2017 Iredell County Agricultural Fair
Friday, September 1st through Saturday, September 9th
Carolina Dogwood Festival, P.O. Box 653, Statesville NC 28687PAGEANT OFFICIALS MUST HAVE COMPLETE / Lot I am Competing in :
The following information is required to properly prepare / 1 / Tiny Miss Iredell County Agricultural Fair (Ages 3-6)
Official Entry Books; Entries will not be accepted unless it is given. / 2 / Little Miss Iredell County Agricultural Fair (Ages 7-9)
Mail your application and certified check or money order / 3 / Junior Miss Iredell County Agricultural Fair (Ages 10-12)
made payable to: Carolina Dogwood Festival / 4 / Teen Miss Iredell County Agricultural Fair (Ages 13-16)
P.O. Box 653, Statesville NC 28687 / 5 / Miss Iredell County Agricultural Fair Queen (Ages 17-22)
Photogenic Competition Yes or No
Name : / Birthdate : / / / / Age (Day of Pageant) :
First / Middle / Last
Name : / Phone # :
Address: / City: / State: / NC / Zip :
Email: / Phone: / School: / Grade :
Favorite Person : / Favorite Movie : / Favorite Color :
Favorite Activity: / Favorite TV Show: / Favorite Food :
School Subject : / Favorite Book : / Favorite Song :
Hobbies &
Activities :
Page 2 Pageant Application
Name :
Interesting Facts
About Yourself:
Training in:
(list any training
in music, drama,
dance, art,
voice, etc.)
Plans for
the future:
Why do I want to
be a Miss Iredell
Agricultural Fair
Please accept the entries indicated, subject to the rules and regulations governing exhibits at the Iredell County Fair, as published in the Premium List.
All statements made in connection with said entries are true. I hereby certify that I have read and am fully familiar with all the rules and regulations in the
Iredell County Agriculture Fair Premium List and agree to be governed by same in making entries.
Department Q – Fairest of the "Fair"Rules, Regulations and Waiver for the Miss Iredell County Agricultural Fair Pageant
I give my child permission to participate in the Iredell County Agricultural Fair Pageant sponsored by
the Carolina Dogwood Festival Committee. I understand and agree to abide by all the rules and
regulations set forth by the pageant committee.
The Directors, associates, committee members, and the facility where the pageant is held are not
responsible for any damages, accident(s), or losses that occur before, during, or after the pageant. The
Carolina Dogwood Festival Committee reserves the right to cancel, limit, or split age groups. I
understand that the Judge’s final decision is final. I also understand that score sheets will not be
released and are property of the Carolina Dogwood Festival Committee.
I, the parent, understand that poor sportsmanship by the contestant, parents, relatives/friends
will result in disqualification. All fees will be forfeited.
I also understand that if my child is awarded a title that I am responsible for all fees associated with
travel or appearances. I also understand that from time to time, my child will be required to participate
in appearances, along with other titleholders of the community. My child will be required to attend the
annual Iredell County Agricultural Fair Pageant held in September 2017 to crown the successor.
I give the Carolina Dogwood Festival and Iredell County Agricultural Fair permission to use my child’s
name, photo, likeness, etc. during the pageant and in pageant publicity (i.e. Newspaper and website).
Personal checks will not be accepted. All fees must be paid via Money Order or Certified Check.
Application, photo (if applicable) and fees must be received no later than Friday, September 8, 2017.
Parent or Guardian Signature (if under age 18)Date
Contestant Signature (if over age 18)Date
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