Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes
School name: Fairhills Primary School / Year: 2017School number: 4906 / Based on strategic plan: 2017 - 2021
Principal: Moi BEAURAIN (date: 23/3/2017) / Senior Education Improvement Leader: Justin BUTLER (23/3/2017)
School Council President: Lisa WILLIAMS (date: 23/3/2017)
Section 1: The school’s Improvement Priorities and Initiatives
Report here the goals identified in the current School Strategic Plan and tick the Improvement Initiative/s that your school will address in this Annual Implementation Plan: for Improving Student Outcomes.
School Strategic Plan goals / Improvement Priorities / Improvement Initiatives / ü· Improve student engagement and motivation to learn
· Increase the capacity of the school to function as a high-performing professional learning community, focussed on improving student learning outcomes
· Improve the learning growth of every student in literacy and numeracy
· Build a leadership structure which enhances the capacity of all staff to lead and implement whole school approaches
· Raise the profile and improve community perception of the school within the local community / Excellence in teaching and learning / Building practice excellence / ü√√√
Curriculum planning and assessment / √
Professional leadership / Building leadership teams / ü√√√
Positive climate for learning / Empowering students and building school pride
Setting expectations and promoting inclusion
Community engagement in learning / Building communities
Improvement Initiatives rationale:
Explain why the school, in consultation with the Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL), has selected the above Improvement Initiative/s as a focus for this year. Please make reference to the evaluation of school data, the progress against School Strategic Plan (SSP) goals and targets, and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention.
If we design and implement a contemporary curriculum framework that reflects the schools vision, beliefs and pedagogical practices, teacher practice will be more consistent and student leaning outcomes will improve.
Key improvement strategies (KIS)
List the Key improvement strategies that enable the implementation of each Improvement Initiative. This could include existing strategies already being implemented as well as new ones identified through analysis of data, evaluation of impact of prior efforts, measurement of progress against targets and the diagnosis of issues requiring particular attention. KIS may be specific to one outcome area or applicable across several areas.
Improvement initiative: / Key improvement strategies (KIS)
EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING & LEARNING: building practice excellence
Improve the learning growth of every student in Mathematics / Develop the capacity of all teachers to:
· consistently implement the agreed whole school teaching and learning program based on the Victorian Curriculum
· use assessment data to inform practice and to differentiate learning for all students
· utilise an effective digital whole school assessment system
PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP: instructional & shared leadership
Build a leadership structure which enhances the capacity of all staff to lead and implement whole school approaches / Establish and embed transparent processes and structures to ensure:
· role clarity and the strategic placement of staff into key roles and teams to support school improvement
· quality planning and decision making which is aligned to the strategic plan
· the function and purpose of the school improvement team is clearly articulated and understood by all members of the school community
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives
Each table below is designed to plan for and monitor each Improvement Initiative. Add or delete tables – one for each Improvement Initiative from Section 1 on the previous page. You can also add or delete rows so that there is alignment and line of sight between the key improvement strategies, actions, success criteria and monitoring. The goals come directly from your School Strategic Plan (SSP) – you will find it helpful to keep them in the same order.
Please not that, in the progress status section, l l l respectively indicate: l not commenced or severely behind schedule, l slightly behind schedule but remediation strategies are in place to get back on schedule and lon schedule and/or completed.
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / Improve the learning growth of every student in MathematicsIMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING & LEARNING: building practice excellence
-Reduce the number of students who are achieving low relative gain in Literacy and Numeracy
-Increase the number of students who are achieving high relative gain in Literacy and Numeracy
Top 2 Bands:
-0% of students below NMS in Years 3 and 5 by 2020 in all areas
-50% of students in top 2 bands in Years 3 and 5 by 2020 in all areas
Teacher Judgment:
-0% of students resulting in E in Years 3 and 5 by 2020 in all areas
-50% of students resulting in A and B in Years 3 and 5 by 2020 in all areas
The Memorandum of Understanding between Fairhills Ps and Glen Waverley PS will formally articulate the reciprocal co learning partnership between both schools
12 MONTH TARGETS / 2016 Fairhills / 2016 Similar school / 2018 Fairhills
Low relative growth in Mathematics / 67% / 31% / ≤30%
High relative growth in Mathematics / 5% / 18% / ≥20%
NMS in Mathematics band 2 Year 3 NAPLAN / 20% / - / 0%
NMS in Mathematics band 5 and 6 Year 3 NAPLAN / 15% / - / ≥30%
NMS in Mathematics band 3 and 4 Year 5 NAPLAN / 54% / - / ≤30%
NMS in Mathematics band 7 Year 5 NAPLAN / 8% / - / ≥22%
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Develop the capacity of all teachers to consistently implement the agreed whole school teaching and learning program based on the Victorian Curriculum in Mathematics. /
Recruitment of leading teacher with a focus on differentiation.
