2016 Rescue Ride-a-Thon Registration Sheet

Name: ______

Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Cell Phone: ______Age: ______Sex: M/F

Email: ______

I pledge to calculate miles ridden during the dates of the Rescue Ride-a-Thon and give a tally by Monday, 10/23rd to the organization running the event.

I also agree to enjoin at least 3 sponsors of, at least, $1.00 per mile, and provide their information by 10/1st so the organization can collect those pledges when the ride is over.

I promise to keep my horse and myself safe, to enjoy myself while attending this event and to encourage others to ride for the rescue as well.

By signing this registration, I agree to hold the organization running the event as well as the rescue I am riding for and their agents harmless from any injury occurring from this activity.


Signature Date


Signature-Parent/Guardian if participant is under 18

Rules & Guidelines

Participant agrees to:

Solicit sponsors, minimum of three (3), to pledge at least $1.00 per mile. Try asking businesses you support, clients (depending on job) and local corporations.

Calculate how many miles ridden over the course of the two (2) days of riding. If lessons, training sessions in a ring, take the circumference or perimeter of the area x the number of times around, divide by 5280 to get actual mileage. For example, riding a horse 4x around a 40' round pen in each direction: 40 x 8 = 320/5280 = .06 of a mile. So if you ride 4 horses each day it would be 1/2 mile, approximated.

You can download ResQWalk on your Iphone or Android and it will calculate miles ridden (or walked anytime). It can be located in the Apple store and Google Play and not only will it calculate your mileage/route (GPS style) but they also donate to us, when you choose Arabian Rescue as your charity. So every time you hike or ride they will donate based on your miles.

Submit your registration and sponsorship sheets to the organization running the event no later than 10/1/16.

Encourage friends and family to ride, enlist sponsors and support you. The more riders and sponsors, the more successful the event will be.


This is the 1st of what we hope will be an annual event and plan to include other rescues, if successful, in future years. We also hope if this initial ride is successful we can obtain corporate sponsors for future rides.

There will be a prize given to:

Most miles logged over the 2 day period;

Most pledges raised;

Youngest participant;

Oldest participant.

Return registration and sponsorship sheets by 10/1/16 to: Arabian Rescue Mission, Inc., 42 Glen Rd, Colesville NJ 07461.

Thank you for your participation, support and help making our event a success.

Terry & ARM

Making a Difference, Everyday!

Hello. My name is ______and I will be participating in the Rescue Ride-a-Thon on 10/22-23rd. Our goal is to raise awareness and funds for horses that need rescuing from at-risk situations, like neglect, slaughter and cruelty. The rescue I am riding for this year is the Arabian Rescue Mission, Inc. a NJ based 501(c)3 non-profit that focuses on helping Arabian horses but will help all breeds.

Please sponsor my ride to raise funds for helping horses in dire situations. All pledges will be collected after the completion of the Ride-a-Thon by the organization and will be tax deductible. You can pledge as little as $1.00 per mile up to whatever amount you want and you can even designate a maximum number of miles you are pledging for. Minimum miles is 20 per sponsor.

Thank you for your participation and support.

Name Address Pledge per Mile Max. Miles

