2017CubCraft Day Camp Staff Training
Staff Training Day: TBA.
Camp Set Up: Sunday, May 28th, starting at 5pm.
Camp Staff hours: Tuesday – Friday, May 30th - June 2nd, 8am – 3pm. Thursday evening 5pm – 7:30pm.
Camp Clear Out: Staff recognition during camp closing, then pack it all up!
Check in/out: Check in and out each day. Plan to arrive early to set up your area before camp begins each day. Receive wristband and supplies for your area at Administration in building 21.
All equipment will be checked in and out of Building 21 each day. All equipment must be accounted for.
Uniform: Wristbands will be worn by all adults and staff at camp for security reasons.
In addition to your staff shirt, feel free to wear additional costume items that fit with the theme.
Staff volunteering just one day may be asked to return their shirt at the end of the day so that it may be washed and used by other short term staff throughout the week.
Program Basics:
A.Five activity areas for four days
B.Rotation schedule for all units, provided each morning, subject to change
D.Family Night – Wednesday 5:30pm – 7pm. Pot luck and camp activities
Staff Responsibility
1) Know program area and emergency procedures.
2) Give direction to scouts and unit leaders. Unit Leaders are to provide assistance to their kids.
3) NO yelling. Do not lose composure. If a unit leader or parent has issues please direct them to the Camp Director, Program Director, or District Professional.
4) Youth discipline is a walking leader responsibility. Point out issues to leaders to handle.
5) Always follow Youth Protection procedures, including with youth staffers. Report concerns directly to Camp Director and/or Staff Advisor.
- All check in & out through administration
- Youth – Shirt – must be worn every day
- Staff – shirts – must be worn every day and/or wristbands
- Walking Leaders – Wristband (may have shirt matching boys)
- Guests – Wristband
- Visitors (media, government, etc) – escorted by key staff.
A. ALL injuries must be handled by certified first aid staff and reported to health officer in administration.
B. Health Forms for ALL camp persons (participant, staff, visitors, etc.)
C. Medications
1 – Walking leaders dispense these at administration except inhaler and epi-pen can be carried.
2 – Must be in original container (prescription or otherwise)
3 – Special needs (insulin) must be known in advance
D. CPR trained staff – need cards on file.
E. Immediately notify administration of serious emergencies. Keep units & leaders calm.
Day Camp Director Kathleen Gordon-Ross (785) 813-1794
Day Camp Program Director Melissa Jakmouj (785) 550-4347
Day Camp Registrar Melisa Lord (785) 865-8050
District Executive/Staff AdvisorChrissy Hatcher (719) 210-3846
Camp will operate with five activity periods per day, Tuesday - Friday, and a family night on Thursday.
Each activity will run all five periods during the day. Each day will have completely new activities.
Beads: Staff should distribute pony beads for cubs only, not adults or den chiefs. The Walking Leaders will
generally collect the beads for their den. Walking leaders are responsible for recording advancements.
Lunchtime Program:
All units will return to the Arena to eat sack lunches each day. About halfway through this time period a brief program will be presented each day for the boys to watch while finishing their lunches and/or resting.
No balls or rough/wild games are allowed at lunch. This is supposed to be a restful time for the boys.
Staff Lunch:
Camp Staff (not walking leaders) should report to the administration building promptly at the scheduled lunch time. We will provide a catered lunch for you. You may take it with you to eat wherever you like in camp, but please return in plenty of time for your next session. Picky eaters or those with allergies may want to bring a sack lunch or extra snacks.
Daily Schedule*
(*Thursday is similar, but sessions are shortened to leave time for fire truck visit.)
8:00 – 8:15am Staff report to Administration to check in and set up
8:15 – 8:30am Walking Leaders check in at Administration and take attendance
8:30 – 8:45am Opening Ceremony
8:50 – 9:40 Session 1
9:45 – 10:35am Session 2
10:40 – 11:30am Session 3
11:35am – 12:20pm Lunch with Program in Arena
12:25 – 1:15pm Session 4
1:20 – 2:10pm Session 5
2:15 – 2:30pm Closing & Check out of Cubs
2:30 – 3:00pm Walking Leaders check out, Staff check in all equipment and clean up for day.
