한국어 연수과정안내
2016 Spring Semester Korean Language CourseGuide
For InternationalStudents
We are trying to teach international students who are interested in learning the Korean language in a systematic way, provide foreigners with opportunities to better understand Korea by helping them experience Korean culture, secure a research workforce by attracting international talent to the school, and enforce the competitive capabilities of the university for the age ofglobalization.
■Students or other persons who are interested in KoreanLanguage
■Adult learners who have graduated from high school orhigher
3.Korean LanguageCourse
■Student-Centered Learning with a SystematicCurriculum
■Comfortable and Effective EducationalEnvironment
■Excellent staff ofInstructors
■Support of Students’ Acclimation and LearningProcess
■Diverse Activities to Experience Korean Culture : To help understand Korean history, culture, and life, numerous opportunities are provided to thestudents.
Category / Class hours (days) / Class hours per week / Total number of class hours / RemarksRegular Program (Listening, Speaking,Reading
andWriting) / 4hours / 20 hours (Mon toFri) / 40 hours (20weeks) / 1semester
Topik Preparation Program (Intermediate &Advance) / 2hours / 4 hours (Tues,Thurs) / 48 hours persemester / Free (School- funded)
Semester / Class / Application Acceptance / Orientation / Begins2016-Spring / 3/9∼7/22,2016 / 2016.01.08. / 2016.03.09. / 2016.03.10.
※ Schedules above may be changed according to unforeseensituation.
* Complete all documents in English orKorean
☞ When a visa is required - submittingdocuments
1)Application & Study plan & Self Introduction (AttachmentFile)
2)Three identification photos (WhiteBackground)
3)Copy ofpassport
4)Certificate of balance more than$5,000
5)Certificate of graduation and official transcript of the most recently attendedschool
(Applicant from the countries in the below box should get an 'Apostille' or a 'Consularlegalization)
6)Certificate of income (applicant's or applicant'sparent)
※ Nations List notified by Minister of Justice of the Republic ofKorea
☞ For ChineseStudent
1)Application & Study plan & Self Introduction (AttachmentFile)
2)Three identification photos (WhiteBackground)
3)Copy ofpassport
4)Certificate of balance more than$5,000
5)Certificate of graduation and official transcript of the most recently attendedschool
(For Chinese students, 中国教育部最终学校学历/学位认证报告书)
- 中国学位与研究生教育信息网(学位网
6)Certificate of income (applicant's or applicant'sparent)
7)Original copy of Household Register (“HUKOUBU”) including all familymember
8)Photocopy ofIDCard(“SHENFENZHENG”) of all familymembers.
☞ For those already havingresidence
1.Application & Study plan & Self Introduction (AttachmentFile)
2.Copy of passport (picturepage)
3.Copy ofvisa
4.Certificate of graduation and official transcript of the most recently attendedschool
5.Copy of alien registration card (ifavailable)
1.Application / period forapplication.※Complete all documents in English orKorean.
※Send by air mail or deliver inperson.
2. ScreeningProcess /
3. Notice ofAdmission / Letter.
4. Tuitionpayment /
(If you want to check, contact tous).
5. Issue a Certificate of Admission / Certificate of Admission and Tuition Receipt byair-mail.
6. Applying for Visa (D-4-1) /
- Required documents: Certificate of Admission, TuitionReceipt
7. Entry andRegistration /
☞ General Student Visa(D-4)
Students who want to stay in Korea for more than 91 days, should apply for a D-4 visa at least two months before departing for Korea. This visa is usually good for 6 months at a time and can be renewed. Since this visatakesapproximatelyonemonthtoprocess,studentsshouldapplyforthisvisaatleasttwomonthsbefore leaving forKorea.
■Furnishings : Bed, Desk & Chair, LANconnection
■Facilities(shared by the residents of either residence) Shower, Restroom, Laundry Room, Lounge, Fitnesscenter
■The amounts in the below box indicate the fees of 2015. (Not included Wintervacation)
Roomtype / FallSemesters / Meals / RemarkTwin-Dorm OrQuad-Dorm / 1,015,720KRW / Includes Breakfast &Dinner / If you are a freshman, you should staydormitory
9.Address and ContactInformation
■ Address : The International Programs & Language EducationCenter,
Kumoh National Institute ofTechnology,
61 Daehak-ro (yangho-dong), Gumi, Gyeongbuk, Korea,730-701
■ Tel : +82-54-478-7221, Fax :+82-54-478-7222