Request for Tender
2017 School Stationery and Consumables Tender
Reference No. 161712
Date of Release:13th September 2016
Ministry of Education
Ministry of EducationRequest for Tender No.161712
Glossary and Definitions
Term / ExplanationRFT / Request for Tender
Tender Management Team / The team that is responsible for the management of this Tender, including the evaluation and administrative functions
Evaluation Committee / The group of people within the Tender Management Team that will evaluate this Tender
Policy / The Cook Islands Government Purchase and Sale of Goods and Services Policy
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Ministry of EducationRequest for Tender No.161712
Table of Contents
Glossary and Definitions
Introduction (Mandatory with each of its components)
Summary of Requirement
Submission of Tender/Offer
Tender/Offer Closing Time
Contact Officer
Selection Process
Notification of Acceptance
Probity (Mandatory)
Statement of Requirement(s) (Mandatory)
Conditions of Tendering (Mandatory)
Standard Conditions (Mandatory)
Special Conditions
Form of Tender
Schedule of Prices
Proposed Subcontractors
Preliminary Delivery Programme
Referees who may be Contacted
Tender Specifications
Specifications/ Schedule of Prices/ Schedule of Particulars
Evaluation Criteria
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Ministry of EducationRequest for Tender No.161712
Summary of Requirement
Through this RFT, the Ministry of Education wishes to procure School Stationery and Consumables for the year 2017.
Submission of Tender
Tenders shall be submitted either:
Hard copy - in two complete hard copies, packaged and labelled “CONFIDENTIAL” and have the following information clearly exhibited on the outside:
To: Ministry of Education
Postal Address:P O Box 97, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Titled: Ministry of Education 2017 School Stationery and Consumables Tender
RFT#: 161712
Tenders must be placed in the Tender Box located at the Ministry of Education Building, in Nikao and submitted in the form specified in Appendix A and B by the due date. Failure to do so will result in the tender being disqualified.
Electronic copy: By emailing the tender bid as a pdf file to with the subject line Ministry of Education 2017 School Stationery and Consumables Tender. Tenders must be received to the inbox of in the form specified in Appendix A and B by the due date. Failure to do so will result in the tender being disqualified. The receipt time on the inbox will be used as the receipt time for the purposes of ensuring a tender is within the time limits.
Tender Closing Time
Tenders close at 4.00pm on Wednesday 28th September 2016. The Tender Box is located at the Ministry of Education Building, Nikao (or submitted electronically to the email address detailed above) and tenders should be addressed to:
Ministry: Ministry of Education
Name of Tender Official: Director of Finance
Ministry’s postal address:P O Box 97, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
The tenderer is responsible for ensuring that the tender is placed in the Tender Box or the account by the closing time.
Late tenders will not be accepted.
Contact Officer
Negotiations will not be permitted between the Tender Team and any prospective tenderers during the tender advertising period. However, prospective tenderers may seek clarification of the tender documents prior to submitting their tenders.
Any enquiries in relation to this tender should be directed to the Contact Officer identified below. Tenderers should note that to ensure no disadvantage to any tenderers, responses to questions pertaining to this RFT will becirculated to all those who have registered their interest. Notice to Tenderers may also be uploaded
Any enquiries in relation to this tender should be directed to the Contact Officer at the address given below.
Name of Person:Terangi Charlie
Title:Procurement, Health & Safety Officer
Address:P O Box 97, Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Prospective Tenderers must register their interest to participate by advising the Contact Officer by email or telephone. Only registered tenderers will receive Notices to Tenderers directly when issued. It is the responsibility of the tenderer to ensure they are properly registered for this tender.
Selection Process
All tenders deposited in the Tender Box or emailed by the Closing Time will be considered. Tenders submitted in the form specified in Appendix Aand Appendix B to this RFT will then proceed to the evaluation stage.
Evaluation of the responses to this RFT will be in accordance with the Evaluation Criteria described inAppendixD. Failure to comply with the Standard Conditions will result in immediate exclusion from the Evaluation process.
Notification of Acceptance
Tenders shall remain open for acceptance and shall not be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days from the Closing Date of the tender. Unsuccessful tenderers shall be notified in writing by the Principal or their representative within 10 working days of acceptance of the successful tender.
If no tender is accepted by the Principal within twenty (20) working days after the Closing Date, each tenderer will be notified in writing by the Principal or their representative whether their tender is still under consideration or is no longer being considered.
