2018 Call for Letters of Intent

LOI Submission Form

The deadline to submit the LOI package (Submission Form and relevant short biographies/CVs) to is Friday, April 20, 2018 at 11:59 PM, sender’s time.

The submission package should contain the following documents:

1)Completed LOI Submission Form (sections 1 through 12)

Must be submitted as a single Word document that includes all sections to be completed, in single-spaced, Calibri size 12 font, with 1-inch margins. Please enter the Project Leader’s name in the headings of the document and in the title of the file (i.e. Joe Smith.docx). You may delete the specific section instructions but do not delete section headings (highlighted in blue). Please submit this document as a Word document (do not format into a PDF).

2)CVs or short biographies of Project Leader(s)

CV/biographies of all project leaders must be submitted as a single PDF file. For the purposes of this LOI and to make submission requirements as simple as possible to fulfill, the SCN will accept EITHER a short narrative biography (max. 250 words) OR a full Canadian Common CV in the CIHR format (Academic CV Type) (Note: Do not submit your CV online to CIHR, instead view it (through print function) and save as a PDF file).

Section 1: Project Title- (maximum 25 words)

Section 2: Project Leader(s) and Institution(s) -Identify the authors of the LOI and their host institutions. *Note: CV submissions are required only for those identified here as Project Leaders.

Name of Project Leader / Host Institution / Phone & Email

Please insert rows as required.

Section 3: Project Team-LOI submissions areexpected to be multidisciplinary and reflect the gender balance and diversity of the regenerative medicine community across Canada. Please identify potential collaborators and the field(s) of expertise they will bring to enable the success of the project. It is expected that any potential academic collaborators included in the LOI will be engaged, at some level, in the drafting and/or review of the LOI but no formal sign-off from collaborators is expected at this stage.

Note: Investigators requesting funds from SCN must be based at a Tri-Council-eligible institution and must themselves be eligible to receive Tri-Council funding. However, for the purposes of this LOI submission, please include both Canadian and International collaborators who will be essential to project success regardless of funding eligibility:

Name / Position, Institution and Career Stage / Phone & Email
Expertise and Role in Project
Expertise and Role in Project
Expertise and Role in Project

Please insert rows as required.

Section 4: LOI’s Relevance to SCN’s Proposed Strategic Themes- Refer to the strategic research theme descriptions provided in the Call for LOI Guidelines and Submission Instructions.

Identify which of the SCN research themes the proposed project best aligns with. In plain language,in no more than two sentences, explain the project’s alignment with the theme.

SCN Research Theme / Explanation of Project Alignment with the Theme
Strategic Theme 1:
Anticipating governance and policy needs for stem cells and regenerative medicine
Strategic Theme 2:
Catalyzing transformative technologies for regenerative medicine
Strategic Theme 3:
Accelerating regenerative medicine into the clinic

Section 5: Budget: Amount and Duration of Funding Request

Indicate the annual amount of funding to be requested from SCN (maximum $600,000)

Indicate the duration (in years) of funding to be requested from SCN (maximum 4 years)

Provide a summary of the major expenditures for the proposed project (maximum 250 words)

(Note: Please follow Tri-Council Financial Guidelines to identify eligible expenses. PI salaries and indirect costs are not eligible for funding, but can be listed as in-kind contributions in the partnership section.)

Section 6: Project Description – (Maximum 1,000 words, approximately two pages, single spaced) Provide a project description written for a scientifically-informed but non-expert peer audience.

Section 7: Deliverables – Please list, in bullet form, the key project deliverables in descending order of impact. (Note: See the guidelines document for examples of key deliverables)

Section 8: Partnership Summary – (Maximum 500 words) Provide a description of the role of each major partner necessary to ensure the project’s success scientifically, translationally and financially. Only list partners who will provide a cash or in-kind contribution. Provide a summary of cash and in-kind matching contributions from eligible (non-federal) sources.

Section 9: Knowledge Mobilization – (Maximum 250 words) Provide a description of how knowledge mobilization efforts are embedded within the project and how the project aims to ensure that knowledge and insight gained throughout the project will achieve maximum impact.

Section 10: Development of High Quality Personnel (HQP)/ Training – (Maximum 250 words) Provide a brief overview of how training opportunities will be embedded within the project. Describe your approach to developing the next generation of talent required to continue to advance stem cell and regenerative medicine research and its translation, highlighting any particularly creative and unique elements.

Section 11: International Engagement and Impact – (Maximum 250 words) Provide a brief overview of international engagement relevant to the project and an explanation of how the proposed project will enhance Canada’s standing and reputation in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine.

Section 12: References – Provide up to 10 selected references that support critical elements of the project’s relevance, scientific justification and/or feasibility.