2017Dane Defenders Educational Fund for Veterans
Are you a U.S. Veteran who has served at least 2 years of active dutyin the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard,
Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy or Reserves who has been honorably dischargedfrom active duty and who is currentlyattending a degree program at Edgewood Collegeduring the 2017-18 academic year as a full time student?
Are you a resident of Dane County?
Are you in need of a one-time grant to assist with a short term, urgent or emergency expense?
If you can answer “Yes” to all of the above, review the eligible expenses. If you would like to apply for a one-time grant, fill out the applicationform and return it to the Madison Rotary Foundation along with a letter from a faculty or staff member who will verify your eligibility for a grant. Deadline to apply isOctober 16, 2017.
THIS FORM IS AVAILABLE ONLINE AS A FILL-IN FORM. You can complete the form, resave it and email it to the Rotary office (see email address in above letterhead). VISIT click on Downloadable Forms; click on Dane Defenders Education Fund for Veterans Application.
One time basic and temporary living expenses eligible for payment are defined as:
- Housing expenses – mortgage/rent, repairs.
- Vehicle repairs.
- Utilities – electricity, water, gas, internet and primary phone (Note: Phone expense limited to $150/mo and does not include equipment charges.)
- Medical expenses, such as bills & prescriptions (including for your spouse or child).
- Food, fuel and incidentals. Note: Perishable items, such as groceries, personal needs, gasoline, etc. These expenses would require applicant to submit receipts for purchases.
- Textbooks for current courses.
The following expenses are ineligible for assistance:
- Credit cards, military charge cards or retail store cards
- Personal, student or payday loans
- Unsecured debt or loans, including loans or debt owed to a friend/family member
- Military debt, VA debt or other Benefit debt
- Negative bank accounts, including overdraft fees and charges
- Cable/Satellite TV
- Taxes
- Legal expenses
- Rental furniture, electronic equipment, vehicle, etc
- Down payments on homes or vehicles, or assistance in purchasing personal property
- Bills incurred due to excessive spending or mismanagement
Checks will be issued directly to payees/creditors (mortgage, utilities, etc.) and will be sent to the recipient.
ABOUT ROTARY: Rotary is an international service association of community business and professional leaders, united in the goals of truth, service, fairness and world peace. Rotarians conduct humanitarian service projects, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and work toward world peace and understanding through international student and vocational exchanges. Rotary International includes over one million members, with more than 34,000 clubs in the world. The Rotary Club of Madison has 500 members and is among the top 10 largest Rotary Clubs in the world. Among its numerous community projects, each year Madison Rotary distributes over $500,000 in scholarships and grants.
This Madison Rotary Foundation Grant opportunity is made possible due to the generosity of the family of Phil and Kit Blake.
2017Dane Defenders Educational Fund for VeteransApplication Form
The Madison Rotary Foundation provides one-time grants to veterans who have served at least two years in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, National Guard, Navy or Reserves who have been honorably discharged from active duty and who are currently attending a degree programat either Edgewood College, Madison College or UW-Madison as a full time student. The grant program will rotate annually among the three colleges. Veterans attendingEdgewood College during the 2017-18 academic year;Madison College during the 2018-19 academic year, and UW-Madison during the 2019-20 academic year. The grant will continue to rotate annually among the noted colleges in this same order in future years. These one-time grants are intended to cover short-term, urgent or emergency expenses that arise during college.
Veteran’s full name (first, middle initial, last name):
Street address:
City, State, Zip:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Tell us about your active duty (include length of service and location/s):
Name of College you are currently attending:
How much money are you seeking ($5,345 available in 2017; grants will average $500):
Explain the reason for why you are seeking this grant money. Refer to eligible expenses on cover page. Be specific. (limit response to 250 words or less.)
Attach to this application form a letter from a faculty or staff member at Madison College to verify that you qualify for this grant (see opening paragraphabove for eligibility).
Grant application deadline for the 2017-18academicyear isOct. 16, 2017.Completed application form and noted attachments should be sent to the Madison Rotary Foundation at the address noted in the above letterhead by the noted deadline. All applicants will receive a response within three weeks from the noted deadline.
This grant is made available to an individual on a one-time basis. Do not complete this form if you have received a previous grant from this fund.
In soliciting and providing these grants, the Madison Rotary Foundation acts in accordance with the stated purpose(s) of the grant and does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, religion, color, creed, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry or age, or any other basis prohibited by applicable law.
2017Dane Defenders Educational Fund for Veterans Application Form
You should contact the Edgewood Collegeadministrator who handles veteran studentsand ask him/her to write a letter to the Madison Rotary Foundation to verify your eligibility for this grant. The letter should include verification that:
1)Applicant is a U.S. Veteran who has served at least two years in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps or Navy who has been honorably discharged from active duty.
2)Applicant is currently attending a degree program at Edgewood College during the 2017-18 academic year as a full time student.
3)Applicant is a resident of Dane County.
The college administrator should send the letter to the Madison Rotary Foundation by the deadline of Oct. 16, 2017.