The Pastor Parish Relations Committee and the Pastor will meet together for the following process. This is an opportunity for open and constructive assessment of the ministries of the congregation and the ministries of the pastor offered as direct feedback to the Cabinet.
When this process is complete, send the results to your District Superintendent at least two weeks before your pastor’s one-on-one meeting with the superintendent. (If your pastor is changing appointments this year, please complete this prior to the end of June and submit it to the District Superintendent so that a copy can be included in their file as well as in the church file.) If possible, please send it digitally (via email) to your District office. (No handwritten submissions please.)
Church: ______Date: ______
Open with prayer.Read together John 13:34-35 (The Message)
34-35 “Let me give you a new command: Love one another. In the same way I loved you, you love one another. This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples—when they see the love you have for each other.”
Reflect together on “Planting Seeds of Trust”, the theme of the 2016 New England Annual Conference, and on this scripture. How is the love you share planting seeds of love, trust, hope, and faith around you? Please share some of your reflections:
1. How many people have made “professions of faith” at your church in the last twelve months?
a. What could your congregation do to make disciples?
b. How did the pastor lead you and/or equip you in this area?
c. How did youencourage and support your pastor to lead you in this area?
2. Is attendance at worship growing?
a. What are you as a faith community doing to invite attendance growth?
b. How did the pastor lead you and/or equip you in this area?
3. Is participation in small groups growing? (Bible Studies, Christian education classes, cell groups, youth, women’s, men’s groups, mission teams, etc.)
a. What are you as a faith community doing to increase participation in small groups?
b. How did the pastor lead you and/or equip you in this area?
4. In what ways is your congregation reaching new people with the love and Good News of Christ?
a. In what ways could you as a faith community reach new people with the love and Good News of Christ?
b. How did the pastor lead you and/or equip you in this area?
c. How did you encourage and supportyour pastor to lead and equip you in this area?
5. How is your congregation transforming your community and the world?
a. In what ways could you as a faith community help to transform your community and the world?
b. How did the pastor lead/ equip/assist the congregation in this area?
List 1-3 CONGREGATIONAL GOALS and priorities for the coming year.
How was the congregation able to reach its goals this year? Please share what they were and your future plans in reaching your new goals.
How is your pastor leading and equipping your congregationin attaining the above goals? How can your pastor be more effective in this area?
PRAY TOGETHER for your pastor, for each other, for your congregation, for your community, and for God’s Spirit to empower you to love others as Christ loves us as we seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!
SPRC Chair: ______Pastor: ______
How many people participated in completing this evaluation? ______
You are encouraged to share this process (Biblical reflection, questions, responses) with others in your congregation.
Thank you for your faithfulness to Christ and Christ’s church.