Children’s facilitIes
capital program
2018-19 MAJOR GrantS
Published by the
Victorian School Building Authority
Department of Education and Training
April 2018
© April 2018 Victoria (Department of Education and Training)
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Minister’s Foreword
The Andrews Labor Government recognises the importance of early childhood education in giving our children and young people the best start in life. Our vision is to build a world-class education system and transform Victoria into the ‘Education State’.
We are making the largest state investment in kinder infrastructure delivering a record $123.6 million, to build, expand and improve early years infrastructure across Victoria to ensure local families can continue to access great local kindergartens. This includes $10 million to address early years demand in Melbourne’s growth areas and a further $10 million for new early years infrastructure on school sites.
The 2018/19 Victorian Budget will provide for $43 million in kindergarten infrastructure, the single biggest state investment in kindergarten infrastructure in Victoria's history.
Families deserve a choice of flexible, accessible and affordable early childhood education and care services. This includes kindergarten programs delivered in a range of settings, alongside other key services such as maternal and child health, early childhood intervention, playgroups and family services.
Major grants under the Children’s Facilities Capital Program (CFCP) create new, and upgrade existing, infrastructure for kindergarten programs and associated services. They are designed to help maintain the high quality of Victoria’s early learning environments, and are available to Victorian local councils, not-for-profit community organisations and schools for facilities that will offer funded kindergarten programs for children in the year before school.
I encourage all eligible organisations to consider applying for this funding and look forward to seeing what exciting projects are proposed.
Minister for Early Childhood Education
1.About the Children’s Facilities Capital Program
2.What can (and cannot) be funded
3.Who can apply
4.How to apply
5.Integrated Children’s Centre Grants
6.New Early Learning Facility Grants
7.Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants
8.Required information
10.Funding conditions
11.Projects on DET land
12.Further information
Attachment 1 – Program Criteria
Attachment 2 – Assessment Criteria
1.About the Children’s Facilities Capital Program
The Children’s Facilities Capital Program (CFCP) supports high quality early years programs for Victorian children and their families.
The 2018-19 CFCP major grants will contribute to this goal by investing in new facilities, as well as significant upgrades of existing ones, to:
- increase our capacityto deliver kindergarten programs for children in the year before school
- promote integrated service delivery,so families can access early childhood education and care, health and development and family services at one location
- improve access to local and responsive early childhood services for children from vulnerable and/or disadvantaged families
- establish early childhood infrastructure on or near school sites.
The Victorian School Building Authority, the division of the Department of Education and Training (DET) responsible for building, upgrading and maintaining schools as well assupporting investment in early childhood infrastructure, administers the CFCP.
2.What can (and cannot) be funded
Your project must be for a facility in Victoria that is, or will be, licensed to provide a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school.
There are items that you can and cannot include in project cost estimates supplied with yourmajor grant application.The following table lists what DET will and won’t count when considering applications.
What can be funded / What cannot be funded- planning and design costs
- project management costs
- site preparation, including clearing or demolition (if the project will be on DET land please contact VSBA before applying to confirm how these costs can be funded)
- construction and commissioning
- fittings, fixed equipment and furniture
- landscaping and car parking
- site acquisition and lease costs
- purchase of cars, buses and other vehicles
- ongoing administration or operational costs
- staff salaries and training
- routine or cyclical maintenance works
- toys, portable equipment and consumables
- cosmetic upgrades
The CFCP will not fund projects that:
- are located outside Victoria
- do not align with the objectives of the program
- do not meet the requirements outlined in these guidelines
- do not strongly meet the assessment criteria
- have already started or been completed (i.e. retrospective funding).
DET won’t prioritise funding for facilities that have previously received a CFCP major grant unless you canclearly demonstrate thatdemand for kindergarten services has substantially increased in your local area since the previousproject was completed.
