Brooklife Church • 857 S. Rochester St. Suite 300 • Mukwonago, WI 53149
Phone: 262-378-4470 • Fax: 262-378-4588

2017 Camp Venture Leadership Application

Brooklife provides a variety of summer programs for children. Seasonal full-time and part-time summer staff is needed for these programs. Staff members will have specific teaching and leadership responsibilities. Hours vary based on needs. Pay will be determined based on age, experience and responsibilities.

Important Dates:

February 25 Venture One Day

June 6 – 8 11:00 – 3:00 Staff Training Days

June 12 - August 4 Summer programs (not the week of 7/3-7/7)

Please complete the following application and return to Taylor Davis by March 10, 2017. If you have any further questions, please feel free to e-mail us at

Because Jesus Loves His Kids,

The Summer Leadership Team

Personal Information (please print clearly)



Last First Middle

* Identity must be confirmed with a driver’s license or other photo ID, such as a state ID card*

Present Address



City State Zip Code

Date of Birth: ___________________________ Grade: _____________________ Age: ____________

Social Security Number ______________ - __________ - _____________________

Home Phone: ______________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________

E-mail Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Marital Status: _____________________________ T-Shirt Size __________________


Name: ____________________ Age: _________ Name: ________________________ Age: _______

Occupation: _______________________________ Length of Employment: _____________________

Place of Employment: _________________________________________________________________

How long have you been a Christian? ____________________________________________________

Briefly describe the events that led up to you becoming a Christian.






What is God currently teaching you?





Why are you interested in working at Camp Venture?




Personal References
** Please do not use former employers or relatives for references **

Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________ State/Zip: ______________________________

Telephone: _____________________________ Email _______________________________________

Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________ State/Zip: _______________________________

Telephone: _____________________________ Email _______________________________________

Have you ever been charged, convicted or pled guilty to a crime? Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain; including time and place. (Attach additional sheet if needed.)



Have you ever been charged, convicted or pled guilty to indecent exposure, child abuse, or a crime involving actual or attempted sexual abuse or assault of a minor? Yes _______ No _______

If yes, please explain; including time and place. (Attach additional sheet if needed.)



Other than the above, is there any fact or circumstance involving you or your background that would cause questions regarding you being entrusted with the supervision, guidance or care of children, youth or handicapped? Yes _______ No _______

Church History:

Brooklife Church member? Yes _______ No _______ Regular Attendee? Yes _______ No _______

Member or regular attendee of another church?

Name of church ______________________________________________________________________

List any churches you have attended regularly during the past five years. (Identify church name and address as well as type of work/ministry performed and dates.)




List previous non-church work/volunteering involving children/youth/handicapped. (Identify organization’s name and address, type of work performed and dates.)




List any gifts, talents, education or other factors that have prepared you for working with children/youth/handicapped.




How would you like to see yourself personally grow this summer? (professionally, in your faith, new experiences?) What can you do to make this happen?



Do you possess any special skills? (music, drama, creativity, running super fast, sports, etc.)



Please circle camp responsibilities that interest you:


Game Master (organize and lead large group games, up front personality)

Set Design for camp stage

Please list any dates that you could not work this summer—staff are typically allowed one week off for mission trips, family vacations, etc.)


If you are or will be age 16 or younger during the time of camp, please check here: ________

(A work permit will be needed for employment. Please request a work permit letter from camp administration.)

Emergency Contact

Mom’s/Dad’s Name ________________________Mom’s/Dad’s Phone: __________________________

Emergency Contact Name & Relation________________________ Phone: ______________________

Medical & Health and Liability Release

Please list any medical concerns, allergies, medications, or conditions the camp leadership should be aware of:



Brooklife Church’s policy is that families are responsible for any medical or health-related issues or emergencies that arise during camp. We encourage you to:
1. Ensure that your health insurance is up to date.
2. Understand that you are responsible for any medical or health related issues.
3. Sign this form releasing Brooklife Church/Camp Venture and indicating your responsibility for these issues.
4. The purpose of this medical release is so that in case of any minor mishap, the individual could be given immediate medical attention rather than requiring parental permission before care is given. Attempts will be made to call parents should hospitalization or medical treatment be required.

FULL NAME - By entering your full name below, you have read and agree to the Medical Release statement. If under age 18, this must be signed by a parent or guardian.



I/We release Brooklife Church/Camp Venture and its representatives from and in connection with any claim brought by anyone arising out of all sponsored activities, trips, and or on/off premises meetings and events.

I/We further give permission for any medical treatment deemed necessary while said student is under the care of Brooklife Church/Camp Venture and its representatives as a participant. If participant is under 18 years of age, please have parents complete the following.

FULL NAME - By entering your full name below you have read and agree to the Release From Liability statement. If under age 18, this must be signed by a parent or guardian.



Code of Ethics

1. I desire to model Christ-likeness in all my behavior, especially as I serve in ministry to youth and children at Brooklife Church/Camp Venture. I aim to demonstrate my love for the Lord Jesus, my gratitude for His grace and forgiveness and testify to the power of the Holy Spirit working in me.

2. I desire to demonstrate respect, loyalty, patience, courtesy and maturity.

3. I will treat children of all races, religions and cultures with respect and consideration.

4. I will not abuse children/youth, in any way, including but not limited to:

a. Physical abuse – ex. strike, spank, shake, slap

b. Verbal/Mental abuse – ex. humiliate, degrade, threaten

c. Sexual abuse – ex. inappropriate touch or exposure

5. I will not possess or use illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco in the context of ministry.

6. I will not use or tolerate profanity in the presence of children.

7. I understand that any violation of this Code, in all respects, may be grounds for dismissal, discipline, or other action by the Church.

