Zsófia Bán
Office 313
Spring, 2010
20th Century American Poetry
The course will start on March 4!
March 4 Ezra Pound: “In a Station of the Metro”,
William CarlosWilliams:“The Red Wheelbarrow”,“The Great Figure”,
Amy Lowell: “Opal”
March 11 Robert Frost: “Mending Wall”, “The Road Not Taken”, “Reluctance”, “After Apple-Picking”
March 18 T. S. Eliot: “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock”, “The Waste Land: I. The Burial of the Dead”
March 25 William Carlos Williams: “Spring and All”, “The Rose”, “This Is Just to Say”, Gertrude Stein: “Susie Asado”, “Preciosilla”,
Apr 8 Wallace Stevens: “Anecdote of the Jar”, “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird”
Apr 15 Langston Hughes: “The Weary Blues”, “I, Too”, Countee Cullen: “Incident”, “From the Dark Tower”, Claude McKay: “If We Must Die”
Apr 22 Allen Ginsberg: from Howl: I, Gary Snyder: Riprap, “The Call of the Wild”
Apr 29 Sylvia Plath: “Morning Song”, “Lady Lazarus”, Robert Lowell: “Home After Thirteen Months Away”
May 6 Adrienne Rich: “Diving into the Wreck”, “Translations”, Anne Sexton: “For My Lover, Returning to His Wife”
May 13 Charles Olson: “I, Maximus of Gloucester, to You”, “Maximus, to himself”, Robert Creely: “For Love”
e. e. cummings: “[what if a much of a which of a wind]”, “[l (a]”, Ishmael Reed: “I am a cowboy in the boat of Ra”, Emmett Williams (concrete and visual poetry)
May 20 Final exam
Grades will be based on (i) class participation, (ii) presentation and (iii) exam grade.
Attendance. It is assumed that everyone will attend the classes. In accordance with university regulations, students are allowed three absences per semester; with more than three absences, their course will be incomplete. Reading the assigned texts. Students are required to come prepared for class: they must be able to understand the texts (know the words), remember details, and formulate their critical comments. Not reading the assignment for a class counts as an absence. Less accessible texts can be copied from the master copies in the office.