Thursday Family Night:
5pm - Camp Staff reports to their activity area to set up as much as you can (or is safe), return to Arena.
5:30pm - Camp Staff will be recognized and then asked to go through lines first, immediately following
grace. Camp Staff may have a pot-luck table of their own, or eat with their families, if applicable.
6pm - Families will be allowed to go with their Cubs to explore camp and try out activities they did
throughout the week. Please keep areas open until 7pm.
7:00 – 7:30pm Pack activities pack up, as final as possible and return supplies to Arena.
Trading Post: The Trading Post will be open at family night, and select days at pick-up.
ANIMALS: Keep Cubs away from any animals and notify Administration immediately. No Pets are to be in camp. Presentation animals may not be approached by children and must stay under the command of handler.
CAMPER NO SHOW: Packs will be responsible to be able to report to the Registrar why the Cub is not at camp. If the pack leaders don’t know, where the Cub is, they will be responsible to call the parents of the Cub and find out where he is or why he is not at camp.
COMMUNICATION SYSTEM: An Air Horn will be located at the Administration Headquarters to alert campers. Also, cell phones will be at the Administration Headquarters for any emergency phone calls in or out of camp. A combination of cell phones and walkie-talkie radios will be used throughout camp.
EARLY CAMPER RELEASE: If a Cub Scout needs to leave before the end of that day’s camp, it must be handled in the appropriate manner through the Registrar in Administration. NO CUB SCOUT MAY LEAVE DIRECTLY FROM AN ACTIVITY!
EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION: There will be a vehicle at the Administration Headquarters area for emergency transportation. In addition, one automatic transmission vehicle will be kept near the shooting range with the keys accessible to adult Staff in that area.
FIRE: In the event of a fire the immediate area will be evacuated. Report immediately to Camp Administration.
FIRST AID: A Health Officer will be on duty during Day Camp hours. Bring all health related issues to the Medical Station in Building 21.
HEAT: Everyone should drink ample amounts of water to keep hydrated. Avoid drinking sugary drinks or soda. Each pack should have the necessary supply of coolers and ice. If someone becomes overheated get them in the shade and apply cool damp cloths to the back of their necks. They should slowly sip water. If they are not feeling better within 15 minutes or start to vomit, accompany them to the First Aid Station. Remember to apply sunscreen and wear a hat.
INJURIES AND ACCIDENTS: Bring all injured people to the First Aid Station located at the Admin Headquarters in Building 21. If you feel the injury is serious enough that moving the injured person should be avoided, send someone to the Headquarters immediately to report the situation. Camp Directors will call 911. Please keep the emergency area clear for all emergency vehicles and staff to work.
Non-Aggressive intruder: The person should be escorted to the Administration Headquarters and their reason for being in camp should be questioned. After the Camp Director and Program Director are satisfied, the person may be allowed to stay or asked to leave camp.
Aggressive intruder: If an aggressive person enters camp with or without a weapon, the camp staff will contact Camp Administration immediately. All leaders and scouts are to scatter in all directions as fast as they can. This makes a much more difficult target. The Director, Program Director and adult staff will ensure safety until law enforcement arrives. After the emergency has subsided, five (5) short blasts will be sounded on an air horn and everyone should gather at the Arena. Leaders will take roll and report to the Camp Registrar.
LIGHTNING/SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS: In the event of a lightning storm units report or stay inside at the closest activity building until the storm is over, or the all clear of lightning has been announced. Plan B’s and C’s will be implemented as safely as possible.
LOST CHILD: We call this a “Peter Pan!” If a child becomes lost, first the adult leader must report this to Camp Staff. Staff reports the “Peter Pan” to Administration by phone or radio. Check that the boy’s “buddy” isn’t lost as well. Adults from the unit should return to the last place the unit was, as well as nearest restrooms to check for him. Day Camp staff will begin a search of the entire area. No rotations will take place until the boy is found. Cub Scouts will not search for anyone.
RAIN: In case of non-threatening rain, camp will go on as planned. Please dress appropriately to continue with activities. Some activities have rain-out locations.
SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Sexual harassment is not allowed at camp and will not be tolerated! This will include: Jokes/ sexual comments and actions that are sexual. If you see or suspect sexual harassment towards any staff or Jr. Staff you need to report it to the Director/Program Director/or SDE. The proper treatment and investigation will take place.
