2017 Adelaide Research Fellowships Scheme: Proposal Template
The purpose of this Project Proposal Template is to assist external Adelaide Research Fellowship Scheme candidates to developtheir application. External fellowship candidates will NOT be able to access the ResearchMaster eForm. Applications must therefore be submitted on behalf of the external candidate by a University of Adelaide ‘supervisor’ (e.g. an academic member from the same School).Please refer to the Guidelines and Instructionsavailable at the link Adelaide Research Fellowships Scheme.
Important to Note:
- This is intended to be a working document only and answers to the questions need to be entered directly in the eform in Research Masterby a University of Adelaide sponsor.
- The character limits indicated in the questions below apply to the eForm. You will not be able to exceed the character limit.
- Mandatory questions are marked with an asterisk, *.
1. Type: *
Select: Grant
2. Select the Internal Fund Scheme that you are applying for: *
Select:Research Fellowships Scheme
3. Investigator(s):
External fellowship candidate:
- Title, First Name and Last Name;
- Current External Organisation and;
4.1 Select your current employment status.
Select one or more:
- External
- Recent Adelaide Graduate
4.2 Provide End Date of current contract: *
Use dd/mm/yyyy format.
4.3 What is your current Level? *
4.4 What Level are you applying for? *
Note: Refer to the University of Adelaide Academic Staff Salaries for reference
5. What fraction of FTE (Full Time Equivalent) are you currently employed? *
Enter as a fractional value (e.g. 0.5 for 50% FTE, 0.75 for 75% FTE etc, or leave at 1.0 for full-time).
5.1 What fraction of FTE (Full Time Equivalent)are you applying for? *
Enter as a fractional value (e.g. 0.5 for 50% FTE, 0.75 for 75% FTE etc, or leave at 1.0 for full-time).
6. Provide the date you qualified for your PhD? *
Use dd/mm/yyyy format.
7. Have you had any career disruptions? *
Yes or No
If Yes,
7.1 Select the nature of career disruptions: *
If applicable, select one or more from:
- Carers Responsibilities
- Maternity or Parental Leave
- Non-research Employment
- Unemployment
- Illness
- International Relocation
- Other
7.2 Provide details of career disruptions:
Note: Maximum 4000 characters allowed *
7.3 What level of fellowship are you applying for? *
Early Career or Mid Career
7.4 Please provide your Google Scholar H Index.
Note: To calculate your H index, create a profile in Google Scholar. Profiles can be made private or public. *
7.5 Provide your total number of peer reviewed publications *
7.6 Provide the number of external funded grants where you are named as a Chief Investigator.
Note: A Chief Investigator is a named investigator on a grant. *
- What is your rationale for applying for the Fellowship? *
Select one or more from:
- Current Fellowship ending
- Current funding ending
- Applications pending
- New to the University
- Adelaide Recent Graduate
- Other
9.1 Provide details:
Note: Maximum 1024 characters allowed. *
9.1.1If Current Fellowship ending selected, provide end date. Use dd/mm/yyyy format.
9.2If Current funding ending selected, provide end date. Use dd/mm/yyyy format.
- Project Title:
- Provide a brief summary of the project you intend to work on.
Note: Maximum 2000 characters allowed. *
- What themes in the Research Strategic Plan, Adelaide Research for Impact does the project align to?
Note: The Research Strategic Plan can be found here: *
Select one or more from:
- Adelaide Excellence - Research excellence
- Adelaide Innovation - Industry engagement and innovation
- Adelaide Global - Global partnering
- Adelaide Enabled - High-performance culture and capacity
- Provide a short description of how the project supports the Research Strategic Plan.
Note: Maximum 1024 characters allowed. *
- Select one or more Field of Research code/s, using the 6 digit code only: *
Provide the percentage for each classification code.Ensure that the percentages total 100.
- Select a Science and Research Priority, if relevant:
Select from:
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Cybersecurity
- Energy
- Environmental Change
- Food
- Health
- Resources
- Soil and Water
- Transport
Provide the percentage for each priority. Ensure that the percentages total 100.
16. What is the expected commencement date? *
Use dd/mm/yyyy format.
17. What is the expected end date? *
Use dd/mm/yyyy format.
- Project description or reason for which funding is requested.
Note: Maximum 4000 characters allowed. *
- What are key elements of the research environment of the school in which you are undertaking your project?
Note: Maximum 1024 characters allowed. *
- Describe the anticipated outcomes of the project including publications, grant and fellowship applications.
Note: Maximum 2000 characters allowed. *
- Outline plans for future development of the project.
For Research Fellowship and Barbara Kidman Women's Fellowship applications include a career development plan outlining both (a) short-term plans and (b) long term career goals.
Note: Maximum 4000 characters allowed. *
22.1. Please provide a summary of confirmed cash and/or in-kind co-investments if applicable. Source of funds can be from internal e.g. (School/Faculty/Institute) and/or external organisations.
Cash $:
In-kind $:
Description of support:
23. Curriculum Vitae
Provide a curriculum vitae of no more than 5 pages that addresses the requirements indicated below:
- Research achievements other than research outputs (examples may include prizes, honours, awards, patents, IP licences, invited keynote and speaker addresses, and other professional activities).
- Any high-quality innovation and commercialisation outcomes (examples may include significant achievements and outcomes that have contributed to a tangible impact for end users).
- External funding track record (include externally funded research grants and provide details of sponsor, funding scheme, project title, years funded, total funding amount, lead investigator, your role in the project e.g. Chief Investigator, Partner Investigator, Associate Investigator).
- HDR completions.
- Ten career-best research outputs.
- Significant research outputs (2012 – present). List outputs:
- Scholarly books
- Scholarly book chapters
- Refereed journal articles
- Refereed conference papers
- Other research outputs
Note: Only pdf, doc and docx are allowed. *
23.1. Supporting Documents:
Include any supplementary documents
- Letter(s) of support for confirmed co-investment
For external fellowship applicants:
- Evidence of the award of the PhD
- Evidence that the applicant has certified submission of the application (copy of email confirming this will suffice).
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