21st Century Educational Grants
2017Application Information and Forms
The Success Foundation Grant ProgramMission:
To build partnerships, engage the community and bring resources together to support the education of our children.
Vision: To cultivate innovation and promote world-class education for our children.
Since 201l, The Success Foundation has been funding 21st Century Grants. To date we have provided 53 grants totaling $123,913. Grants are funded by District 6 staff through our Thrive on 5 employee campaign and community donations.
What We Fund
For the 2017-2018 school year,The Success Foundation will provide grants to District 6 schools, staff, teachersand students to enhance and enrich education in our classrooms in two categories.
Option 1: Our annual Innovative Learning Grants. These grants can be written for up to $2,500 per grant and are to be for projects that support innovative learning in and outside of classrooms. We will consider all grant applications that enrich and enhance education for our students and that integrate 21st century learning skills as identified by the Colorado Department of Education. This year, we are asking that grant requests in this area DO NOT include the purchase of devices (iPads or other tablets, laptops/computers, Kindles and similar tools) as part of the funding request.
Option 2: Our new Arts Innovation Grants. These grants can be written for up to $2,500 per grant and will support projects in the arts (music, theatre, film, dance, visual and performing arts, as well as other media such as interactive media). This grant is not intended to provide supplies, instruments or other support to on-going curriculum, but a unique activity or project that will enhance or enrich student experience.
Both proposals must show how they integrate 21st century skills (as defined by the Colorado Department of Education) into our schools in a new and innovative way:
•Critical thinking and reasoning: A focus on developing students’ abilities to argue a point, justify reasoning, evaluate for a purpose, infer to predict and draw conclusions, problem solve, use logic to inform critical thinking, etc.
•Information literacy: A focus on developing students’ abilities to access information efficiently and effectively by reading and understanding the essential content of a range of informational texts and documents, evaluate information critically and competently, access appropriate tools to synthesize information, recognize relevant primary and secondary information, distinguish among fact, point of view and opinion, etc.
•Collaboration:A focus on developing students’ abilities to collaborate with one another in multiple settings, participate in peer review, work with opposing perspectives, contribute ideas, speak with a purpose, etc.
•Self-direction: A focus on developing students’ ability to read, write, and communicate independently using metacognitive skills.
•Invention: A focus on developing students’ ability to solve problems in new ways including synthesizing information from multiple sources.
Please Note
- The Success Foundation does not fund salaries or scholarships.
- If electronic devices (for Art Innovation project only) of any kind are being requested, they must be included on the district-approved electronic device list.
- All proposal requests must relate directly to the 21st century skills listed above.
- Complete grant application including all components listed on the attached Application for Funding Checklist.
- Complete attached Application Summary Page.
- Submit via email by 5:00 pm on January 31, 2017 to .
- Prior to submission, the grant request and cover letter must be reviewed and approved by the applicant’s principal or supervisor.The Success Foundation will contact applicant’s principal or supervisor to confirm approval upon receipt of application. All grant applications will be reviewed by a committee composed ofmembers of our community.
The committee will rate each proposal and give a priority ranking to each of the grant applications. Recommendations for funding will be made to The Success Foundation Board of Directors, who will make the final decision on awards.
Award Amounts
The Success Foundation grants will be awarded in amounts up to $2,500.If project requires greater funding, please contact The Success Foundation to discuss project details.
- Applications available online December 1, 2016.
- Applications due January 31, 2017.
- Awards announced Spring 2017.
Each recipient of a Success Foundation Grant will be asked to complete a final report (to be sent with the grant acknowledgement) within a month of completing the project.This evaluation will include a summary of the details of the grant activity and the level of success achieved.Information on the number of participants, learner outcomes, and overall evaluation of the proposal will also be requested.Completion of the evaluation form is required to be eligible for future grants.
Grant recipients are asked to publicize the grant in parent newsletters and other local media highlighting the project’s success and identifying The Success Foundation as the funder.Grant recipients may be invited to speak to The Success Foundation’s Board of Directors.
Success Foundation Website: Foundation Email Address:
Success Foundation Phone Number: (970) 348-6361
Application for Funding Checklist
Completed proposals must be emailed no later than5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 to .Please attach all requested information when emailing your application.
Submit each of the following in order for your application to be considered.
☐Cover Letter (half page): Include the amount and purpose of the grant request and a brief description of how the request fits with The Success Foundation’s priorities of advancing 21st century skills in our schools.
☐ 21st Century Educational Grant Application Summary Form: Provided on the next page.
☐Proposal Narrative (1-3 pages):Please respond to all points listed below within the page limit.Use 12-point font with one-inch margins on one-sided white paper.Include the heading for each narrative question. If you are using information from another grant proposal, make sure all wording and information is appropriate for this request.Applications must be typed and follow the format listed:
1. Project Description:Provide a description and rationale of the project, including goals and objectives, student and teacher outcomes, specific activities, and a detailed timeline. Clearly explain how your project will address and build student competency in one or more 21st century skills (as defined on page 1 of this form).Field trips and/or travel requests must include an explanation of pre-and post-activities and a clear connection to the project’s overall goals. Innovative projects (i.e., not just requests for technology) are encouraged and preferred. If technology is requested, clearly explain why this is necessary to accomplish the goals of the project. The inclusion of technology does not automatically connect a project to 21st century learning objectives.
2. Budget: Provide a budget listing all expenses this grant request would cover. If seeking resources in addition to those from TSF, please indicate other potential funders and the amount you are requesting from them.
3.Evaluation:Describe how you will measure impact.(Each recipient of a Success Foundation grant will be asked to complete an evaluation within one month of completing the project.This evaluation will include a summary of the details of the grant activity and the level of success achieved.Information on the number of participants, the learner outcomes achieved, and an overall evaluation of the experience is required.) Completion of the evaluation form is required to be eligible for future grants.
4.Optional: Include here vital information about the project not captured elsewhere in your application.
Thank you for your time and effort in completing this application
21st Century Educational Grant Application Summary Form
This is a fillable form. Please type directly into document.
Title of Project: Click or tap here to enter text.
Contact Person: Click or tap here to enter text.
Principal/Supervisor: Click or tap here to enter text.
School (if applicable): Click or tap here to enter text.
Address: Click or tap here to enter text.
Contact Phone #: Click or tap here to enter text. Email: Click or tap here to enter text.
Total budget for this proposal:$Click or tap here to enter text.
Amount requested from TSF: Click or tap here to enter text.
Would you consider partial funding of your proposal? If so, please provide a description of the specific phases of the project with dollar amounts included.
Click or tap here to enter text.
Other funding sources available to support this project: Click or tap here to enter text.
Number of students, teachers, families, etc. to be served: Click or tap here to enter text.
Grade levels to be served: Click or tap here to enter text.
Proposed start and end dates: Click or tap here to enter text.
How will you publicly recognize The Success Foundation for its support of your endeavor?
Click or tap here to enter text.
May The Success Foundation use program or project photos or testimonials in press releases or on The Success Foundation website and promotional materials? Click or tap here to enter text.
Please do not include any identifying information (including letterhead) anywhere in your proposal.This sheet should be the only one identifying your name(s) and your school. Please attach document when emailing your application.