2016 Lay Servant Ministries Academy Course Information & Registration – Greenbrier District

Saturday, February 27, 2016

“Basic” & “Living Our Beliefs”

Lewisburg United Methodist Church

Saturday, April 2, 2016

“Basic” & “Living Our Beliefs”

Bascom United Methodist Church, Rupert

Saturday, August 6, 2016

“Basic” & “Leading Worship”

Mt. Zion, Nettie

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

“Basic” & “”Leading Worship”

Trinity, Union

The classes are limited to 20 participants and will be on a first come basis. Registration cut off is

one week before each class.

Name of Course ______

Date of Course______

To register for either the basic course or an advanced course, please complete this form.

Course books are available for pick-up at the District Office or will be mailed upon receipt of the registration and payment.


Name: ______

Mailing address: ______

City: State: Zip:

Home telephone: ______


Local church: ______

Pastor: ______

I am registering for (please select one of the following):

( ) Basic course ~ fee is $35

( ) Advanced course ~ fee is $35

The number of participants for each class is limited, so early registration is suggested. The course fee covers the cost of the book or books, any other course materials, light refreshments, and lunch.

We will meet from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM. You must be present the full time in order to receive credit.

Dietary Concerns:______

Send the completed form and payment (Checks payable to Greenbrier District) to:

Lay Servant Ministries Registrar

Greenbrier District UMC

P. O. Box 764, Lewisburg, WV 24901

rgy leadership is essential for the church. Please take a few moments and review the leadership opportunities available through the local church, district, and conference:

Local Church Lay Servant – Serve Primarily in the local congregation

Certified Lay Servant – Local Church Lay Servants who have taken an advanced course in LSM and serve in the local congregation and beyond.

Certified Lay Speaker – Certified Lay Servant with equivalent training as defined by his or her district or conference, who provides pulpit supply.

Certified Lay Minister – Certified Lay Servant with equivalent training as defined by his or her district or conference who provides lay servant leadership in a ministry/church as part of a ministry team.

In 2012 the General Conference of The United Methodist Church approved legislation to change the name of Lay Speaking Ministries to Lay Servant Ministries. was chosen because it best describes what Jesus told his disciples in John 13 after he himself had performed the duties of the lowliest servant. We are also called to live out our discipleship as servants in leadership!

Lay Servants are to serve the local church or charge (or beyond the local church or charge) in any way in which their witness or leadership and service inspires the laity to deeper commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship. , including the interpretation of scriptures, doctrine, organization, and ministries of the church.

With the name change from lay speaker to lay servant, it was determined that there were individuals filling the pulpit who had not completed the Basic Course. The WV Annual Conference under the leadership of Bishop Sandra Steiner Ball, the Cabinet, and her laity advisors (Rich Shaffer and Fred Kellerman) agreed that it is mandatory for each person within our conference who is participating in the lay servant ministry program to complete the Basic Course. If you have not taken the Basic Course since 2013 you will need to complete this course. If you are a Certified Lay Servant, you will need to do your best to take the Basic Course before Annual Conference 2016 to remain certified.

The guidelines were just recently loaded onto the conference website: You may find them at http://www.wvumc.org/About/Laity/Lay-Servant-Ministries. Advance classes are available on line at www.GBOD.org.

Basic Lay Servant Ministries: For those entering the Lay Servant Ministry or as mentioned above have not taken the Basic course since 2013. The first course requirement focuses on the primary aspects of lay servant ministry: the ministry of the baptized, leading, caring, communicating, going forth into the world. This course will be led by Rev. Jay Cook at Faith UMC or Rev. Jay Bunting, Talcott Charge.

Advanced Lay Servant Ministries: For those wanting to be a Certified Lay Servant, needed recertified as a Certified Lay Servant or desiring to work toward Lay Speaker. Melissa Shortridge will be teaching “Living Our Beliefs” and “Leading Worship”.

Greenbrier District 2016 Lay Servant Ministries Academy Course Information & Registration

Saturday, February 27, 2016

limited to 20 participants and will be on a first come basis. Registration cut off is one week before class.


Name of Course Date of Course

To register for either the basic course or an advanced course, please complete this form.

Course books are available for pick-up at the District Office or will be mailed upon receipt of the registration and payment.



Mailing address:

City: State: Zip:

Home telephone: E-mail:

Local church: Pastor:

I am registering for (please select one of the following):

( ) Basic course ~ fee is $35

( ) Advanced course ~ fee is $35

The number of participants for each class is limited, so early registration is suggested. The course fee covers the cost of the book or books, any other course materials, light refreshments, and lunch.

We will meet from 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM. You must be present the full time in order to receive credit.

Dietary Concerns: ______

Send the completed form and payment to:

Lay Servant Ministries Registrar

Greenbrier District UMC

P. O. Box 764,

Lewisburg, WV 24901

(Checks payable to Greenbrier District)