3.Who can apply
Your organisation can apply if it is one of the following:
- a Victorian local council
- a not-for-profit community organisation that is a legal entity (for example an incorporated association, incorporated cooperative or Indigenous corporation)
- a Victorian Government school
- a non-government school registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or Catholic Education Commission of Victoria
There is strong competition for CFCP major grants and we can’t always fund all high quality applications. We invite eligible organisations to resubmit projects that have been unsuccessful in previous CFCP major grant rounds. We strongly encourage organisations who are resubmitting projects to contact us for feedback on their previous application, and to carefully address theprogram requirements, eligibility and assessment criteria described in these guidelines.
For-profit organisations cannot apply for any type of major grant.
Auspice arrangements
Not-for-profit community organisations in the process of becoming incorporated, or those without capacity to manage the funding, may arrange for an eligible organisation to apply on their behalf. This is known as an ‘auspice’ arrangement.
We directly fund the auspice organisation, and they agree to take the full legal and financial responsibility for the project. You can find more information about auspicing arrangements at
If you want an auspice arrangement, you are responsible for identifying an auspice organisation and working with them to prepare the application. We will not make auspicing arrangements on your behalf.
Auspice arrangements cannot be used by for-profit organisations to apply for any type of major grant.
4.How to apply
Applications for 2018-19 CFCP major grants open on 18 April 2018 and close at midnight on 31 July 2018.
Application forms can be accessed online at Applicants must be registered to use the SmartyGrants application system.Registration is a free and straightforward process.
All sections must be completed and the application form submitted to be considered for funding. Changes can be made to an application any time until it is submitted.
DET will not consider late applications.
OVERVIEW of FUNDING available in the Children’s Facilities Capital Program 2018-19 grant round
Category / Maximum grant amount / Minimum co-contribution from applicant / Minimum requirements / Eligible organisationsIntegrated Children’s Centre Grants / 40% of the total project cost, capped at $1,600,000 / 60% of the total project cost / Integrated children’s centres funded through the CFCP must:
- have at least 66 approved places, based on two rooms for providing a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten)
- provide all of the following services:
This can be sessional and/or integrated with long day care.
–Long day care (unless evidence is provided there is no unmet demand in the local area)
–Maternal and child health services
–Allied health services for early years (e.g. early childhood intervention services)
–Family services
- provide one or more of the following:
–Supported playgroups or community parent-led playgroups
–Parenting groups or programs
–Occasional care
–Family day care program coordination
–Counselling services
–Community meeting spaces
–Outside school hours care
–Adult education programs / Organisations can apply for a CFCP major grant if they are a:
- Victorian local council
- Not-for-profit community organisation
- Victorian Government school
- Non-government school
New Early Learning Facility Grants / 75% of the total project cost, capped at $650,000 / 25% of the total project cost / New early learning facilities funded through the CFCP must:
- have at least 66 approved places, based on two rooms for providinga funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten)
- providea funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten). This can be sessional and/or integrated with long day care.
- provide at least one of the following:
–Long day care
–Maternal and child health
A new early learning facility cannot be on a site currently used by a licensed children’s service.
Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants / 75% of the total project cost, capped at $350,000 / 25% of the total project cost / Early learning facility upgradesincrease the number of approved places or improve the quality of the learning environment at existing facilitiesthat are licensed for early childhood education and care.
Renovated and refurbished facilities must be used to deliver a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school. This can be sessional and/or integrated with long day care.
5.Integrated Children’s Centre Grants
Purpose of grant
Integrated children’s centres are key hubs for the community, bringing together a range of services where professionals work together to deliver education, care, health and support services to children and their families. They can provide a focal point for new communities in growth areas, but are equally valuable in improving the accessibility, quality and integration of early childhood services in established metropolitan and regional areas.
Integrated service delivery is particularly important in establishing and maintaining engagement with vulnerable and disadvantaged families as their children move through the service system (e.g. from maternal and child health to playgroups and then formal early learning programs).
Integrated children’s centres may be co-located with schools or community facilities such as neighbourhood houses, community centres or libraries.
Integrated children’s centres funded through the CFCP must meet allof the following requirements:
- Have at least 66 approved places, based on two rooms for providing a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten).