The Tender Team reserves the right to contact referees and/or customers regarding the performance of the tenderer as it may pertain to this RFT.
The Principal shall not be bound to accept the lowest priced tender or the highest scored tender or any tender.
When the preferred supplier has been identified by the Tender Team, the Principal will invite the supplier to enter into negotiations based on the draft contract at Appendix Cto this RFT. Only when the parties have agreed to the terms of the contract and executed the contract will the Principal issue to the successful tenderer a Letter of Acceptance.
No gifts or entertainment of any nature will be permitted between any parties involved throughout the tender process, including: tenderers or potential tenderers, tender team members, evaluation team members, the Head of Ministry, or any other member or organisation that may have an involvement with any aspect of the tender process.
Statement of Requirement(s)
The School Stationery and Consumables Specification is fully described in Appendix B. Product Specification
To enable to supply the School Stationery and Consumables, Tenders should include provision for the Tenderer, at the Tenderer’s own cost to;
- Assess and, if successful, acquire all or part of School Stationery and Consumables required;
- Arrange and pay for delivery of materials to the Ministry of Education, Rarotonga, Cook Islands; and
- Arrange for insurance coverage for the School Stationery and Consumables required during shipment.
Tenders for the Contract shall be prepared and submitted in accordance with the attached condition of Tender. A valid tender requires the submission of a completed tender form together with a copy file of:
- A proposed timeframes to complete the contract
- Details of tender background and past experience of services
Conditions of Tendering
The Standard Conditions are theMandatory Criteriafor applying to this Tender. Any offer that does not meet the terms specified in the Standard Conditions below is nonconforming and will not be evaluated.
Standard Conditions
- Tenders must be completed in the format contained in Appendix A and Appendix B of this RFT. If offers do not comply with this format, they will not be accepted.
- Tenders must be deposited in the required form in the Tender Box (or submitted electronically to the email address detailed above)by the closing time as specified above.
- All proposals and related documentation in respect of this RFT must be in the English language.
- Tenderers can tender to supply for Stationery and/or Consumables, however for Stationery tenderers must tender for whole of the works in that particular section as specified in Appendix B “Specifications” but for Consumables tenderers can tender for part of the works as broken down in Appendix B “Specification” (Note: if tendering for part consumables then Tenderers must tender for all items in that part). An exception will be made for items that have proprietary restrictions to which tenderers are not able to supply.
- Tenders must be presented in hard copy and/or soft copy format as specified in this RFT. Telefax proposals will not be accepted.
- All prices quoted must be in New Zealand dollars and inclusive of freight landed in Rarotonga.
- In order for foreign companies to carry on business in the Cook Islands, an application for approval must be sought from the Business Trade and Investment Board (BTIB). Any fees associated with the registration are to be covered by the bidder.
Special Conditions
The following special conditions of Tender apply to this Contract:
- The Principal shall provide the contractor with a copy of the contract document signed by both principal and tenderer.
- The tenderer is required to submit, on placement of the Tender application, a proposed work plan outlining the days and the duration, considered necessary to complete the contract work; from the time of execution of the contract to the contract completion.
- Upon awarding of the contract works, it is deemed that the tenderer has assessed the project and that all cost both direct and indirect to complete the contract works has been covered in the tendered price.
- The Principal may ask the tenderer to provide a list of proposed subcontracts and subcontractors before accepting the tender.
- The Principal may ask the tenderer to provide additional information during the tender evaluation. The tenderer must supply that information in the form and within the time stated in the Principal’s request.
Form of Tender
To :Secretary
Cook Islands Ministry of Education
PO Box 97
Having examined the Tender Documents in relation to Tender Reference No. ______and dated ______, released by the Ministry of Education, we submit the following offer.
We offer to complete, handover to the Principal and remedy defects in the whole of the said Tender Specifications in conformity with these Tender Documents for the sum of [insert the price offered in text with the value in numbers thus (NZD$______.__)] stated exclusive of Value Added Tax, together with such other sums as may be ascertained in accordance with the Contract.
We undertake to complete and handover the whole of the Contract Goods within the period stated in the Conditions of Tendering.
We agree to abide by this Tender for a period of sixty (60) days from the date fixed for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted by you at any time before the expiry of that period.
Unless and until a Contract is prepared and executed, this Tender together with your written acceptance thereof, shall constitute a binding contract between us.
We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Tender you may receive.