SICKNESS: If anyone becomes sick at Day Camp, they should report to the First Aid Station with a leader. If designated emergency contact needs to be called, the Registrar will call them.
TORNADO WATCH: If a tornado watch is issued for our area, camp will still be in session and the Camp Director will be notified of the changing weather conditions.
BEFORE CAMP – If a tornado warning has been issued before camp has started, Packs will be contacted with instructions.
DURING CAMP – If a tornado is approaching or a warning has been issued, ONE (1) LONG air horn blast will be sounded. All in attendance at camp will quickly and calmly go to the nearest camp-staffed building to take cover. The adult leader of each Pack will do a roll call and report to the Camp Administration through the Camp Staff using phone/radio. Stay calm!
WEATHER HAZARDS: Weather for Camp will be monitored by offsite staff that will keep the Administrative Staff aware and alert to any impending weather concerns.
Day Camp Organizational Chart
Day Camp Advisor {Chrissy Hatcher}
Day Camp Director {Kathleen Gordon-Ross}
Pack Leaders
Pack Walking Leaders
Day Camp Program Director {Melissa Jakmouj}
Day Camp Adult Staff
Day Camp Youth Staff
Day Camp Program Aids
Day Camp Special Program Groups
Day Camp Registrar {Melisa Lord}
Health Forms & Registration
Day Camp Health Officer { }
My Day Camp Assignments
Pre-Camp Prep Work: ______
Setting up camp, Sunday, May 28th? Yes No
If yes, please arrive at 5pm, or as soon as you are able.
Break down camp, Fridayafternoon, early evening, June 2nd? Yes No
Daily Assignments:
Arrive each camp day by 8am. Check in at Building 21 Administration. Plan to be at camp until 3pm. Return supplies and check out at Building 21 before you leave for the day.
Tuesday, May30th Activity/Job: ______Location: ______
Wednesday, May 31stActivity/Job: ______Location: ______
Thursday, June 1st Activity/Job: ______Location: ______
Friday, June 1st Activity/Job: ______Location: ______
Thursday, Family Night Activity/Job: ______Location: ______
Notes: ______
Day Camp Volunteer Agreement
Pelathe District, Heart of America Council, Boy Scouts of America
May30 – June 2, 2017
The service of (full name)______; best contact phone: ______
I agree to serve in the position of Volunteer Staff Member together with such other duties as may be assigned by the camp director, for Pelathe Cub Scout Day Camp, during the dates shown above.
I further agree to serve as a volunteer, in a manner consistent with the Scout Oath, the Scout Law, and the National Standards for Cub Scout Day Camping. I also agree to the terms below:
The scope of the staff member’s interest should be larger than the particular job. The position assigned, while being the staff member’s chief duty, is only a part of the member’s interest and responsibilities. The carrying out of the entire objective and program of the camp and the Boy Scouts of America is expected of the staff member and he or she will be expected to participate in all the camp’s activities and endeavors.
The first interest of every staff member is the boy. The camp exists and operates for him. In Scouting, we deal through volunteer leaders, and the camp staff supplements them, taking from their shoulders the burden of tedious administrative details, strengthening their leadership, and supporting them in the dealing with the scouts.
Staff t-shirts may be provided, and staff members will be required to wear the official camp uniform, as prescribed by the camp directors. The staff member will wear the uniform while on duty. Neatness and cleanliness in person is a fundamental obligation.
A staff member’s personal conduct both in and out of camp that may interfere with camp morale or undesirably influence the opinion of the camp’s neighbors renders the staff member useless for further staff service.
Additional training must be completed prior to the start of camp. This training will be specified by the camp directors.
All cars are to be parked in the designated parking lot and to be left there while staff members are in the camp.
A health history proving satisfactory physical condition is required before arrival at camp.
Volunteer Staff Member Date
Kathleen Gordon-Ross, Day Camp Director Date
PARENT’S APPROVAL (Must be signed when a staff member is under 18 years of age.)
Parent information:
Full Name: ______
Home phone: ______Work/Cell phone: ______Email ______
Approved : ______Date: ______
(Parent or Guardian signature)