard bears coming into Duluth looking for food

C) the tailor often saw bears coming to him

D) sometimes bears came into the city looking for food at night

44. When a car came down the street, ______.

A) the bear ran towards the car

B) the bear got frightened and ran down the street to look for food elsewhere

C) the bear was killed by the driver

D) the bear was captured by the tailor

45. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Although the tailor had heard of the bears, he was still frightened when he saw a bear at his door.

B) The bear was frightened by the car.

C) The bear harmed the car driver before it was captured by the police.

D) The bear didn’t harm anyone before it was captured by the police.

Task 2

Directions:There are 5 questions or unfinished statements after the passage. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

George was a quiet, serious young man. He had been studying particularly hard one year, and when he passed his examinations, his friend Jim went to give him his congratulations and then had an earnest conversation with him.

“You’ve never been to a dance, George,” he said. “It’s boring always studying and never enjoying oneself. Come out with me this evening.”

“Perhaps you’re right, Jim.” replied George after a moment’s hesitation.

So they went to a dance and had an enjoyable time. But George drank more than he used to, and by midnight Jim had become worried about him, so he said, “Now we’ll walk home in the cool air.”

On their way home, they came to a bridge, and George looked down at the river below attentively(专心地). The stars were reflected in its smooth surface.

“What are those lights down there?” George inquired.

“They’re the stars, George,” Jim replied.

“The stars?” George said. “Well, then, how did I get up here?”

46. Why did Jim think that George needed a change?

A) Because he had been studying particularly hard.

B) Because he had never enjoyed himself.

C) Because he had passed his examinations.

D) All of the above.

47. Jim invited George to ______.

A) a partyB) have a drink with him

C) a danceD) go to a bridge to cool themselves

48. Jim felt worried when he saw ______.

A) it was midnight

B) George had drunk more than he used to

C) George looked down at the river attentively

D) George enjoyed himself

49. The stars seemed to be below George because ______.

A) he was drunk

B) the stars were reflected in the river below his bridge

C) the stars were in the river in the midnight

D) he got up above the stars

50. George thought ______.

A) he was above the stars

B) he was swimming in the river

C) the stars were in the rivers

D) he had drunk too much

Task 3

Directions:Complete the 5 statements after reading the passage.

Numerous studies have shown that high-risk investors make more profits than low-risk ones. Over time the stock market rewards them for sticking their necks out, and sometimes getting them chopped off.

The classic high-risk investment is in shares in a small company which is perhaps newly listed on the stock exchange. Such a small company price might go up.

But, even those classic low-risk investments carry the risk that interest rates will rise and your money will be tied up at the lower interest rates at which you first invested.

This tells: high risk equals high return. If you want to maximize your savings, take some risk with at least some of your money.

Keep in mind: diversify(作多种投资), or spread your eggs around lots of baskets. This is partly so you won’t be hurt too badly if one company falls over.

Low-risk investors make:
The risks any investor may carry:
High risk means:
The author’s advice:

Task 4

Directions:After reading the passage, you are required to give brief answers to the 5 questions below.

Last week as my husband and I were driving near the beach, we noticed a small house with a “For Rent” sign. We went onto the front porch and knocked at the door, but no one answered, so we walked down the steps and around to the rear of the house. There we found a small yard surrounded by a fence with an old metal gate.

Because the house was empty, we decided to take a look inside. We looked in one of the windows near the back porch and saw that the inside was dusty but generally in good condition. The walls and floors were in perfect condition. The only thing that needed repair was the ceiling in the kitchen, which had been damaged by some rainwater.

While we were looking, a neighbor came over to see who we were. The house belonged to him, so he was able to take us inside. There were a total of six rooms, and all but the kitchen had carpeting. The house was unfurnished, but there were still several pictures hanging in one of the rooms. In general, the house looked wonderful.

The landlord explained to us that the rent was $350 per month, due by the fifth day of each month, and that usually he required a deposit equal to one month’s rent. However, if we would repair the ceiling, he would not charge us the deposit. The idea sounded very good, so my husband and I went home to abandon things. We decided to take it.