We understand that no contract shall come into existence, and no legal or other obligations shall arise between us and you (or between us and any other agent of the Principal) in relation to the conduct, outcome or otherwise of the Tender process, prior to and apart from your acceptance of our Tender.
We understand that you may contact the referees nominated by us in this offer and make whatever enquiries you deem necessary regarding our financial health and ability to deliver the Contract Goods. Further, during the assessment stage we understand and agree that you may request specific information from all tenderers in order to assist your assessment. We acknowledge that a failure to provide such information may result in disqualification from the process.
We provide the following information required to be submitted with this Tender:
- Completed Schedule of Prices
- Proposed Subcontractors (if relevant)
- Preliminary Delivery Programme
- List of Referees you may contact in relation to this offer.
Signature: / ______
Printed Name: / ______
Position Held: / ______
Tenderer: / ______
Address: / ______
Date: / ______
E-mail Address: / ______
Phone No.: / ______
Facsimile No.: / ______
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Ministry of EducationRequest for Tender No.161712
Schedule of Prices
Item / Total Cost (Excl.VAT) / Total Cost (Incl..VAT)2017 School Bulk Stationery Order
2017 School Bulk Consumable Order
Total VAT
Total Cost Incl VAT
Proposed Subcontractors
Name: / ______Company: / ______
Address: / ______
E-mail Address: / ______
Phone No.: / ______
Facsimile No.: / ______
Works/Skills to be performed. / ______
Educational/Technical Qualifications: / ______
Work Experience: / ______
Preliminary Delivery Programme
Arrange and pay for delivery of materials to Rarotonga, Cook Islands;
Referees who may be contacted
Name: / ______Company: / ______
Address: / ______
E-mail Address: / ______
Phone No.: / ______
Facsimile No.: / ______
Nature of Relationship with Tenderer: / ______
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Ministry of EducationRequest for Tender No.161712
Tender Specifications/Schedule of Rates
2017 School Bulk Stationery Order
$ Exclusive VATStock Code / Description / Unit Price / Order Qty / Order Units / Order Cost
113202 / Exercise Book (100bbks/ctn) -1A5 / 800 / each
113205 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1B5 / 14500 / each
113220 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1A4 / 1000 / each
113230 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1F4 / 1300 / each
113232 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1U4 / 1500 / each
113505 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1H5 / 1600 / each
113510 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1E5 / 1900 / each
113520 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1H4 / 205 / each
113705 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn)-1L4 / 200 / each
115115 / Exercise Book - Refill (100bks/ctn)-14J5 / 46 / each
115740 / Exercise Book - Refill (100bks/ctn)-14B8 / 600 / each
113610 / Exercise Book (100bks/ctn) -1B8 / 332 / each
113619 / Writing & Drawing Book (100s) 230x180 (WDB) / 821 / each
113905 / Warwick Notebook (200bks/ctn) -5B1 / 425 / each
113310 / Spiral Notebook -8B4 50Lf / 108 / each
105070 / Scrapbook Super Blank Page A4 28 leaf / 500 / each
105025 / Warwick Scrap Book Full On - A3 / 600 / each
112010 / WB Artwork Sketch Books-Art Spiral A3 / 60 / each
123070 / Dixon Wall Clock / 116 / each
296116 / Chalk Crayola 100 sticks per box -White / 49 / box
296117 / Chalk Crayola 100 sticks per box -Colour / 54 / box
296112 / Felt Pens Cascade Artwork-12pns/pkt / 196 / pack
296083 / Pencils Coloured Crayola 12/pkt full size-lge / 372 / pack
296084 / Pencils Coloured Crayola 12/pkt 1/2 size-sml / 106 / pack
117379 / Pencils HB with Erasers-6pnls/pkt / 1615 / pack
228004 / Micador 2B Sketching pencils-20pnls/pkt / 65 / pack
228005 / Micador 4B Sketching Pencil 20pnls/pkt / 25 / pack
228006 / Micador 6B Sketching pencils-20pnls/pkt / 30 / pack
EXTRAFAB / Pencils -Faber Castell Classic Colour Pencils, Lge (12pcs/pkt) / 112 / pack
200385 / Pencil Sharpener Single Plastic 63 / 535 / each
230040 / Pencil Sharpener Desk KW305A Desk Mount / 77 / each
296085 / Crayons - Pack of 8-sml / 20 / pack
296107 / Crayons - Pack of 16-sml / 240 / pack
296088 / Crayons -Standard Jumbo Pk of 12-lge / 142 / pack
