2017 His Kids Summer Fun Camp



Love, Learning, Laughter

St. James Lutheran Church

93 Kugler Road

Limerick, PA 19468


The Mission Statement of His Kids Christian Preschool

We provide a safe, loving environment for young children to grow socially, emotionally, intellectually, physically and spiritually.

Snack and Lunch

This program is considered a peanut/tree-nut free program. Snacks will be provided by His Kids and parents will provide lunches. Suggestions for nut free lunches can be found on the website or at the His Kids Christian Preschool office. We ask that parents check ingredient labels thoroughly for peanut/tree-nut fragments and/or traces. If in doubt, check for and avoid: “may contain nuts or peanuts,” “produced on shared equipment,” and “produced in a facility that also processes nuts or peanuts.”

Thank you for your cooperation.

Clothing and Personal Belongings

We recommend children be dressed in play clothes and sneakers. Daily activities include active and messy play. Clothes should be comfortable, washable and allowed to get dirty. Self-reliance skills will be encouraged; complicated fasteners and layers of clothing are difficult for preschoolers to manage independently and should be avoided.

All outdoor clothing and school bags need to be labeled. Every child should carry a complete change of clothing in atote bag in case of spills or accidents.

No toys from home are permitted in at camp unless requested by the teacher. Security items may be kept in the child’s tote bag.

Drop-off Procedure

For everyone’s safety, parking is permitted only in the lined parking spaces.

Doors will be opened for children to enter at 9:00 a.m. each day. A parent or a parent-designated adult will escort the child to the His Kids Main Entrance (double blue doors) where they will meet the teacher or aide. The teachers or aides will escort the children to their room to start the day.

Doors will be locked at 9:05 a.m. Families arriving after the doors have been locked will need to use the doorbell at the His Kids Main Entrance (double blue doors) for admittance.

Pick-up Procedure

The His Kids Main Entrance doors will be unlocked 5 minutes prior to dismissal for parents to enter the building. Parents will gather in the hall outside the designated room. At the end of the day, the teacher will make daily announcements to the waiting parents.

Teachers must be informed prior to dismissal if someone other than the parent will be picking up the child. Parents should call or write a note. Staff will ask for identification from anyone other than the parent coming for pick-up. Each child will need to be signed out each day by the parent/guardian or parent-designated adult.

In consideration to all children and staff, please be sure your child is picked up promptly at the end of the day. His Kids Summer Fun Camp must be notified if you are going to be delayed.

Toilet-Trained Children

All children must be toilet-trained before they are admitted. Recognizing that accidents do occur among preschool children who are toilet-trained, each child needs to carry a complete change of clothing daily in their school bag. Frequent accidents may indicate that the child is not yet ready for participation in a preschool setting.

His Kids Christian Preschool Vision Statement

His Kids Christian Preschool’s vision is to become the leader in faith based education that provides emotional, social, spiritual, physical and cognitive development to every child. We will do this by creating a safe, nurturing environment in which children cultivate lifelong relationships between families, community and God.

His Kids Christian Preschool admits students of any race, color, religion and national or ethnic origin.

Please sign and return this page. Thank you.

Parent Agreement and Consents

I, ______, parent of ______,

have read and understand the procedures and the policies included in the His Kids Summer Fun Camp Parent Handbook. I will comply with the program policies as detailed in the handbook.

Signature ______


Photo Permission

At times His Kids Preschool displays photos of students inside and outside St. James Lutheran Church for representing and publicizing our program.

I do ___ do not ___ give His Kids Preschool permission to display photos of my child inside St. James Lutheran Church.

I do ___ do not ___ give His Kids Preschool permission to display photos of my child outside St. James Lutheran Church including the His Kids Preschool website and Facebook page.

Signature Date