Teaching and learning
Ensure a guaranteed and viable Mathematics curriculum based on the Victorian Curriculum
What (I can statements/curric), how (instructional model), how well (assessment), where (reporting)
Revise the teaching and learning program with all staff and develop collective responsibility
Ensure every teacher is a teacher of Mathematics
Implement PAT Online Mathematics Testing.
Design an effective induction program at Fairhills Primary School which clearly articulates whole-school expectations in Mathematics.
Adopt a Co-Learning partnership between Glen Waverley Primary School and Fairhills Primary School in a Teaching and Learning capacity. / Start of 2017
End of Semester 1
Semester 2
Term 4
Semester 2 / 6months:
LT beginning to observe the practice of staff - investigating feedback loops.
Revision stage:
The curriculum will be reviewed and documented.
The teaching and learning program will be revised.
All teachers to be following the numeracy structure for each session run in their classrooms.
Teachers complete records of assessment based on pre and post-tests.
Teachers are using the learning intentions for each session.
Begin SIT meetings - focusing on collective responsibility in numeracy.
All staff delivering the agreed FPS teaching of Mathematics.
Cohort and individual student growth data discussions taking place.
New staff inducted at beginning of new academic year, or when beginning.
Initiate the memorandum of understanding. /
Implement model for teacher observation/instructional rounds. / 12 months:
LT observing the practice of staff and trailing feedback loops. /
Develop the capacity of all teachers to use assessment data to inform practice and to differentiate learning for all students. / Participate in FISO initiative – Build Teacher Capacity Assessment/Data Literacy.
Review meeting schedule and create a plan to incorporate the monitoring of student growth data (data discussions).
Review assessment schedule and audit according to ability to differentiate and triangulate data. / Leadership
Leadership / Term 1
Term 1
Term 2 / 6 months:
Participation in regular meetings with FISO network team.
Developed a meeting structure that has enabled data discussions with a focus on monitoring student growth (in Mathematics).
Evidence of assessment used to differentiate student learning in teacher planning documents and minutes of meetings (in Mathematics). /
Develop the capacity of all teachers to utilise an effective digital whole school assessment system. / Investigate specific Learning Management Systems to select a system that suits the needs of the school.
Review and develop the whole school assessment system relative to Mathematics. / Term 2
Term 2
Term 4 / 6 months:
Investigate specific Learning Management Systems and select system of choice.
Design a new whole school assessment system - focused on Mathematics. /
12 months:
Begin to introduce the Learning Management System for the management of student data. /
Section 2: Improvement Initiatives
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / Build a leadership structure which enhances the capacity of all staff to lead and implement whole school approachesIMPROVEMENT INITIATIVE / PROFESSIONAL LEADERSHIP: instructional & shared leadership
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / The following component of the staff opinion survey to be at or above all primary schools by 2020:
- Collective efficacy
- Collective responsibility
- Staff trust in colleagues
- Guaranteed and viable curriculum
12 MONTH TARGETS / Staff survey / 2016 Positive endorsement / 2017 Positive endorsement
- Collective efficacy / 50% / 80%
- Collective responsibility / 76% / 90%
- Staff trust in colleagues / 75% / 85%
- Guaranteed and viable curriculum / 87% / 95%
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Establish and embed transparent processes and structures to ensure role clarity and the strategic placement of staff into key roles and teams to support school improvement. / Develop a workforce plan that will enable KIS implementation.
Adopt a Co-Learning partnership between Glen Waverley Primary School and Fairhills Primary School in a Shared Leadership capacity.
Implement the leadership component of the School Staff Survey. / Term 1
Term 4
Semester 2
Semester 2 / 6 months:
Workforce plan transparent.
Staff have role clarity. /
12 months:
Revise 2017 model and develop a workforce plan that will enable KIS implementation for 2018.
Develop expectations re relationship with Glen Waverley PS and gather our understanding of memorandum of understanding.
