2017 – 2018 Fox PTA Budget Request Form

Please complete a separate request for EACH program

E-mail completed form to

Deadline: June 30, 2017

REQUEST SUMMARY - Please complete with your project information

Program Name / ’17 – ’18 Request
Amount / New Prog?
(Y or N) / 1 time expense
Or annual? / Contact
Name / Contact
Phone / Contact
E-Mail / Short Program Description
(10 words, or less, max 100 chars)
Richmond Council of PTAs / $35 Fee x 4 schools / Y / 1 time / kelley ryan / 4378606 / / Membership for RCCofPTAs membership is $35. Many of the “unit” PTAs are just starting up and do not have the funds for $35 per unit. I would like Fox to sponsor up to 4 “units” to allow them to fully participate.

Program Description:

Program Start Date:7/1/17 Program Duration: one year

Total # Participating Students: n/aParticipating Grade Levels: n/a

Program goals: PTA Mission:

The overall purpose of PTA is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children...The Council’s goal is to collaborate, help other units and lobby for more parent and teacher engagement at the local and state legislative levels.

Detailed program description:

Program supports: ______TEACHER & CLASSROOM SUPPORT/ ______REMEDIATION / _____ENRICHMENT / __xx____ COMMUNITY

How does the program integrate with the school’s curriculum? community support

How many volunteer hours will this program require in the ’17 – ’18 school year? 0 . In future years? 0

Will this program require maintenance or other support in future years? If so, please detail what will be required. No

Review and Reporting:

How will the PTA know the goals have been met?

How will the effectiveness of the program be measured?


Please insert any additional program information that you would like to share here.

Please put any documentation that can not be sent electronically (e.g., brochures, contractor diagrams) in the PTA mailbox.


Total 2016 – 2017 Budget Year Program Request / $ 35 x 4= 140
- Contracted personnel cost / $
- Non-personnel cost / $
-Estimated Revenue (if applicable) / $

For the questions below, calculate hours and cost assuming 36 weeks in the school year.

Program Involvement per Average Student / K / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th
# of instructional periods/average student/year
Length of average instructional period (minutes)
Total instructional minutes/avg student/year
Annual Hours of Contract Time per Specialist / Specialist 1 / Specialist 2 / Specialist 3
Total hours under contract

Please insert a detailed annual budget here (for both in-year budget requests and projected ongoing expenses):

Supporting contractor estimates should be submitted to the PTA mailbox or e-mailed with the budget request.


In some cases, funds are not available to support the full scope of a request.
If your proposal can be scaled down while still providing a rich educational experience, please provide an alternate copy of the entire proposal form labeled as "ALTERNATE BUDGET REQUEST for (Program Name)" and include specific detailed changes.

alternate budget request would be to sponsor 1 unit, 2 units or 3 units ( instead of the requested 4)

2014-15 PTA Program Budget Request - Page 1 of