I recognize that, as a condition to my service, any references will be contacted and a criminal history check will be conducted, and I willingly consent to all checks. I further authorize my references to give you any information they may have regarding my character and fitness for working with children and/or youth. I release Brooklife Church and all such references from any and all liability for any damage that may result from furnishing such evaluations to you, and I waive any right that I may have to inspect references provided on my behalf.

I understand that if I have questions about this Code of Ethics, any church policies, or any other aspect of my service with Brooklife Church/Camp Venture, I will contact the Pastor or Administrative Assistant for clarification and guidance.

By signing below, I indicate that I have carefully read the foregoing release, know and understand the contents. I also acknowledge that all of the information I have provided is true and complete.

Applicant’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________

Date: __________ /__________ /__________

Adult Witness Signature: _______________________________________________________________

Date: __________ /__________ /__________

Photo Release

I hereby grant Brooklife Church permission to interview me and/or to use my likeness in photo(s)/video in any of its publications and in any other media, whether now or hereafter existing, controlled by Brooklife Church, and for other use by the Church. I will make no monetary or other claim against Brooklife Church for the use of the interview and/or the photo(s)/video.

Name (print full name): ________________________________________________________________
(Guardian if applicant is a minor)

Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________

Relation to subject (if applicant is a minor): _______________________________________________

Our Beliefs


God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He has eternally existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. These three are coequal and are one God.

The Father

God the Father is coequal with the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit. He is more powerful than we can imagine, bigger than our thoughts can comprehend. He is completely holy; completely good, right and just. He reigns over all. He is also our perfect Father who loves us with an unconditional love.

The Son (Jesus Christ)

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is coequal with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He reveals God to us in his life and teachings. Jesus lived a sinless human life. He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all people by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven and will return again someday and reign as King.

The Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is coequal with the Father and the Son. He is present in the world to make people aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every Christian from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, gifts for serving, understanding of spiritual truth, comfort in hard times, and guidance in doing what is right. As Christians we seek to live daily under his control.

The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word to us. It was written by human authors, under the supernatural guidance of the Holy Spirit. It is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs about living. Since it is inspired by God, it is truth without error.

Human Beings

Human beings are made in the image of God and are the pinnacle of His creation. Although every person has tremendous potential for good, all of us are marred by an attitude of disobedience toward God called “sin”. Sin separates us from God and causes many problems in our lives.


Salvation means God recues us from the penalty of sin and restores our relationship with him. We cannot save ourselves through self-improvement or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus as God’s offer of forgiveness can anyone be saved. It is then that we turn over control of our lives by faith to Jesus and allow Him to lead us. Eternal life begins at the point of salvation.

The Church

The church is the representation of Jesus Christ to the world. It is composed of all people who are followers of Jesus. Through the church people experience meaningful community where they encourage, support, and challenge each other to become more like Jesus. The church is God’s agent of change in society, sharing the story of God’s salvation, breaking down walls that typically divide people, and serving those whom others often ignore.

Water baptism and the Lord’s Supper are ordinances to be observed by the Church during this age. They are, however, not to be regarded as means of salvation or prerequisites for church membership. (This church shall practice believer’s baptism by immersion.)


Human beings are created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin or eternally with God through forgiveness and salvation. Hell is eternal separation from God. Heaven is eternal union with God. Heaven and Hell are real places of existence.

Our Mission

Becoming a community of high-impact followers of Christ

Jesus once said, "I will build my church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." So the question we must ask ourselves is not "will the church prevail?" Rather, the question we must ask ourselves is, "The church will prevail, so will we be a part of this or will God have to use another generation to do His work?"

Our mission is simple: God has asked us to change our world for Him. We believe that no matter where you are, what you have done, that you can join this mission. God wants us to play our role in his big story of showing people the fulfilling life they can find in him. He wants you to know that he has a purpose for you and it is like nothing you have ever experienced!

Our Values

REACH people far from God

We are to do whatever it takes to help people find life in Christ. As a result, we will take risks, be innovative, and not be afraid to fail in order that we may most effectively speak to an ever-changing society. We must relate to people in a way that they understand so that they can experience the new life Christ offers.

DO life together
We believe that true transformation only occurs in authentic community. It is not enough to simply attend church on Sunday morning. God wants us to “do life together.” This happens best in the context of smaller communities. It is in these smaller communities (called house groups) that people are real with each other. They are places where we refuse to hide from each other but instead share our joys, struggles, doubts, and questions. Together we pray for, encourage, and challenge each other to be more like Christ.

EMPOWER the next generation

God has called us to not only reach the next generation but empower them to change the world around them. We believe that kids and students are not just the future of the church, they are the church. Thus, we will do whatever it takes to bring them into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ. This includes equipping parents in how to spiritually nurture their children.

RELEASE resources in the community

If the church does not serve the community, it should close its doors. We are called to be a “city on a hill”, a place of hope and refuge. Thus we must look beyond ourselves to serve the people outside the walls of the church. This is what it means to love our neighbor. Our neighbor also includes those whom everybody else ignores: the poor, the forgotten, and the hopeless. We will be a church that serves our community with compassion understanding that Jesus says that he will judge his church based on what we do for the "least of these".

MULTIPLY at every level

We believe that we must multiply ourselves at every level. At the individual level, we will be intentional about multiplying leaders, staff, and disciples. At the ministry level, we will seek to reproduce all of our ministries on a regular basis. At the church level, we want to begin a church planting movement locally, nationally, and internationally.

Printed Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Signature: ___________________________________________________________________________

Date: __________ / __________ / __________