2017 Maccabi Football Season is almost here!!

As we approach the end of the year, your Maccabi committee has been hard at work getting ready for next year. As usual we are expecting an exciting season with new initiatives, coaches and most importantly, lots of football.

This email is for those hoping to play at our new Maroubra division of the Club.

Why play for Maccabi?

  • We are a community club which aims to cater for both competitive and non-competitive players. From our little 6 and 7 year old boys and girls kicking a ball for the very first time to our youth teams representing our club in the ESFA competition as well as gala days and tournaments around the state.
  • We had a very successful season last year with over 100 boys and girls in our U6 & U7 age groups and over 20 teams entered into the non-competitive Miniroos matches in ESFA. We also entered 15 teams into the junior competitions where we had 5 teams winning their division Grand Final and we had a team win Kanga Cup (the largest football competition in the Southern Hemisphere).
  • We are using SAP (Skills Acquisition Program) coaches from our sister club HakoahFC across all Miniroosage groups to further lift the standard of coaching and provide alignment with Hakoah FC.
  • Maccabi is the only club in the Eastern Suburbs that puts forward a (very competitive) Sunday team in most age groups that although competing in the Saturday competition, play all their games on a Sunday.
  • As Jewish football players, they get to run onto the pitch each week proudly wearing a Magen David on their heart.
  • We now offer our coaching for the U6 & U7 age groups in both Maroubra and Bondi areas.
  • If we get enough players for a team across any age group, we will ensure they train in the Maroubra hub.
  • We will endeavour to accommodate all friends’ requests for those kids that want to continue to play in the same team as their friends. This extends to forming a whole team if the friends group is large enough.


To ensure a consistent and smooth process leading in to the official start of the ESFA season, we are not running a specific pre-season.Rather, we will start our regular season at Maroubra we start on March1st. as grounds are only available from then. ThereforeO, our season will run for 20 weeks.


We subsidise have decided to subside the entry fees for the the first year for under 6 & 7 age group. As such, cost is – our costs at the club range from around 500 and up a season however for the first season 6 & 7’s we are charging only $400 + GST which includes your coach for both a the training session and a game day as well as and Maccabi uniform and strips / training geartop.. For the teams in under 8 or above there will be a slightly higher charge as we have extra fess to pay the association but will also include a very good coach for both mid week and weekend. Read further because we have a way of making it cheaper for you again below. For teams U8 and above, the costs will be slightly higher due to the charges we incur from ESFA for being part of the ESFA competition.

Registration will open January 10.We will send out a separate email with information on the costs prior to registrationand also how to register prior to that date.

We are also introducing an option to pay which can be tax deductible - you will have to pay a little more than the fee stated but will get a 100% tax deduction thus reducing your fees by around 33% or 48% depending on which tax bracket you are in. This will also raise funds for the club at the same time – awin win situation!! -A further explanation will be supplied later for this option. – Further details will be included in the registration email.


All players signing with us will be given a strip for playing and also a training shirt and socks.

Location & game/training times

  • Training we are planning forwill be Wednesdays at 3.30pm from Mmarch 1st.allteams Hhowever if we get more than 4 or 5 teams we may have to move some to either a Tuesday or Thursday. -
  • As per other clubs who are part of the ESFA competition, games will be around the Eastern Suburbs Games will be all over the place as per every other club – mostly in your area though as games can be at including Heffron, / Coral Sea, / Jellicoe, / Chifley, / Waverley and possibly or even Christison park if playing on Sundays. when you come and join in with our main Club or play a sunday team from the Club

Play Saturday or Sunday

This is something we are currently working on –U6 & U7’s will be playing on Sundays. For other teams, it is entirely up to the team – we can facilitate either.

sunday that’s definite – other teams can decide amongst themselves if they can field a full team on either day – We are working with some of your families in each age to try and determine which day suits best for each age after 6 & 7’s. That’s a work in progress at this point.

As more information is available and confirmed, we’ll share it with you.

We are excited about these changes and very much looking forward to Maccabi building on last year’s successes and having a new division of our Club starting in Maroubra.

See you on the football field.

MHJFC Committee