EXTRABK / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Black / 42 / bundle
EXTRADBL / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Dark Blue / 35 / bundle
EXTRALBL / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Light Blue / 31 / bundle
EXTRADGN / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Dark Green / 34 / bundle
EXTRALGN / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Light Green / 31 / bundle
EXTRAUME / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Ultra Marine / 26 / bundle
EXTRABRN / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Brown / 44 / bundle
EXTRATRQ / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Turquoise / 27 / bundle
EXTRARED / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Red / 41 / bundle
EXTRAVIO / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Violet / 28 / bundle
EXTRAPNK / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Pink / 28 / bundle
EXTRAOGE / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Orange / 47 / bundle
EXTRAWHT / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -White / 29 / bundle
EXTRAYEL / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Yellow / 49 / bundle
EXTRACRM / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Crimson / 22 / bundle
EXTRAVER / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Vermillion / 32 / bundle
EXTRAGRY / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Grey / 22 / bundle
EXTRAOHE / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Ochre / 24 / bundle
EXTRALIC / Crayons -Hard Retsol Grease Crayons, 10's -Lilac / 29 / bundle
227637 / Crayons -Standard Oil Pastels (12/pkt) / 69 / pack
255019 / Pen -Ball Point (Biro Bic) 10/pkt -Black / 62 / pack
255020 / Pen -Ball Point (Biro Bic) 10/pkt -Blue / 110 / pack
255023 / Pen -Ball Point (Biro Bic) 10/pkt -Red / 78 / pack
PENGRN / Pen -Ball Point (Biro Bic) 10/pkt -Green / 20 / pack
PENCLR / Pen -Ball Point (Biro Bic) Multi Colour (4 colours per box) / 7 / pack
EXP497 / Pen -Staedtler Stick 10/pkt -Blue / 683 / each
EXP498 / Pen -Staedtler Stick 10/pkt -Red / 363 / each
249605 / Pen -Uni Laknock Fine Pen SN-100(0.7) -Black / 110 / each
249606 / Pen -Uni Laknock Fine Pen SN-100(0.7) -Blue / 90 / each
249608 / Pen -Uni Laknock Fine Pen SN-100(0.7) -Red / 50 / each
249265 / Pen Eraser - White Uni Correct Pen / 281 / each
117368 / Rubber - Warwick Eraser Small (60/bx) / 3087 / each
117344 / Warwick Rubberband Assorted 500gm / 18 / pack
348002 / Ruler -Warwick Ruler Wooden 10s -1 meter / 42 / each
384004 / Rulers 30cm White School - 300mm / 1661 / each
133001 / Envel. DLE Manila Seal Easi 80gsm Non, (500/bx)-E20E / 10 / box
133002 / Envel. DLE White Seal Easi 80gsm Non, (500/bx)-E20E / 10 / box
133014 / Envel. DLE White Window Seal Easi (500/bx) / 6 / box
133239 / Envel -Croxley C4 White SealEasi 100gsm 500s / 4 / box
133302 / Envel. A4 Manilla Pocket Seal Easi C4 250s / 7 / box
133078 / Envel -Croxley C5E White Self SealEasi 250s / 8 / box
170592 / Carton Fullscap FM Storage - Brown / 418 / each
170598 / Carton Fullscap FM Storage - White / 361 / each
173507 / Folders - Manilla F/P Kraft-100/pkt / 2600 / each
117141 / "Scissors 5" Dixon Grad 133mm" / 424 / each
177162 / "Scissors 175mm (7") Rubber Hand / 342 / each
117142 / "Scissors 8" Dixon Gen 210mm" (Yellow handle) / 526 / each
222050 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5642Flt (12s) -No2 / 47 / each
222051 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5642Flt (12s) -No4 / 11 / each
222054 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5642Flt (12s) -No10 / 110 / each
222055 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5642Flt (12s) -No12 / 51 / each
222056 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5642Flt (12s) -No14 / 169 / each
222057 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5642Flt (12s) -No16 / 363 / each
222078 / Bckngfd Art Brush 577Flt (12s) -No16 / 144 / each
222246 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5008F3 Flat (12s) -No3 / 13 / each
222247 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5008F6 Flat (12s) -No6 / 18 / each
222248 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5008F10 Flat (12s) -No10 / 18 / each
222249 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5008F12 Flat (12s) -No12 / 98 / each
222254 / Bckngfd Art Brush 5008R0 Round (12s) -No0 / 25 / each