Meet with Glen Waverly PS leadership and implement MOU Semester 2.
Staff complete leadership component of the school staff survey /
Establish and embed transparent processes and structures to ensure quality planning and decision making which is aligned to the strategic plan. / School budget to reflect AIP priorities. / Feb / 6 months:
Review AIP and align school budget. /
12 months:
Monitor budgets to ensure alignment with AIP and SSP. /
Establish and embed transparent processes and structures to ensure the function and purpose of the school improvement team is clearly articulated and understood by all members of the school community. / Leadership team will take function and purpose draft documents to the SIT team.
SIT team has input into the document.
The document would fall under the equity and excellence for all and use the FISO to achieve its purpose.
The document would also be based on the SSP and AIP. / Semester 1 / 6 months:
AIP initiatives and KIS implemented into staff PDPs. /
12 months: /
Section 3: Other Improvement Model Dimensions
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS / To raise the profile and improve community perception of the school within the local communityOTHER IMPROVEMENT MODEL DIMENSIONS / COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT IN LEARNING: parents & carers as partners & building communities
STRATEGIC PLAN TARGETS / The following components of the parent opinion survey to be at or above mean score when compared to school type in 2020:
- General satisfaction
- School Connectedness
- Approachability
- Stimulating Learning
- Learning Focus
- Parent Input
- Transitions
Predicted enrolment projections to trend upwards.
12 MONTH TARGETS / Parent Opinion survey / 2016 Fairhills / 2016 School Type (Primary) / 2016 State / 2017 target
(based on previous scores in 2014 and 2015)
General satisfaction / 4.76 / 5.93 / 5.84 / ≥5.05
School Connectedness / 5.10 / 5.93 / 5.74 / ≥5.36
Approachability / 4.77 / 5.83 / 5.72 / ≥5.10
Stimulating Learning / 5.03 / 5.93 / 5.74 / ≥5.20
Learning Focus / 4.55 / 5.77 / 5.70 / ≥4.95
Parent Input / 4.23 / 5.44 / 5.31 / ≥4.73
Transitions / 4.81 / 5.87 / 5.76 / ≥5.16
A class of 20 preps in 2018.
Progress Status / Evidence of impact / Budget
Estimate / YTD
Engage key stakeholders in our school and wider community to develop a school of choice. / Investigate partnerships beyond the school such as local high schools. / Term 2 / 6 months:
Investigate relationships with Fairhills HS, Scoresby and Wantirna Secondary schools and develop a transition plan. /
Develop relationships with pre-schools and DET representatives regarding student school readiness data.
Investigate the DET typology of successful transition strategies document. / 12 months:
Develop a plan to connect with pre-schools relative to Transition programs. /
Develop and implement strategies to involve Parents and Carers as partners in learning. / Revitalise PFA:
Buildings and Grounds
Training Programs for Parents
Further develop celebrations of Parent Helpers to encourage more parent helpers.
Expand classroom helpers program. / 6 months
12 months / 6 months:
PFA clear focus of social and fundraising roles in the school
PFA Fundraising 12 month plan created
Plan and promote first working bee
Training for Cyber safety/device kids
Investigate potential training programs- eg literacy, numeracy
Survey parents on how they want to be involved in the school /
12 months:
Fundraising plan revised and revitalised
Develop a plan to involve parents
Plan and promote second working bee
Info pack re classroom helpers program /
Develop deeper understandings of students’ backgrounds and family situations to more effectively cater for individual learning needs and tailor communication with their families / Revise the current Vision and Values for Fairhills Primary School, including its implementation plan and school motto/learning philosophy / 6 months
12 months / 6 months:
School values and vision- revised and revamped through SIT/Respectful relationships program, JSC and Student voice /
12 months:
School values and vision- implementation /
To devise and implement a strategic school-wide marketing program / 1. Adopt a Co-Learning partnership between Glen Waverley Primary School and Fairhills Primary School in a community perception capacity
2. Establish (or strengthen) a School Council sub-committee with a marketing focus, and develop appropriate Terms of Reference. / 6 months
12 months / 6 months:
1- Develop expectations re relationship with Glen Waverly PS and gather our understanding of memorandum of understanding
2- Develop and action a marketing plan /
12 months:
1- Meet with Glen Waverly PS leadership and have developed a plan for 2018
2- Develop and action a marketing plan /
Section 4: Annual Self-Evaluation