2016 International Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices

2016 International Workshop on Nanomaterials and Nanodevices

(July 8th-10th, 2016)

Scientific Program

July 8th, Friday,IOP Building M 234
8:30-8:40 / Opening Ceremony and Welcome Remarks
Shouheng Sun(Institute of Physics ,CAS, China)
8:40-10:20 / Session 1
Chair:Fabien Silly
8:40-9:20 / Stephen J. Pennycook(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
“Probing Nanostructure Dynamics and Diffusion through Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy and Theory”
9:20-10:00 / Hua Zhang(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
“Synthesis and Applications of Novel Two-Dimensional Nanomaterials”
10:00-10:20 / Coffee Break
10:20-11:40 / Session 2
Chair:Markus Etzkorn
10:20-11:00 / Xiaodong Xu (University of Washington, USA)
“Excitons in 2D Heterostructures”
11:00-11:40 / Marko Kralj(Institute of Physics & Center of Excellence for Advanced Materials and Related Devices)
“2D Materials Modifications and Growth Controlled in Situ”
12:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:40 / Session 3
Chair:Sheng Dai
14:00-14:40 / Fabien Silly (CEA, IRAMIS, SPEC, France)
“Engineering Two-dimensional Self-assembled Porous Organic Nanoarchitectures on Metal Surfaces in Vacuum”
14:40-15:20 / Shouheng Sun (Brown University, USA)
“Controlled Assembly of Nanoparticles for Electrocatalytic Reactions”
15:20-15:40 / Coffee Break
15:40-17:40 / Session 4
Chair:Thomas Jung
15:40-16:20 / Hiromitsu Maeda (Ritsumeikan University, Japan)
“-Electronic Ion-Pairing Supramolecular Assemblies”
16:20-17:00 / Michael Trenary (University of Illinois at Chicago, USA)
“Observing and Manipulating Individual NH Molecules and H Atoms on the Pt(111) Surface”
17:00-17:40 / Wang Yao (University of Hong Kong, China)
“Valley-spintronics in 2D Semiconductors”
July 9th, Saturday,IOP Building M 234
9:00-10:40 / Session 5
Chair:Stephen J. Pennycook
9:00-9:40 / Yimei Zhu(Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
“Interfacial Coupling-induced Ferromagnetic Insulator Phase in Manganite Film”
9:40-10:20 / Mathieu Silly(Soleil Synchrotron, France)
“TEMPOBeamline: From TimeResolved to near Ambient Pressure Photoemission Spectroscopy”
10:20-10:35 / Photo and Coffee Break
10:35-11:55 / Session 6
Chair:Michael Trenary
10:35-11:15 / Sheng Dai(Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA)
“Ionic Liquids for Controlled Synthesis of Functional Materials for Energy-related Applications”
11:15-11:55 / Ludwig Bartels(University of CaliforniaUniversity of California at Riverside, USA)
“Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Growth, Characterization and Modification”
12:00 / Lunch
14:00-16:15 / Session 7
Chair:Shouheng Sun
14:00-14:40 / Ming Liu(Institute of Microelectronics, CAS, China)
14:40-15:20 / Markus Etzkorn (Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Germany)
“Josephson Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”
15:20-16:00 / Feng Liu(University of Utah, USA)
“Surface-Based 2D Dirac and Topological Materials”
16:00-16:15 / Coffee Break
16:15-17:55 / Session 8
Chair:Yong Chen
16:15-16:55 / Karl-Heinz Ernst(EMPA, Switzerland)
“Back-to-back or Belly-to-belly: Stereochemical Recognition among Non-planar Aromatic Hydrocarbons at Surfaces”
16:55-17:35 / AndrivoRusydi(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
17:35-17:55 / Yongqing Li(Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
“Nanoscale Spin Correlations and Magnetic Polarons in Half-Metallic HgCr2Se4”
July 10th, Sunday,IOP Building M 234
9:00-10:35 / Session 9
Chair:Ludwig Bartels
9:00-9:40 / Andrew WEE(National University of Singapore, Singapore)
“Molecular Functionalization, Graphene Nanoribbons & 2DHeterointerfaces”
9:40-10:20 / Tae Hwan Kim(Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
“One-Dimensional Chiral Solitons in Z4 Topology”
10:20-10:35 / Coffee Break
10:35-11:55 / Session 10
Chair:Karl-Heinz Ernst
10:35-11:15 / Thomas Jung(Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland)
“Magnetism in 2D Chessboard-like Molecular Layers”
11:15-11:55 / Ying Jiang(Peking University, China)
“Quantum Motion of Protons in Water Probed by STM/S”
12:00 / Lunch
14:00-15:55 / Session 11
Chair:Min Ouyang
14:00-14:40 / Min Ouyang(University of Maryland, USA)
“Nanodiamond-Based Hybrid Nanostructures: Coupling Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers to Metal Nanoparticles and Semiconductor Quantum Dots”
14:40-15:00 / Shixuan Du(Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
“Role of Cooperative Interactions in the Intercalation of Heteroatoms
between Graphene and a Metal Substrate”
15:00-15:40 / Stephan Rauschenbach(MPI for Solid State Research, Germany)
“Electrospray Ion Beam Deposition of Proteins, Peptides, and Sugars: Macromolecular Structure Revealed by STM”
15:40-15:55 / Coffee Break
15:55-17:35 / Session 12
Chair:Andrew WEE
15:55-16:35 / Yong Chen (Purdue University, USA)
“Dirac-on-Dirac van der Waals Heterostructures”
16:35-17:15 / Siu-Wai Chan(Columbia University, USA)
“Bond Length, Elastic and Thermal Response as Depending on Crystal-Size in Nano-Oxides”
17:15-17:35 / Haiming Guo (Institute of Physics, CAS, China)
“Probe the Magnetic Properties of Individual Atoms and Clusters with STM/STS”
Closed Remarks: Prof. Chonglin Chen