- Provide all of the following services:
–Funded kindergarten for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten). This can be sessional and/or integrated with long day care.
–Long day care (unless there is no unmet demand in the local area)
–Maternal and child health services
–Allied health services for early years (e.g. early childhood intervention services)
–Family services
- Provide flexible, multi-purpose spaces and other services that meet the needs of the local community, including one or more of the following services:
–Three year old kindergarten
–Supported playgroups or community parent-led playgroups
–Parenting groups or programs
–Occasional care
–Family day care program coordination
–Counselling services
–Community meeting spaces
–Outside school hours care
–Adult education programs
Funding available
Eligible organisations can apply for up to 40 per cent of the total project cost, capped at $1.6 million per grant (GST exclusive).
We will only consider project costs relating to early childhood infrastructure for an Integrated Children’s Centre Grant. For example, if a proposed project also includes a library or sport and recreation facilities thenthe costs for these elements cannot be included in the CFCP grantapplication.
Integrated children’s centres must be completed and acquitted within 24 months of executing the funding agreement. Funding agreements must be signed by the recipient and DET no later than eight weeks after official notification of a successful grant application.
6.New Early Learning Facility Grants
Purpose of Grant
New early learning facilities provide high quality early learning programs, including a funded kindergarten program in the year before school, at a neighbourhood level. The location and design of new early learning facilities should respond to the needs of local families and support partnerships with other local services for children and families.
New early learning facilities funded through the CFCP must:
- have at least 66 approved places, based on two rooms for providing a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten)
- provide a funded kindergarten for children in the year before school (four year old kindergarten). This can be sessional and/or integrated with long day care.
- provide at least one of the following early childhood services:
–three year old kindergarten
–long day care
–maternal and child health services
A new early learning facility cannot be located on a site that is currently used by a licensed children’s service.
Eligible organisations can apply for up to 75 per cent of the total project cost, capped at $650,000 per grant (GST exclusive).
We expect new early learning facilities to be completed and acquitted within 18 months of executing the funding agreement. Funding agreements must be signed by the recipient and DET no later than eight weeks after official notification of a successful grant application.
7.Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grants
Purpose of Grant
Early learning facility upgrade grants are for renovating or refurbishingexisting facilities that are licensed for early childhood education and care.
Early learning facility upgrades must increase the number of approved places or improve the quality of the learning environment at existing facilities that are licensed for early childhood education and care.
Renovated and refurbished facilities must be used to deliver a funded kindergarten program for children in the year before school. This can be sessional and/or integrated with long day care.
Applicants are also encouraged to consider the potential for renovated facilities to support the provision of other early childhood services.
Eligible organisations can apply for up to 75 per cent of the total project cost, capped at $350,000 per grant (GST exclusive).
Exemptions may be made to the co-contribution requirement where a service is located in an area of significant disadvantage and there is clear evidence that the applicant does not have the financial capacity to meet the additional costs. Exemptions must be requested as part of the application and DET will only grant them if there is there is clear evidence to support the request. The total contribution from CFCP will remain capped at $350,000 per grant (GST exclusive).
Facilities refurbished with an Early Learning Facility Upgrade Grant are expected to be completed and acquitted within 12 months of executing the funding agreement. Funding agreements must be signed by the recipient and DET no later than eight weeks after official notification of a successful grant application.
8.Required information
CFCP is a highly competitive funding program, and organisations need to ensure that their applications include clear and convincing supporting documentation to increase the chances of being successful.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to plan ahead to ensure they providesufficient information to support their application, including:
- a letter of support for the project from the CEO of the local council (or authorised delegate), dated within six months of the 2018-19 CFCP application closing date
- written confirmation of all other funding including contributions from the Federal Government and other Victorian Government grant programs, local government or other sources
- schematic design drawings
- project costs:
–for projects with a total cost of $200,000 or more, provide a cost plan prepared by a licensed quantity surveyor
–for projects with a total cost of less than $200,000, provide at least one quote or cost estimate prepared by a registered building professional with qualifications applicable to the proposed works