2018-2019 OkCDA JR. HIGH All-State Chorus

Audition Application

1st audition for ALL voice parts will be held Saturday, October 27, 2018, in your geographic region (Quad)

Quad assignments are the same as OkMEA and can be found on the OkCDA and OkMEA websites

2nd audition for qualifying junior high voices and high schoolJazz, Tuesday, November 13, 2018,

Rose State College, 6420 SE 15th Street, Midwest City, OK 73110

Before printing, please complete the information in the box below.

Entry Numbers of Each Part: S1: S2: A1: A2: T1: T2: B1: B2:

Total Number of Entries:

School District Name: Complete School Name:

School Address:

Director #1 Name: OCDA Membership #: Expiration Date: Cell:

Director’s E-Mail:

Director #2 Name: OCDA Membership #: Expiration Date: Cell:

Director #2 E-Mail:

Payment method: circle one Enclosed Check or Enclosed School Purchase Order (P.O. #)

Check this box if you will have entries for All-State High School Jazz & Junior High Chorus Auditions on

November 13, 2018, at Rose State College.

Directors are responsible for the following submissions by the deadline indicatedbelow.

  • A hard copy of thisAudition Applicationplusyour audition fees of $15 per student (check or purchase order) must be postmarked and mailed to:

Ramona Cummings, OCDA Treasurer, PO Box 2964, Edmond, OK 73083, no later than September 22, 2018. Certified mail is recommended.

  • DON’T FORGET THIS STEP. The Online Student Entry formmust be submitted by 7:00 PM on September 22, 2018.(this form and instructions for submitting can be found on the OCDA website)

There are two items needed to complete your entry process. The (submitted) Online Student Entry Form AND this (mailed) Audition Application

  • Entries submitted after 7:00 PM on September 22, 2018 will be charged a double audition fee of $30.00
  • Entries submitted on October 01, 2018 or later will be charged an additional $100 penalty fee per student.
  • School checks, teachers’ checks, and money orders are the only payment methods accepted.
  • School checks replacing Purchase orders for audition entries and/or festival participants’ registrationshould be paid by the January OCDA Convention/Honor Choir Festival. Purchase orders must bepaid byApril 1, 2019,in order for students from that school to participate in subsequent festivals.

I recommend the students I’ve submitted as persons/performers suitable for membership in the OCDA All-State Choir. I understand that my students may audition only if I am present at the audition site and a current member of ACDA. I also certify that a student will not audition if s/he is academically ineligible according to OSSAA rules. I understand that I am required to work at the audition site for the entire day and will make arrangements for my students to be transported and supervised to and from the audition site.

Director’s signature: ______Date: ______

I certify that students submitted are eligible to audition for the OCDA All-State Choir. This eligibility meets the requirements set by the OSSAA. I understand that in order for these students to audition, my vocal music teacher is required to work at the audition site for the entire day(s) and that s/he will need to make special arrangements for the students to be transported and supervised to and from the audition sites.

Principal’s signature ______Date: ______

Principal’s email:______

Mail Audition Applicationand PO or school check payable to OCDA to:

Ramona Cummings, OCDA Treasurer, PO Box 2964, Edmond, OK 73083

Postmarked deadline is September 22, 2018.