Stafford Primary PTSA
2017-18 Volunteer Form
Phone______Alt. Phone______
Student Names(s)/Grade(s)______
Did you know that one hour of your time volunteering is worth $18 to our school?
By checking a box you are agreeing to be contacted by the event coordinator to receive more information.
Classroom volunteers are coordinated by individual teachers at the beginning of the year.
Ongoing Programs Requiring Frequent Help
Library Volunteers: Assist in Library.Box Tops: Collect from various General Mills products and redeem for equipment and supplies.
Scrip/e-Scrip: Fundraiser where gift cards are purchased at face value like cash. Stafford gets between 4% and 26%.
Art Literacy: Valuable program 4-5 times a year where students learn about artists and cultures through classroom presentations and hands-onart projects.
/ School Garden: Assist classrooms with twice yearly garden education program.
Yearbook: Help compile photographsand classroom information.
Courtyard Maintenance: Assist with 4-5 grounds clean ups (raking, weeding, blowing leaves, pruning)
Community Services Committee: Helps the local community by collecting donations and organizing activities.
Conference Week Teachers Meals: Assist with helping provide food, help with set up or break down during the conference week in Fall and Spring.
Stafford Stampede (Early September next year): All-family event to kick-off the school year.
Picture Day/Vision Screening (Late Sept.): Assist students, photographers, and vision screening.
Book Fairs (Fall and Spring): Week long sales to raise money for the library.
Stafford Trunk-or-Treat (October): Help with organizing and set-up on the day of the event.
Sock and Underwear Drive(December):Assist community service chairs during the month with the collection of new socks and underwear for the Clackamas Clothes Closet.
Adult Social (Spring): Fundraiser and fun adult event
Pancake Breakfast (March): Fun family event.
Oregon Battle of the Books (Spring): A friendly team challenge of reading.
STEM Night (Spring): A night to highlight STEM at Stafford. / Bingo(January): Fun family event.
Stafford Striders (April - May):A weekly after school running club to promote fitness; ends with a Family Fun Run.
Staff Appreciation Week (Early May): Provide food for staff and help as needed.
Bus Driver Appreciation Week(May): Snacks and gifts to thank bus drivers.
Field Day (June): End-of-the-year one-day outdoor celebration with games and activities.
Before School Mailings(late August next year): Help get PTSA and school information out to parents before school begins.
General occasional help: Small jobs that come up throughout the year.
5th Grade Talent Show (Spring): Assist the music teacher with communication of practice schedules and chaperoning dress rehearsals.
QUESTIONS? ContactPTSA’s Volunteer Coordinator,Marissa Taylor:503-348-3374 or