56. What did the couple find on their way near the beach?


57. Where was a small yard?


58. Why did they think it was all right to take a look inside the house?


59. What was their general impression of the house?


60. How did the couple consider the rent?


Part IV Cloze (10%)

Directions: Fill in each of the numbered blanks with one word which is EXACTLYthe word used in the text you have learned. Write the words on the Answer Sheet.

An old gardener who was (61)______sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them. When they came in answer to his (62)______, the old man, raising himself on his pillows, (63)______through the window towards his orchard.

“You see that orchard?” said he.

“Yes, Father, we see the orchard.”

“For (64)______it has given the best of fruit — golden oranges, red apples, and cherries bigger and (65)______than rubies!”

“To be (66)______, Father. It has always been a good orchard!”

The old gardener (67)______his head, time and time again. He looked at his hands —they were (68)______from the spade that he had used all his life. Then he looked at the hands of his sons and saw that their (69)______were polished and their fingers as (70)______as those of any fine lady’s.

Part V Translation (20%)

Section A

Directions: Put the following sentences into English. (10%)






Section B

Directions: Put the following sentences into Chinese. (10%)

76. Though in great pain, he forced himself to exercise daily and finally took a few painful steps.

77. Word of his pleasant personality and excellent customer service began to spread.

78. There was nothing quite so humbling as standing outside my elementary school classroom and seeing you come walking down the hall.

79. The crowd fell into a dead silence as Johnson, dressed in a bright suit, walked up the steps of the courthouse.

80. I would have to make friends with them and perhaps also compete with them for grades in courses I would take.

Part VI Writing (10%)

Directions:In this part, you are asked to write a note to thank your friend Jane for inviting you to her birthday party held at her home last Saturday in no less than 60 words.

Answer Sheet

(Time allowed: 120 minutes)

Class______Name ______School Number______

Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Total Score

Part I Listening comprehension (15%)

Section A

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Section B

6.7. 8.9.10.

Section C

11. ______12. ______

13. ______14. ______

15. ______

Part II Vocabulary and structure (25%)

Section A

16. ______17. ______18. ______

19. ______20. ______21. ______

22. ______23. ______24. ______

25. ______

Section B

Part III Reading comprehension (20%)

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

51. ______

52. ______

53. ______

54. ______

55. ______

Task 4

56. ______

57. ______

58. ______

59. ______

60. ______

Part IV Cloze. (10%)

61.______62. ______63. ______64. ______

65.______66. ______67. ______68. ______

69.______70. ______

Part V Translation (20%)

Section A



72. ______


73. ______


74. ______


75. ______


Section B



77. ______


78. ______


79. ______


80. ______


Part VI Writing (10%)


Key to Terminal Exam for 21st Century Practical College English

Book One (B)

Part I Listening Comprehension (15%)

Section A (5%)

1-5 D C D A B

Section B (5%)

6-10 B D BA C

Section C (5%)

11. problems12. telephone13. strange14. order15. ask for

Part II Vocabulary & Structure (25%)

Section A (10%)

16. fortune17. content18. delicious19. positive

20. appreciated21. On the occasion of22. take… measures

23. made his way24. deliver25. infected

Section B (15%)

26-30 B A B B C31-35 B B A A D36-40 D D A C B

Part III Reading Comprehension (20%)

41-45 D D A B C46-50 D C B B A

51. less money

52. The company he invests may collapse.

53. His money is tied up at the lower interest rates.

54. high return

55. To diversify or spread your eggs around lots of baskets.

56. They happened to find a house for rent.

57. Behind the house.

58. Because the house was not occupied by anyone.

59. It looked wonderful.

60. Fair.

Part IV Cloze (10%)

61. dying62. request63. pointed64. years65. brighter

66. sure67. nodded68. worn69. nails70. white

Part V Translation (20%)

Section A (10%)

71. Tom is known as the fastest runner of our school though he knows nothing about the techniques needed for running.

72. Sue has made the decision to compete for the new post. You may compete for it, too. It’s up to you.

73. On his vacation in the country, Henry took pictures of some beautiful buildings, such as this tall building and the small church next to it.

74. On the occasion of my wife’s birthday, I asked her to forgive me for forgetting to say “thank you” to her since I was often caught up in everyday business.

75. It takes quite a bit of practice in order to be skilled at both speed and endurance.