2018 ASSM Annual Meeting

2018 ASSM Annual Meeting

Westin Alexandria

400 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314-5700

April 20 - 23, 2018

Who is invited to attend?

All regular, associate and emeritus members of the Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics are eligible to attend the annual meeting.

Where do the annual meeting events take place?

All sessions will be held at the Westin Alexandria hotel. To reserve your room, use the following link that the hotel has prepared exclusively for the 2018 ASSM Annual Meeting:

ASSM 2018 Annual Conference

The conference rate is $159 per night (plus tax). The ASSM room block rate provides free internet access in sleeping rooms and in conference meeting rooms.


On-site parking is available at the Westin Alexandria hotel. Parking is limited and based on availability. Please call hotel for more information and see front desk before self-parking.

When do we attend ASSM?

All attendees are strongly encouraged to participate in all events. The meeting will begin with a keynote speaker at 5:00 pm on Friday, April 20th, followed by a networking reception where heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be provided. Breakfast begins each day at 7:30 am. Sessions start upon conclusion of breakfast and end around 4:45 pm. Dinner starts at 6:30 pm each day. The 2018 Annual Meeting concludes at 12:00 pm on Monday, April 23rd (lunch will NOT be provided on Monday). Please note that the breakfast, lunch, and dinner are provided by our sponsors and often include a speaker on a topic of interest to members and are considered part of the meeting agenda.

What if I’m a new member?

An orientation session for newcomers is scheduled from 2:45 pm – 3:45 pm, on Friday, April 20th. This is a terrific opportunity for new members to meet each other, learn about the organization, meet the ASSM Board, and begin networking prior to the start of the Annual Meeting. New members are encouraged to make travel arrangements to arrive at the hotel by early Friday afternoon so you can participate in the orientation session.

What if I’m a PAEMST State Coordinator?

A meeting for PAEMST State Coordinators is scheduled from 3:45 pm – 4:45 pm, on Friday, April 20th. (immediately following the “new member orientation” meeting).

What is the program like?

The program is not finalized until early in the spring, but draft agendas will be available to help secure travel approvals. The agenda will provide members to hear from a variety of leaders and researchers in mathematics education as well as to dialogue and collaborate in structured “topic study group” sessions. Many national mathematics education leaders are happy to present the most current information at our meeting. Please be mindful that we do not offer our speakers any honoraria or expense payments, thus, our attention and professionalism are the only thanks they will receive. Please treat our guests and contributors respectfully.

What do we wear?

Attire is anything from business casual to business formal. We do a great deal of sitting, so comfortable attire is encouraged. Meeting rooms are sometimes cool, so it’s wise to dress in layers. Many take the opportunity to dress up a little more for the dinners or dress down when using the workout facilities or going for walks and/or sightseeing.

What is the registration fee?

The registration fee for the 2018 Annual Meeting is as follows:

●For Regular and Associate Members: $250

●Discounted Registration Fee for Regular/Associate Members (staying at conference hotel): $200

●For Emeritus Members: $200

●Discounted Registration Fee for Emeritus Members (staying at conference hotel): $150

➢The discounted registration fees are ONLYavailable for members who stay at the Westin Alexandria AND make their reservation via the ASSM room block.

➢If members share a room at the conference hotel, each member will be eligible to pay the discounted conference registration fee of $150

How do we register?

The registration period is currently open. The deadline to register is March 20, 2018.

●Registration for the meeting can be submitted by either of the following methods:

  • Use the online registration form via the following link:
  • Download an electronic file of the registration form (available at and submit your completed form via email ( ) or via US Mail (Joleigh Honey, 2079 E Debeers Dr, Sandy, UT 84093).

●Payment may be made by check (made payable to ASSM and mailed to Joleigh Honey) or can be made online via PayPal at the ASSM website:

What does “sponsored meal functions” mean?

In doing our job, we frequently interact with a variety of companies that provide resources to support the teaching and learning of mathematics. Many of these companies take the opportunity to provide a meal or break as a chance to introduce us to new products. These are not sales meetings with a captured audience. Because these sponsors go to considerable expense to host our events, we ask that you treat them and the materials they bring for us with the professional respect they deserve. If some items and materials are not appropriate for your work, you are encouraged to share them with others who might find them useful rather than leaving them behind in the meeting rooms.

Are guests allowed at the annual meeting?

Only ASSM members are eligible to participate in the annual meeting sessions.

Some members travel to the annual meeting with their spouse or partner. Members are invited to have their spouse/partner join us as our guest at the Friday evening reception, Saturday dinner and/or Sunday dinner (one guest per member). If your spouse/partner will join us at any of the evening meal functions, please provide her/his name on the registration form so s/he can be included in the official head count.

Note: guests are not allowed to attend the breakfast or lunch functions.

Sharing something from your state

Members are invited to bring one item/gift from their home state to donate as a prize to be given away at the beginning of the sessions throughout the conference. Please note that these gifts will be shared via “lottery tickets” and that there may be fewer gifts than people in attendance, which means not every person will win the “lottery”. Good news- being on time to each event increases your chances to win.

What if I will not attend the annual meeting?

If you will not be attending the 2018 Annual Meeting, please complete a Membership Form and submit it along with payment for membership dues (membership dues can also be paid online at the ASSM website at

Emeritus members who will not be attending the 2018 Annual Meeting should submit the registration form only if their contact information has changed.