NASPAA’s 2018 Annual Conference will be held in Atlanta, GA, from October 10 - 13. Pre-conference workshops will take place on Wednesday, October 10. All panel and general sessions will occur on Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 12. Local excursions will be on Saturday, October 13.
Please make your hotel reservations on your own; details are available at

University/Company Information

State/Province: / ZIP Code:

Attendee Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Job Title:
First name (given name) for your name badge:
Email Address:
  1. Is this the first NASPAA conference you are attending?

___ Yes ____ No

  1. Would you like to include your contact informationin NASPAA conference mobile app?

___ Yes ____ No

  1. Please let us know if you have any specific dietary needs or accessibility needs:

NASPAA Annual Conference registration rates vary depending on when you register and whether you are affiliated with a member school. Discounted registration is offered to students, members of COPRA, and to those who can attend only one day. Member refers to those who are affiliated with a NASPAA member school (including Associate members).

X / Registration Fees / Early-Bird
until 9/7 / Regular
Member (full access*) / $390.00 / $415.00
Non-member (full access*) / $410.00 / $435.00
COPRA (full access*) / $120.00 / $145.00
Student (full access*) / $120.00 / $145.00
One-day Wednesday only (includes Accreditation Institute) / $210.00 / $235.00
One-day Thursday only / $210.00 / $235.00
One-day Friday only / $210.00 / $235.00
Member Guest/Spouse/Partner (full access)
(cannot be a NASPAA member) / $210.00 / $235.00

* Full Access registration enables attendanceon Wednesdayfor the pre-conference workshops including Accreditation Institute as well asThursdayandFridayfor all of the regular conference panel and plenary sessions.

Luncheon Ticket
Luncheonsinclude a three-course meal (either regular or vegetarian) and there are luncheons on both Thursday and Friday.$40 per ticket.

Thursday Lunch($40.00) ____Regular meal ____Vegetarian meal

Friday Lunch($40.00)____Regular meal ____Vegetarian meal

Evening Receptions
Join us for evening receptions to network with NASPAA staff and your colleagues. Receptions are included with registration fee. Please do register so we can accurately estimate attendees.
___ Yes, I will attend Wednesday Evening Welcome Reception at the Westin Hotel

___ Yes, I will attend Thursday Evening Local Host Reception at the Center for Civil and Human Rights

___ Yes, I will attend Friday Evening Reception with Keynote Carmen Yulin Cruz, Mayor of San Juan Puerto Rico
(Location TBA)

Wednesday Activities
There is no additional cost to attend.

/ Accreditation Institute (8am – 4pm with lunch; reception 5-6pm)
/ Doctoral Education Workshop (10am – 4pm with lunch)
/ Global Short-Term Programs – Issues and Design (10:30am – 1pm)
/ Moving from Diversity to Equity and Inclusion – Planning, Crafting and Implementing a Thoughtful, Measureable, and Effective (Diversity) Plan (2 – 5pm)
/ NASPAA NEXT: A Leadership Development Institute (1 –5 pm) (Invitation Only)
/ NOT attending any pre- conference activities on Wednesday

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Saturday Activities
Join your NASPAA colleagues on Saturday morning after the conference to explore Atlanta! On tours led by the host schools, you can learn about and see firsthand sites from Atlanta’s significant civil rights history as well as momentous and innovative redevelopment projects shaping the city’s future.

Tours will be about three hours in length occurring between 9am – 1pm.

/ Atlanta BeltLine Walking Tour
/ HistoricAfrican-American Corridor Tour
/ Mercedes Benz Stadium Tour
/ Tech Square TourNOTE: This tour will be limited to the first 15 participants to sign-up.
/ NOT attending any activities on Saturday


Paying by check, please make payable to NASPAA. For credit card payment, please fill out the information below. We only accept Visa or MasterCard.

Card Number:
Exp. date:
Name on card:

Last Update: 8/9/18

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